Chapter 12: Debut

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               It was time for the show and Jimin was at his personal front row seat. He held the big bouquet of flowers and smiled, waiting for the show to start as he looked back to see all of the seats filled by many fans to watch Jungkook perform. Yoongi was in the control room waiting with other Technicians as they were ready to switch off all of the lights and start the show when notified.

              "Finally... I get to see Jungkook perform up close and in person! I never thought this will happen... But I'm excited! This marks as my most favorite day ever!" Jimin shouted in his head, hugging the flowers gently with a smile. Jungkook meant everything to the Omega because he was always inspired Jimin to dream of acting. Hopefully, Jimin would be able to gather up enough confidence to ask Jungkook if he can train him.

          Suddenly, the lights switched off and everyone was waiting to see Jungkook but, suddenly Taehyung stepped in wearing the outfit for the part. At first, everyone was confused and wondered why Jungkook wasn't able to perform. They took Taehyung as an understudy and the women in the auditorium began to smile and cheer for Taehyung because it was a new actor and he looked handsome aswell.

             Jimin looked up to see it was Taehyung, not Jungkook. This only made Jimin worry for his Idol and think about what happened to Jungkook. As Jimin looked around, he noticed most of Jungkook's fans were sitting up and gazing at the handsome Beta. It didn't bother them that Jungkook wasn't going to be able to perform. By now, they've already thought Jungkook wasn't feeling good to perform so they were there to support Taehyung.

             Jimin then looked to see every girl was in love with Taehyung so far and once he began to speak, a girl from the right holding a big bear whispered. "Fuck... My OVARIES!"

               Jimin let out a snicker as he faced the actor before him already acting perfectly with such great posture. Meanwhile, Yoongi stared at Taehyung speak and placed on his head set, switching the audio he listened to only Taehyung's microphone to listen. Yoongi listened to the Beta and smiled while he gazed down the stage, watching most girls already fall in love with the Beta. There was only Alphas in the control room since they were able to see from afar due to their good eyesight. The Alpha payed close attention to Taehyung's acting and began to think how great he was at it. Why was he nothing but a silent voice in the gloom?

           "Taehyung deserves more roles... Bigger and better roles... I can just imagine how bad it must feel for him to hide such golden talent like this..." Yoongi said in his head as he felt himself acting like Jimin when it came to the Omegas Idol.

                After the performance, Jimin and along with many other Omegas stood up and cheered for Taehyung. The crowd absolutely adored Taehyung and even ran up to the cast personally to give them gifts for putting on a good show, even if Jungkook wasn't there.

             Taehyung smiled and waved at everyone, hearing comments like. "I WANT A BETA!!!", "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!! I MUST KNOW!" or even, "MARRY ME!!" This made Taehyung happy. For once in his life, he received attention from the crowd and couldn't help but to feel excited for another big role. That's if his manager gives him an opportunity.

             The only reason why he was given a moment like this was because Jungkook didn't like a smaller role than what he usually gets. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was happy that he got to finally perform a bigger role or upset he only got leftovers from the Alpha. The Beta left the stage hearing many girls beg for him to come back. The crowd adored him along with the rest of the cast. They loved this version so much because of the good acting that came from it.

                Taehyung returned to the dresser where Jungkook was in his white T-shirt and long loose sweatpants, sitting on the chair infront of the mirror while playing games on his phone. The Beta came in with a big smile on his face, holding a few gifts. "It was great!" Taehyung claimed happily as Jungkook smiled.

            "Good job. I'm glad I helped you out." Jungkook replied. "Did they love you?"

             "Yes! I felt so proud of myself for once! Ah, today was perfect!" Taehyung let out an exhale and smiled as he looked up at the ceiling while he dropped onto the couch. "It was the best experience ever.. I wish it could last forever..." Taehyung said as Jungkook chuckled and didn't bother to look away from his phone.

           Jungkook had that slight jealousy of not performing and now, Taehyung was getting all the love and attention he wanted. However, Jungkook didn't want to ruin Taehyung's moment to complain and become greedy. "Maybe now Manager Xin will be able to give me bigger roles now that I have proved how well my acting has become." Taehyung stated as Jungkook quickly glanced at Taehyung and began to give him a glare.

            "B-Bigger roles? You want bigger ro-" Suddenly there was a knock at the door, silencing the jealous Alpha as Taehyung quickly got up and dashed to the door. Thinking it was the Manager as Jungkook quickly closed his eyes and layed his head down on the table so the Manager wouldn't get mad at him for not performing.

             When Taehyung opened the door, Jimin stood there with a batch of flowers looking up at the Beta nervously. "H-Hi.." Jimin smiled and greeted the actor as Taehyung only held the door open, blocking the view of Jungkook with the door so only he can see the Omega and Jimin wouldn't see Jungkook there. "You were great out there and I know I should be working right now but I wanted to give you these. Since Jungkook wasn't able to perform, I think you were great and I want you to keep them. I can't have them go to waste. Thank you for filling his role." Jimin claimed as Taehyung accepted the flowers with a smile.

          "You're very kind, thank you!" Taehyung said as he was about to close the door when Jimin desperately placed his hands on the door to keep it open.

         "I-I wanted to tell Jungkook something..." Jimin whispered as Taehyung nodded allowing the shy Omega to talk. Jimin didn't think Jungkook was beyond the door, listening to their conversation from afar and pretending to be asleep.

              "He's right here, want me to get him for you? Although he's sleeping now but I will try to wake him up for you." Taehyung said as Jimin shook his head.

             "N-No! That won't be necessary... Let him rest please." Jimin claimed as he looked down. "I-If you can... Can you ask him if he'll be willing to teach me how to be good at acting too?" Jimin questioned hesitantly as Taehyung smiled and nodded.

            "Of course I'll ask! Can you send me your informatio-"

            "I already have it written down." Jimin stated as he took out a card from his coat and placed it ontop of the batch of flowers in Taehyung's hands. "Thank you for everything. Contact me if anything happens." Jimin said as he quickly ran off to his position as Taehyung closed the door and read the contact card in his head.

             "Who was that?" Jungkook asked raising his head from the table and looking at Taehyung curiously.

               The Beta then held up the card and read out the name to Jungkook. " That was Park Jimin."

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