Chapter 92: Roses

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            It's been four days of Jungkook's rut and finally it came to an end. Jimin woke up and sat up cautiously as Jungkook was sleeping next to the boy, facing the other way while the blanket was covering over their body. The Omega let out a hiss from the pain he felt from it all... He just couldn't believe Jungkook dragged him into this and all the boy can do was go through it. Of course, Jimin really enjoyed it but even the Omega knew he wouldn't be able to walk for a while.

            Jimin rubbed his eyes and yawned as he didn't bother to look at the covers. There was a slight sting along his rim and everytime he moved, there would be pain from his sore anus. The Omega gazed down at his lover who was fast asleep and Jimin can already imagine Jungkook waking up with a different smile like nothing happened at all.

          "Ugh... My head hurts.. My throat... My thighs.." Jimin whispered in a scratchy voice as he looked down and moved his legs to the edge of the bed and cupped his sleepy face. "I'm going home..." Jimin added. Getting up, picked up his remaining clothes the best he could and walked to the bathroom to go wash up.

         Jimin stepped into the luxurious bath that had stones around the floor surrounding the bath for any water that falls over the bed so it can slip through the pebbles and fall into the drain. It was styled like a forest themed bathroom. Jimin sat into the bath and closed his eyes tightly from the sore feeling, letting out a cry as he sat down. "It hurts..." Jimin hissed. "Ah, I-I'm just going to stay back at my old place.. Take a rest until I feel better." Jimin thought to himself as he layed back onto the bath and closed his eyes. If he was to stay there with Jungkook, the Alpha would wake up, realize what he has done and of course, argue that it was all Jimin's fault.

           Jimin wasn't up for that, he didn't want to see Jungkook wake up, look around and blame Jimin for everything. So the Omega tried his best to leave just so Jungkook can realize it on his own. Jimin started to scrub the dry cum from his lower half of his body and his lower part of his torso. Jimin could barely remember much of it too, the intercourse was so long, yet it felt so fast. Of course, Jungkook and Jimin took breaks in between and ate atleast something but after that... It just wouldn't stop.

              Jimin actually looked forward to coming home. He wanted to see his best friend and his good friend Taehyung after a while and eat something too. After the bath, Jimin approached a huge mirror, gazing at the hickeys and tender bites along his body. "What was I doing? Ah, I guess I finally know how it feels to be by Jungkook on his rut..." Jimin whispered as he looked at the side of the counter to see a new toothbrush sitting in it's plastic box. Waiting for Jimin to open it. Jimin would always get ready for his day at his own house so when he sleeps here, he wakes up and heads to his house first. Jungkook noticed it too and made sure to pick up a few things for Jimin to feel more comfortable in the Alpha's house.

             As much as this house was really big, there wasn't much furnishing and that was only because Jungkook had another house. He only stayed here for Jimin and now, he stays for Jimin and his movie role. The Omega cleaned his face and brushed his teeth three times, looking back at how many dirty things he had to with his mouth. Jimin just couldn't help but to blush from thinking about it too!

           Jimin walked out of the house with his clothes from before and limped from the sore pain. Jimin tried to take in the pain and continue walking but the feeling alone was very excruciating to endure.

       Very soon, Jimin got back to the apartment place to see a bouquet of roses by his door. Jimin already knew who it was and picked up the batch of roses to read a note that was attatched to it.

Park Jimin,

Your eyes are like diamonds..
Sapphires, crystals or even as sparkling as water that glows in the forest at midnight.
Your pink and soft lips are gorgeous and your beautiful and beating complexion too.
I just long to see you again.

  Your #1 fan,
Sahiro Kyunsji~

      Jimin rolled his eyes and carried the batch of roses inside to dispose of it but then, he walked in his apartment to see that there was not only one, but many roses with cheesy romantic cards that made Jimin sick. There was muffin baskets and batches of cookies there, cooked into shapes of hearts. Jimin felt his heart sink and almost feared that Kyunsji was in his house! However, the door opened from Yoongi's room and out came Taehyung, adjusting his tie on his red suit uniform to work at the theatre.

           "Oh! Hey Jimin, you're back!" Taehyung said with a smile as he walked up to the Omega and hugged him. "Yuck, you smell like Jungkook." Taehyung added as he pulled away from the hug.

            "I took a bath over there so of course I used his soaps and body scrubs." Jimin added as Yoongi walked in from his room and smiles at the Omega, using his uniform to work.

             "Oh, you're back." Yoongi said so blankly as Jimin let out a laugh while he folded his arms. "Some fanboy has been dropping off these roses at our front door and left alot of heart shaped cookies and muffins today. He's been asking for you alot and I always had to say, 'No, Jimin is with his Alpha. Don't bother.' But then he wouldn't listen." Yoongi said as Jimin turned his head to look at the flowers all over the furniture and tables.

          "Jimin? Is there something we should know about him?" Taehyung asked but Jimin just sighed, feeling scared and stressed from it all.

          "I-I don't know... He's just been following me for all this time and he's just obsessed with me. Yet I only knew him for a few days!!" Jimin said as he covered his face. "I hate him so much..." Jimin whispered as Yoongi walked up to his best friend and patted him on his shoulders. "Why does this happen to actors like me?! I didn't even debut yet!"

            "Maybe you have to call Jungkook here. Tell him to pick you up or just stay here with him. I doubt you guys are going on set today, right?" Yoongi asked as Jimin dropped his head down and looked at the floor.

           "Jungkook might argue with me..." Jimin whispered. "I don't want to go there. Jungkook just doesn't remember a thing from his rut and will start telling me off on how dangerous it is... Arguing and telling me never to go near him on that, but he lured me in! How was I supposed to know?" Jimin started to cry as Yoongi raised a brow and looked back at the Beta in confusion on how Jimin was suddenly crying.

           "You know Jimin, maybe... We can stay here for you. We are close friends of yours. Maybe we can take a day or two off for you." Yoongi said as Jimin looked up and shook his head.

           "You guys have work... I don't even work there anymore but I can tell how mad the boss gets when we're not there." Jimin added as he tried to dry his tears. "Why the hell am I crying?!" Jimin shouted as Taehyung let out a chuckle and walked up to Jimin, taking out his handkerchief from his small pocket on his coat.

           "It's just stress. You'll be alright Jimin. In fact, I know exactly who to invite over! I can bring Manager Xin! He's a very protective Alpha." Taehyung added as Jimin sighed and sat down on the couch cautiously as he let out a hiss.

          "F-Fine..." Jimin replied. Knowing he had to stay with atleast an Alpha to protect him from Kyunsji in case he breaks in and tries to hurt or touch the Omega while Jimin was in his fragile state.

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