Chapter 75: Stimulate~

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           "M-oh... Oh Jungkook!" Jimin let out a soft moan as Jungkook rolled his wet tongue along Jimin's hard nipple. Hearing Jimin's soft moans and secretly wanting to hear more of it. The Alpha placed his other hand on Jimin's nipple and softly pinched it while he started to tease the Omega's nipples along his fang, making Jimin moan from the feeling of having Jungkook touch him like this.

            "Your moans.... Ah- It's much better when It's real..." Jungkook huffed along Jimin's sensitive areola while he continued to suck Jimin's nipple. "Oh, Jimin..! I-I'm getting hard for you already..." Jungkook whispered as the Omega raised his hands along Jungkook's torso, tugging at Jungkook's shirt to take it off.

           "Jungkook... Pleasure me please..." Jimin begged while he couldn't even keep a straight thought with Jungkook towering over the boy and softly teasing his sensitive nipples.

           "You want me to take off my clothes for you, Jimin? Mm- I can't wait any longer for you either..." Jungkook whispered as he took off his shirt and grabbed Jimin's hands to intertwine with so suddenly. "Moan for me.... I'm your everything, Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin nodded and quickly moved his head up to kiss the Alpha. Locking lips again as Jungkook bit Jimin's bottom lip softly and opened his eyes to give Jimin a seductive stare. "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin opened his eyes to look back at the Alpha. "Bend over for me..."

          "Yes... Yes, Jungkook." Jimin replied instantly as he got on his knees and hands, bending over for the Alpha and allowing Jungkook to softly run his hands down Jimin's ass. Squeezing it softly while he felt how big it was.

            "You want it raw?" Jungkook asked as he pulled down his pants and took it off along with the underwear as he waited for Jimin's answer behind the Omega. "Tell me now so I can make you love it~" Jungkook whispered. Jungkook trailed up his two fingers along Jimin's anus. Giving Jimin a sensual feeling as the Omega blushed and dropped his head down biting his lip while Jungkook proceeded to rub Jimin's sensitive rim enough to make Jimin want Jungkook in him now.

          "Y-Yes... Yes! I want it raw! I want it now...." Jimin replied as Jungkook began to touch himself, feeling his member standing hard and slowly want to throb with pre-cum by just hearing and touching Jimin continuously.

          "Will you take the pill?" Jungkook kept asking as he began to rub his wet tip along Jimin's rim to give the boy a carnal feeling. "Hm?"

           "Oh Yes Jungkook! I'll take the pill I promise!" Jimin cried. Not being able to take in the constant provoking Jungkook caused. "Fuck me hard..." Jimin added as Jungkook softly inserted his tip into Jimin, making Jimin close his eyes shut. Deep down, there was the slight feeling of his sore pain. However, Jimin still wanted the Alpha to go through with it all. Willing to feel the pleasure in him from Jungkook again.

           "No longer innocent huh?" Jungkook whispered with his deep monotone voice enough to make Jimin blush again. "My small Omega~" Jungkook whispered as he pressed in the tip of his big member into Jimin's hole until he was deep inside. Once Jungkook pierced his cock in slowly, Jimin gasped at the feeling. He loved it and wanted it but the slight sore pain was there too.

            "A-AH" Jimin moaned as he tightened his eyes shut. That was when Jungkook started to pound in and out of Jimin. Leaving Jimin to moan repeatedly against the bed everytime he drops his head into a pillow to let out his cries. "J-Jung-Jungkook-aH! Oh fuck! D-Deeper, Jungkook!" Jimin pleaded his Alpha as Jungkook moved his body up while thrusting as he softly began to give Jimin kisses on his back, trailing to his neck.

            "You're so loud too... Ah-Ah... Ah Jimin!" Jungkook huffed as Jimin can feel Jungkook's body heat up while he continued to grind his hips and press in his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust. The Alpha was huffing, slightly moaning and groaning as he listened to Jimin's loud moans from the slight faster thrust he could muster. "Jimin... Jimin I love you." Jungkook confessed as Jimin blushed from those words he longed to hear. "I want my Omega so bad.... I-I want you... More than you can imagine..." Jungkook added as he was leaning forward on Jimin's hot and trembling body. Jungkook knew the older Omega loved this kind of attention, he gave in to Jimin's moans and kissed Jimin seductively while he pulled Jimin up to sit on his lap as Jimin was moving up and down on his own.

            "A-Ah! oH JUNGKOOK! I LOVE IT THIS WAY!" Jimin shouted his moan while he placed his hands down to Jungkook's thighs and arched his body forward, letting out continuous loud moans. "M-Make me cum, Jungkook... I want to feel it..! OH JUNGKOOK!" Jimin gasped as Jungkook pressed the boy against his chest and held up Jimin's hips to thrust into Jimin upwards.

          The Alpha's cock was big compared to Jimin's small entrance that Jungkook kept thrusting into repeatedly. His cock was already squirting pre-cum from it's tip inside of Jimin and the Omega felt it drip inside him and the veins along his cock popped out more. Showing how much he was starting to love it and was on the verge of cumming inside of Jimin.

           "M-My Jimin... Oh Jimin! Fuck.." Jungkook groaned while he thrusted in and out quicker into Jimin while his slit leaked of his pre-cum and Jungkook allowed it to go in. Knowing Jimin wouldn't lie to him about taking the pills because neither of them wanted a child at the moment.

              Jungkook raised his hands up Jimin's torso and softly pinched Jimin's nipples while he circulated his index fingers along the hard nipple. Hearing Jimin let out a sharp breath from it all. "I-I want you, Jimin! M-My baby..." Jungkook huffed against Jimin's warm skin. "Ah- D-Do you like it this way? When I fuck you hard like this?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded his head, not being able to speak while his mouth only cried loud moans. Jungkook then rubbed Jimin's ass and spanked it making Jimin moan from the feeling. "Thats not an answer I want~"

         "Oh fuck- JUNGKOOK! Ah-Ahh... Oh Jungkook I love it. Fuck me harder, Jungkook!" Jimin whimpered as he pressed his hands down onto the mattress, arching his back and crying for more as the Alpha gladly gave it to him.

           Jungkook slapped his hands against Jimin's hips and held him tightly as he went in and out, being sure he pummeled into Jimin repeatedly and quickly enough to hear the wet ball slaps that came from the thrusts. Jimin's moans were loud while he softly hissed at how Jungkook resumed smashing his hips in and out of his anus. Jimin's Alpha kept titilating the Older boy and constantly stimulating the Omega to reach his orgasm quicker. Yet, Jimin wanted to last long so this hot and passionate moment can last eternally for the day.

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