Chapter 80: Mine

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             "Action!" Hoseok shouted into the megaphone making Jimin quickly turn to face the ocean with one hand in his pocket and one other holding Jungkook's hand while they looked out to the ocean in silence. Then, the camera man recorded the scene as he stepped back to catch a better view.

           "Just after today you'll be gone... I thought I made myself clear that I would marry you so you can stay." Jimin said as he looked at Jungkook, while the Alpha kept his gaze out into the ocean. "Why are you holding back from it? Isn't this what you wanted? Marriage? Eternal love together? Why are you leaving?" Jimin asked as he gripped onto the Alpha's hand. "Why can't you answer-"

          "Junhi.... There's only one reason why I haven't told you anything about my departure... It's because... I know you want to marry me so before we can go out to the court and get it done by today.... I want to be sure I tell you something first." Jungkook added as he let out a sigh, releasing Jimin's hand as Jimin looked out into the ocean cluelessly.

          Suddenly, Jungkook pulled out a ring and got down on one knee as Jimin looked down to see the Alpha down and holding up a ring. It almost felt real everytime Jungkook did it and Jimin couldn't help but to love this scene out of the whole film. "I know I don't have to ask... I know you're already mines and you love me too.. We already settled this but I want this to be romantic and perfect. Kim Junhi, you love me so much to the point where you are willing to go far for me... I can't help but to thank you for all those things you've done with me..." Jungkook then began to fake his tears as Jimin did the same, yet Jimin was so into the moment that he began to shed actual tears. Slipping into character easily. "Will you marry me?" Jungkook asked as Jimin let out a slight giggle from his tears.

          "Yes I will..." Jimin added as he nodded. "Ah, why am I crying when we already sorted this out? The proposal... It's something I just never expected.." Jimin teared up as Jungkook slipped the ring on Jimin's ring finger... Suddenly, breaking out of character and letting out a cute giggle.

          "Oh Jimin your hands are so cute~" Jungkook added as Jimin started to laugh at it too while Hoseok smiled and blinked like he was screaming inside his head.

        "CUT. AGAIN!" Hoseok shouted as he shook his head still keeping a smile. "That's cute but please stick to your characters!" Hoseok mentioned as Jimin held up his thumb to show he understood but Jungkook couldn't help but to laugh at Jimin's fingers again.

          "Ah, Jungkook! You now realized my small fingers?!" Jimin laughed as he pushed Jungkook back.

           "I'm sorry." Jungkook let out pants from laughing so much as Jimin handed the ring back to Jungkook again.

           "Take it back to where Jungkook inserted the ring." Hoseok said as he kept the megaphone up to his mouth "Hurry up! I want to go get a hamburger... And sprite." Hoseok shouted as he let out a smile while he looked back at the camera screen. "Take three, ACTION!" Hoseok shouted as the couple did over the scene where Jungkook inserted the ring into Jimin's ring finger.

          "Does it fit?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded with a big smile. "I love you, Junhi..." Jungkook said as Jimin held Jungkook's hands.

          "So now... We go over to the court and get this settled.. Right? Give you privileges to stay? Ah... Rujiko, I want to have a normal ceremony but getting married in court is still okay too." Jimin stated as Jungkook caressed Jimin's face.

            "Junhi... It'll be okay.. So what if there's no ceremony? This is great either way and I want us to do this out of love... You love me right?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded.

          "I love you, Rujiko... I love you so much..." Jimin claimed as he moved in and hugged his lover in the scene. "Why would that be a question? You've done so much for me to the point where I... I can't stop loving you.. Not that I want to stop. Every waking moment, I want you by my side..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook looked down and kissed Jimin with a smile as the Omega giggled into the kiss.

          "M-hold still, Junhi~" The Alpha said as Jimin kissed his lover back. Jungkook then continued to kiss Jimin's soft lips until the scene ended.

          "AND SCENE! Wow... That was hot." Hoseok chuckled while a worker brought him a small holdable fan. "Alright that does it for the day! Let's try to knock out more scenes tomorrow, okay? Have a great day!" Hoseok said as he waved at the people and walked off to his car where his driver was there to take him back to the set.

            "That was a great scene, Jungkook and You too, Jimin." Manager Xin added as Jungkook smiled at the Manager. "Just tell me when we should be heading back to the set with everyone else." The Manager said as Jungkook held his hand out to Jimin as the Omega walked up to the Alpha and locked hands together.

           "Let's head out now so I can change back into my clothes." Jungkook said as Jimin took off the fake engagement ring.

            "Mr. Xin, please take this back to Hoseok." Jimin added as the Manager nodded and followed directions while Jimin held hands with Jungkook as they walked to the car.

          "J-Jimin!" Kyunsji called out as he ran up to the boy, making Jungkook's eyes widen. "I-I need to talk to you.." The beta added with a slightly upset face.

         "Ugh.." Jungkook rolled his eyes and let go of Jimin's hand, walking to the car, pulling the car door open and glancing back at Jimin. "Get in, Jimin." Jungkook demanded as Kyunsji glared at the Alpha, beginning to despise Jungkook's behavior towards him.


          "Don't make me repeat myself!" Jungkook ordered as Jimin nodded quickly and walked up to the car, getting in as Jungkook got in aswell. Leaving Kyunsji to head back into the crew's van to travel back to the set while the two stayed in the empty car.

          "Jungkook... I know you don't like him.. But he's going to be in this set whether we like it or not.." Jimin claimed as Jungkook looked at Jimin and quickly grabbed Jimin's hand tightly. "A-Ah Jungkook!"

        "Jimin.... You are to never talk to that Beta ever again... Alright? I don't want to see him talk to you about anything else other than your hair. He gives me chilling vibes and I don't like it one bit!" Jungkook hissed as Jimin looked down and snatched his hand back, softly massaging his wrist.

           "..I hate it when you get like this..." Jimin whispered as he heard Jungkook let out a sigh.

           "Just.. don't drop your guard around him..." Jungkook advised as Jimin knew Jungkook was being possessive. It was part of him now that he claimed Jimin. "Okay? All you need to do is agree." Jungkook stated in a softer tone now, bringing up a tissue to wipe the makeup off of Jimin's mark that concealed it from the cameras.

           "I know, Jungkook." Jimin said as Jungkook smiled and gave Jimin a kiss on the cheek once he finished wiping off the makeup from Jimin's mark. Showing his love to his Omega.

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