Chapter 1: Poster

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             Park Jimin was sweeping the floors of the stage theater after a big performance on just the usual Princess and Knight plays. Jimin was wearing his normal uniform of a royal red suit and white gloves with a matching hat that had golden designs along the sides. Jimin worked at a big theater in Busan where acts would be played almost every week! Light shows, Puppet shows, musicals and even operas. Jimin loved it all and he was a sucker for those romantic plays. He felt as if he can relate to each story only for a while until the royal red curtains closed.

             The Twenty-three year old Omega gazed around the empty theater where the only dominant color that apeared in the theater was the strong and bright, flashy, royal red. Curtains, seats and even carpets were with the rich velvet fabric and the walls were a white renaissance color with angels and murals from the old days of the dynasties. Jimin took a moment to look around as he smiled to himself as a bright light suddenly shined on him. "M-MIN YOONGI! TAKE THAT SPOTLIGHT OFF OF ME!" Jimin shouted nearly breaking into laughter.

            Min Yoongi was one of the technical manager's that was always behind every light and sound effects in the plays. He played a big part in the theater. Min Yoongi smirked and adjusted his black headset that matched his black hair and suit with his white gloves. Min Yoongi was Jimin's best friend at work and he was an alpha. However, the two were roomates but when it was the time for Rut or a heat, they would stay far away from eachother as much as possible. They knew eachother as best friends and nothing more.

            Yoongi turned off the spotlight and smiled, waving to his friend. "Hi, Park Jimin! Does the lights work?!" Yoongi shouted as he pointed the light at Jimin again, switching it on and off to tease the younger Omega.

          "Stop it!" Jimin shouted as he kept shielding the light from his eyes. "You're a horrible person!"

          "Thank you!" Yoongi laughed and turned off the spotlight to switch on his microphone and clear his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Park Jimin to the stage!" Yoongi bothered and turned on applause sound effects making Jimin laugh and shake his head.

            "Quit it!"

             "Alright." Yoongi surrendered as he took off his headset and gazed at Jimin before he took the stairs and hurried to the stage, holding a rolled up poster in his hands. "I-I have a surprise for you." Yoongi claimed as he got up to the stage and panted from the long run.

            "Oh please, last time you said that you sprayed me with a can of shaving cream." Jimin added with a laugh as Yoongi shook his head.

           "Alright already, I mean to show you this since you really are a big fan. After being best friends with you for so many years I know how much you love this." Yoongi claimed as Jimin continued to sweep the floor of the stage.

           "Be quick, we can't be playing around here while we're at work." Jimin replied as Yoongi smirked and opened the poster to show the next act for the theater. In the poster was a brown haired, tall and gorgeous man that had a big title on the poster that said. "JEON JUNGKOOK"

            Jimin gasped and dropped his broom as he hurried to Yoongi and snatched the poster away happily. "It's Jeon Jungkook! Ah, I absolutely love his acting... He's amazing!" Jimin exclaimed as he gazed at the poster once more to look at Jungkook's face. "H-How did you get this? Is this real?! Is he coming to busan to perform?!"

             "Yes it's real. Jungkook posted all about it online." Yoongi replied as he folded his arms. "Are you going to watch him act?"

            "Of course I will! I've been watching him act ever since the start of his career. He's such a talented man..." Jimin sighed. "Jungkook is a Twenty-One year old Alpha... Normally he would always take trips to Japan and I'll never see him.. But he's finally coming to his hometown to perform here! Ah, I'm so glad I work here... I can talk to him for once.."

            "Woah, hold on there Mr. Jeon Jimin." Yoongi joked and looked at Jimin. "You can't just run up to him and start saying how much you worship him... Some fans say he's a strict guy."

             "I-I know that..." Jimin whispered as he gazed at Jungkook's picture. "What act will he be playing here?"

            "I don't know, I heard it will be "Eungyo" but without the erotic scenes." Yoongi claimed as he laughed to himself. "No child can run in here and look at him naked."

           "I-I want to..." Jimin whispered as he let out a laugh. "Ah, I'm only playing. I've watched him in so many movies... I wish to be like him and one day and act with him. This is all I ask for." Jimin stated as Yoongi patted Jimin's blonde hair.

            "You'll get what you want. Maybe fate has brought him here to see you!" Yoongi claimed as Jimin blushed at the thought of it.

          "Stop saying it like I want him! I just really want to be his friend... We can hang out and talk and be in movies together! I don't want to love him... All I know is he's flawless like in the movies." Jimin stated as he looked at the poster. "I hope he's not playing the old grandpa in the play..."

             "Mm... No. He's playing the old Poet's student. Just to let you know, that character is such a dick." Yoongi whispered as Jimin scoffed.

            "He can be a villain in the movies or plays and I'll still think he's the best actor. I've watched the many movies he filmed and plays he acted in... It's amazing what a young man can do. Yet, I'm sitting here and not doing a thing to pursue my career on this." Jimin sighed as Yoongi walked around the stage.

              "Jimin, not to be mean or anything but you can't act. You keep giggling and smiling when you try to practice fake lines. It makes me cringe." Yoongi claimed as Jimin kept staring at the poster.

             "True... I won't deny it but that's my only issue standing in my way." Jimin sighed as Yoongi began to think to himself.

             "You know... No one has ever asked that Alpha to mentor anyone before on acting... Maybe he'll be up for it." Yoongi said as Jimin's eyes widened and looked up at his best friend.


             "I mean, Jungkook... Could maybe train you to be an actor so you wouldn't laugh or smile when the camera points towards you." Yoongi stated as he stuffed his hands in his pocket and shrugged. "I don't know... But I have a feeling you'll love it. All you gotta do is wait for him to perform here and you can probably ask."

               "What? No... He wouldn't say yes... He's always busy. I'll hate to interfere with his work."

               Yoongi scanned his eyes up and down Jimin's body and looked at the Omega in the eyes. "Trust me Jimin, I have a feeling he'll say yes. Believe it or not, this man likes a challenge and you my friend, You need work... Alot of work."

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