Chapter 6: All you have

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              Jungkook was finally back in Busan, South Korea. He was staying in his old house where his Manager and Taehyung stayed in too. Jungkook was laying awake with his hands folded over his body while he softly tapped fingers against his knuckles.

           "Why do I still feel empty?" Jungkook whispered to himself. "I act... I do all of these things yet I still feel empty..." Jungkook said to himself as he layed on his huge red and white silk bed. "I bought every single thing I can ever want.. Yet I still feel like something is missing...." Jungkook said to himself as someone walked into the dark room that had no stray light from the outside.

              "Jungkook, why aren't you asleep?" called out a voice of an older man as he switched on the lights. It was Jungkook's Manager, Xin. His Manager wore a plack pattern vest over his white dress shirt and a black dress shirt with white house shoes. The man fixed his glasses as Jungkook sat up and glared at his Manager.

             "I was!" Jungkook exclaimed as his Manager sighed.

             "And here we go.."

             "I work all day, and come home to sleep! The least you can do is allow me to finally rest in my old bed and TRY to count sheeps!" Jungkook said as Manager Xin rubbed his eyes and fixed his glasses again.

          "Tomorrow is your fan meet then you have to head over to the Ari Theaters for practice. You need rest and can't waste a second on talking to yourself." Manager Xin replied as Jungkook turned over and pulled the blanket over his face.

            "Practice? Oh please... I don't need practice. I can execute my lines in one go. You two can go to the Theater tomorrow and I can just stay home!" Jungkook responded as the older man face palmed and gazed up at the Alpha.

           "Jeon Jungkook, you are going to the theater tomorrow. It would mean so much to the staff that you actually care!" The wise man claimed as Jungkook rolled his eyes with a sour attitude.

           "Sure... Of course.." Jungkook replied as the older man finally left his room and Jungkook was now, by himself. Jungkook turned over and faced an empty space on the bed as he slowly moved his hand along the cold spot of the bed and rubbed it softly. It was rare that Jungkook would feel like this. He would think it was odd how he can get so much love from anyone yet still come home to an empty spot on his bed.

              Jungkook then turned a pillow diagonally and looked at the pillow. The Alpha let out a sigh and used his hand to hold up his head as he gazed up at the pillow. "This is sad. I want so many nice and wonderful expensive things yet I can't get something that seems so simple. Love is simple.. Right? I can easily get it without trying. There is nothing I can't get." Jungkook said to himself as he kept his right hand over the pillow and moved closer to hug it.

              "I start to worry and stress on what others will really think of me if they 'Love' me... I'm not what I seem in those movies. I worry.. I worry that if I bring home anyone I fall in love with, they'll start to hate me because of how bad I behave." Jungkook said to himself as he closed his eyes and kept his thoughts to himself for a while. 

            "Can I hire someone to love me?" Jungkook whispered to himself and suddenly began go laugh. "I haven't reached that low just yet. Now, I have to meet so much of my fans tomorrow and go to that Theater... Ah, I just hope no one bothers me to go out with the- yeah.. I can see why I'm still lonely at night." Jungkook whispered as he moved his hands away from the pillow and faced the white ceiling.

          The Alpha folded his hands again as he tapped his index finger against his knuckles softly. If I ever want someone... I want an Omega. One that can make me smile and pleasure me on my Ruts." Jungkook then let out a chuckle. "Talking about pleasure always gets me uncomfortable... I guess my perfect image for a partner is a young Omega... Who is a man. Not a girl." Jungkook whispered to himself as he smiled. "Maybe on their heats, I can help them.. and they can help me. I'm tired of being locked up in my room every single time my rut comes on. I guess it's for the best anyways.. I don't want to end up hurting my Omega. I-I just need to get to know one.. That's all!" Jungkook said to himself as he layed staring at the ceiling, pondering the idea of falling in love with someone for the first time in a while.

             The next day, Jungkook was at the fan meeting, giving his fans autographs as he still kept the thought in about falling in love. He was barely paying attention to his fan's comments and kept thinking about love. There was no way he would find an Omega soon enough. When Jungkook wanted something, he wanted it now. He wanted it within the same first minutes he asked for it. This was going to drive him crazy..

          After the Fan meeting, he applied hand sanitizer in the car as Taehyung looked at Jungkook in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"

           "What?" Jungkook asked fanning his hands around so the sanitizer can dry. "Do you want some?"

          "No! You just met with all of your fans who adore you.. Why would you put hand sanitizer on like that?"

          "Easy, I press the bottle and wait until a certain amount comes out so I can ru-"

          "No, you don't understand. They love you! Why would you do that?" Taehyung asked.

          "Trust me, every other celebrity does it. I touched many hands today and I can feel the many germs just crawling on my skin. It's only buisness." Jungkook chuckled as he set his hand sanitizer away in his bag as he straightened his black, long coat. "So... We're going to the Ari Theater?"

           "Yes, there you will meet with Manager Xin and your cast members." Taehyung responded. It only seemed like he wasn't at all working to act now... To Taehyung, he felt like he was more of an assistant when Manager Xin wasn't around.

          Taehyung had to buy Jungkook coffee, notify Jungkook on where they were going and constantly make sure the Alpha eats and gets to places on time... And how does Taehyung gets payed? A small role in plays given to him by his Manager that was very biased towards the younger and talented Alpha.

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