Chapter 22: First lesson

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             Jimin stepped into the Alpha's house on his own as Taehyung quickly turned around, wanting to leave before Jungkook makes him get something else for Jimin like yesterday. Taehyung ordered Jimin food after Jimin said countless times not to, but Jungkook insisted. He never treated "low lives" better than himself.

              Taehyung grappled onto the silent moment and hurried out of the property as Jimin stepped in nervously. It was quiet and he started to think maybe Jungkook wasn't here.

            "Jungkook?" Jimin called out as the Younger walked in from around the corner of the big kitchen.

            "Oh you're here. Welcome back." Jungkook said as he walked up to Jimin. "I need to tell you something... It's been bothering me for a while..." Jungkook said so suddenly as Jimin payed closely attention.

           "W-What is it, Jungkook?" Jimin worried as Jungkook looked like he was nervous.

           "Park Jimin... I can't hold myself back any longer... I-I want you... I need you and not just you.. I want every little thing of you. These endless nights... I've been confused and I couldn't hold back. Jimin, I love you..." Jungkook confessed as he walked in closer to the older Omega. "Please... Don't run away from me... Not when I want you like this.."

          Jimin's eyes widened at the sudden comment Jungkook just made. Did he really mean it? "J-Jungkook.. W-We barely know eachother... Please give this some time." Jimin replied as Jungkook suddenly smiled. "You're a wonderful man bu-"



              "Good reaction. That's what I was aiming for! And scene." Jungkook said as he patted Jimin's shoulder. "I always wondered how it would feel just to scare you like that. Did you think I was serious?"

            "Pft. O-Of course I didn't! i-it was great acting, Jungkook!" Jimin said with a grin as Jungkook moved his hands away from Jimin and placed them in his pockets.

             "Alright. Let's start off with a simple acting. Let loose, take off your sweater and your bag if you have to." Jungkook said as he stepped back, watching Jimin put his bag down and only keep his oversized sweater. "Not taking off the sweater?"

            "I like wearing it.." Jimin said as Jungkook walked to a script left on the table and walked back to Jimin, handing it over.

            "Here's a random script I used to act in the movie, "Tear." I memorized my King lines and you are the knight in this scene." Jungkook said as he walked over to the couch and sat down. "Now imagine this, the princess was murdered and you come running in and drop onto your knees before me, warning me about the situation. Understand?"

          "Oh okay!" Jimin said happily as Jungkook clapped his hands together.

           "Take it from the top. Read from the script and look at me with a worried face. Action." Jungkook said as Jimin giggled and looked at the script."

              "My King! The princess..." Jimin said but his tone wasn't that serious since he kept trying to hold back from smiling.

              "What happened to her? What's wrong with the Princess?!" Jungkook asked in worry as Jimin suddenly began to laugh.

           "She's dead." Jimin said bursting out into laughter as Jungkook gazed at Jimin in disbelief. Jimin really couldn't make it past the whole dialogue without letting out his contagious giggles.

           "What was that?" Jungkook asked as Jimin looked at the script again and gazed back at Jungkook.

            "Jungkook, that's not your line..."

            "Ah, I meant Cut! What was that? Jimin, you have to be afraid and shocked. Stutter in fear as you tell me this news that might change my life for the great or good!" Jungkook stated as Jimin looked at the rest of the dialogue.

             "I'm sorry, can we try it again?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook maintained his patience.

             "Go ahead. Start off with that line and this time, with attitude!" Jungkook ordered as Jimin nodded as he looked at the script for a second as Jungkook crossed his right leg over his left leg and tapped onto the armrests of the couch. "Action."

           "Pff-HAHA!" Jimin started laughing as Jungkook smiled just watching Jimin look at the script and laugh.

            "What's so funny?" Jungkook asked as Jimin looked at the Alpha with a smile, catching his breath from laughing.

            "Nothing!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook stood up, adjusted his shirt and walked to the room making Jimin wonder what Jungkook was doing. "Jungkook?"

                The younger then brought out the poster that was rolled up and held a smirk plastered on his face. "So Jimin, I was watching you laugh and suddenly I realized, I should be able to break you down and build you up with my own pieces in teachings." Jungkook said as Jimin tilted his head in confusion as the Alpha unrolled the poster and gazed up at Jimin with such a teasing stare. "Here, I have a better script for you~" Jungkook said as Jimin's eyes blew wide just looking at the note that was left behind Jungkook's poster.

           "J-Jungkook... I-I didn't mean to write this!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook folded his arms and glared at Jimin.

            "Read it without giggling. This isn't a laughing matter now, is it?" Jungkook asked as Jimin cleared his throat as he scanned the note, not wanting to read it. He was embarrassed. "But I was drunk while writing this!" Jimin replied as Jungkook sat down on the couch and listened to Jimin complain.

            "You wrote it.. Now you deal with it." Jungkook said as Jimin looked down at the note feeling his heart pound faster. "This seem's to be the only way you wouldn't giggle. Do it. It'll help." Jungkook demanded as Jimin exhaled nervously while Jungkook kept his scary yet hot glare at Jimin. Making the Omega grow shy.  "The mood here should be happy."

            "H-Happy? Can't it be just a small moment with no mood?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook shook his head again. "But what if I-"


            Jimin sighed feeling the pain from embarrassment get to him. "Jeon Jungkook is so handsome..." Jimin said with his eyes closed tightly as Jungkook stood up and walked around Jimin to observe him. "H-He's an amazing actor that I apreciate.... Everything he does amazes me." Jimin stated as Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's back and chest to straighten Jimin's posture.

           "Cut. You need to fix your posture and speak louder and more direct. Open your eyes. I told you a happy tone." Jungkook instructed as Jimin opened his eyes to watch the younger step up to his face with a serious look in his round eyes. Jungkook touched Jimin's face and fixed Jimin's head posture and stepped back. "You have to be happy. Not scared, not nervous or embarrassed. Read it for me with a smile." Jungkook claimed as Jimin started to blush because of Jungkook slightly touching his chest, back and face just to fix his posture.

           "I-I understand." Jimin said with a blush. "I'll do it all over again."

       Jungkook then held up a finger to make Jimin stop. "Here's a tip.... Do it and say it like you really love me.."

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