Chapter 84: Intentions

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              When the sun rose, Jungkook and Jimin got out of the Limo together and held hands while they walked to the set together as The Manager was right by Jungkook telling him about new roles he is trying to get for the Alpha.

         As soon as they stepped onto the set, Jungkook looked around quickly and turned to the Manager. "Manager Xin... Have you seen that kid around here?"

           "What kid?" Manager Xin asked as Jungkook rolled his eyes and loosened his grip on Jimin and placed his arm around the Omega, pulling him close.

          "That Sahiro Kyunsji kid. Ugh, I hate using that name.... It makes me want to throw up." Jungkook said as Manager Xin nodded and looked around.

         "I'll have a good look around and I'll tell you." Manager Xin said as Jungkook walked up to the man and whispered his words only for the three can hear it.

          "Check Jimin's dress room." Jungkook advised as the Manager walked off to go check around the set.

          "RUJIKO AND JUNHI! MY TWO WONDERFUL ACTORS!" Hoseok shouted as he ran up to the two. "Aw look at you two. Ah, reminds me of my lover. BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT! remember that week you two were off? Well there was a scheduled photoshoot for the two of you for the movie poster and we had to reschedule because...... Well, you know. But today before we go into any scenes, I would love to go through some photoshoots for you guys. Or we can do it after today's scenes. 'Rujiko' is almost done with recording and we just need the photoshoot for the movie cover."

           "I guess we can do it after today's recording." Jimin said as Jungkook nodded and held Jimin close. "Oh... Hoseok? I think we need to talk to you about my hair-"

           "Good morning." Kyunsji said with a smile as he brought three cups of coffee for Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. "Such a great day to start another day of recording right?" Kyunsji said with a big smile. "Here.. I brought you all coffee!" The Beta added with a smile as he handed Hoseok and Jungkook a cup of coffee with the cream designed as a leaf while he handed Jimin's cup last and the cream was designed as a heart. "I spent so much time perfecting that one, Jimin! Are you proud of me?" The boy asked as Jimin smiled and looked at Jungkook nervously.

           "Yeah, yeah of course he is!" Hoseok said, already knowing how Jungkook was towards his Omega and turned Kyunsji around and pushed him playfully. "Thank you for the coffee, Kyunsji!" Hoseok said with a big smile and walked by the Beta's side too. Just to give Jimin and Jungkook some time together.

           Jungkook then snatched Jimin's cup of coffee and cream, taking it to the trash can and dumping it there too along with his cup aswell. "He could have drugged it." Jungkook said as Jimin walked up to Jungkook and looked down the trashcan to see the dumped coffee into the bag. "See?" Jungkook said pointing to the bottom of the trashbag to see a small red and white capsule pill in the cup. "I told you that guy is a creep." Jungkook added as Jimin took a moment gazing down at the pill.

          Jimin didn't know what he felt, he felt a bit sick yet upset Kyunsji actually did have a dark personality. But why? Jimin almost felt like going home for the day but he knew he had to pull through for the sake of the movie.

           Later on, the cast was getting ready for the scene where Rujiko was in court and Junhi was there to make the marriage official. Jimin was in his dressing room, putting on his black coat as he let out a sigh. Knowing Kyunsji would have to style his hair afterwards. Only then, Kyunsji knocked on the door and poked his head from the door and smiled at Jimin. "Are you ready? I brought you nice things too!" The Beta said as he stepped in and held another bouquet of roses for Jimin with a small clear and plastic container with a chocolate cupcake with the words "Jiminie" on it.

          Jimin watched the Beta place the things down by the mirror. "Please stop bringing me things... I have a boyfriend to give me those types of things." Jimin said as Kyunsji tilted his head.

          "Can't I give you these things as a friend?"

           "No... Stop talking to me please. I know you put something in my coffee..." Jimin said as Kyunsji started to laugh and Jimin just couldn't shake off the fact that he still sounded like Jungkook laughing.

          "Oh, Jiminie~ I only placed a vitamin in your cup. Don't believe me?" Kyunsji said as he pulled out a bottle of vitamin pills, took one out and placed it in his mouth and swallowed it. Showing Jimin he meant no harm. However, that pill Kyunsji pulled out was all white... Not red and white like the one in the cup.

          "...I still don't want you trying to get close to me... Stop it or else I'll report you to the director. My Alpha doesn't like this at all."

            "He doesn't like that I treat you better? He doesn't seem like a boyfriend who would give you much attention like how I do. Jimin, I'm just being a close friend." Kyunsji said as Jimin shook his head, not wanting to talk to this man anymore.

             "Leave me alone! You are risking my relationship with Jungkook! It's either you shut up and leave me alone or I'll get you fired! Stop this now!" Jimin exclaimed as Kyunsji took a moment and looked down with a delusional smile.

          "Jimin... I'm so sad you feel this way... It just comes to show that I can't even make friends with you..... Just because of Jungkook. Jimin, you are a nice person... You mean so much to me!"

        "S-Stop..." Jimin whispered as Kyunsji walked up to the Omega and suddenly, Jimin slapped the Beta roughly, making the Beta quickly cup his mouth and turn away to fix something in his mouth. Jimin was shocked he actually slapped the boy who was constantly bothering him and causing Jungkook to grow upset. Yet, Jimin couldn't help but to feel a bit guilty about it afterwards. "I-I'm sorry!"

            "No... Just please hit me again if I cross the line, Jimin... Please.." Kyunsji said as he covered his mouth and looked at the Omega. "All I want is your trust... Your respect." Kyunsji said as Jimin looked down feeling he went a bit too harsh on the Beta.
"Don't apologize... Because if I was to do something even more worst... There would be no way you would forgive me." The Beta added, making Jimin feel a bit set off by the way the Beta said it. Almost like he did have a few dark intentions in him just waiting to crawl out from the deepest depths of his twisted mind.

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