Chapter 40: Another way to it

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             "Mmm~" Jimin closed his eyes softly while he felt the Alpha make out with him softly. It was tough for Jungkook to not move past the constant warnings Jimin claimed. It was all to avoid his heat. But yet again, Jungkook dared to cross Jimin's boundaries at times just to tease the Omega. "Ah-Ah.. Ah! N-No...Ngh. No...  You'll trigger my heat if you touch me there!" Jimin begged as Jungkook still keppt his hand over the center of Jimin's underwear.

               "I'm not trying to start anything... I just want to train you so you wouldn't get your heat easily when you do scenes like these. I promise I won't try to hurt you like this. I know you're pure and anything can set you off." Jungkook mentioned as Jimin blushed to himself, gazing up at the Alpha. "Continue?"

            "B-Break..." Jimin uttered as Jungkook sighed and got off of Jimin, pulling the Omega up. "Thank you.." Jimin replied and gazed down at his own body. "Maybe those actors are use to those sex scenes because they aren't pure like me... There's no way a virgin Omega like me can pull off a full sex scene without breaking out into heat. It's embarrassing..." Jimin confessed and touched his lips softly. "But I wouldn't say that practice was the worst." Jimin mentioned as Jungkook kept his focus on Jimin.

            "You do have a point there.   Most Omega actors that participate in erotic movies aren't virgins. They are either marked or already use to the touches. But there are other ways." Jungkook said as Jimin ran his index finger along the cover bed sheets.

            "What do you mean?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook sat next to the Omega.

            "We can either forget this in time, or try no matter how long it takes. I really want you to get to what you want. You deserve this. I can see the passion in your eyes and how your eyes light up when you get to act with me. It must truly be the best feeling." Jungkook responded as Jimin kept lookingn down.

             "I want to get this done no matter how tough it is or how long it takes. I want to be in most movies out there and if this is in my way, I don't care! I'm going through it no matter what...' Jimin replied as Jungkook pointed Jimin's face up.

           "That's a great attitude... I can't hate that." Jungkook stated as he looked into the Omega's eyes. "Again? But this time I'll try to touch you here. Let's not focus on kissing since you already have that down." Jungkook insisted as Jimin nodded, moving back into the bed as Jungkook climbed over him gently. "Don't get any ideas. I'm only trying to help you and nothing more." Jungkook mentioned as Jimin nodded with a smile on his face.

              Softly, Jungkook placed his hand over Jimin's center of his underwear and gazed at Jimin. If he was to rub the Omega's sensitive spot, Jimin would start to grow hot and beg for more, leading to his heat. Jungkook kept his hand there and glanced at Jimin to look at him and give him a face to check if he was doing okay so far. "Jungkook..."

          "Just relax... I won't cause your heat. I'll just place my hand here and you'll be fine." Jungkook promised as Jimin layed back and suddenly felt Jungkook move both of his hands down to the Omega's thighs. "I won't cause any harm.." Jungkook repeated. He knew Jimin was making him change the way he treats others... Jungkook never treated someone so kindly for so long. Even when he began to mentor Jimin, his feelings were solid but, along the way, Jungkook's solid and blank feelings started to breakdown slowly.

            Jimin knew he wanted the Alpha, he just never told Jungkook how much he loved and treasured his mentor in any way. "Jungkook." Jimin giggled as he gazed at the mentor. "Ah, Jungkook are you going to keep placing your hands on me?"

           "You may not think this is anything but it can help. I'm touching you here on these spots so you'll get use to it all. Yet it'll take time for you to adjust."

              "No, Jungkook! I meant are we going to have a script for this one?" Jimin asked as Jungkook ran his fingers along the waistband of the Omega's white underwear.

              "Of course we will... But take it as the final point together on our lessons..." Jungkook added while he dragged his hands up to place down on Jimin's chest. "What movie or show would you like to act?"

            "I never seen you act in the performance of 'Eungyo' and I was a bit let down you felt that way. But, maybe I can play as the girl with you and we can act out their lines and of course work on the sex scene." Jimin stated with a big smile on his face as Jungkook looked at Jimin's small body.

             " 'Eungyo..' I understand." Jungkook added with a smile on his face as Jimin played close attention to Jungkook's charming eyes.

             "Jungkook... I've been meaning to ask, why are so different to others but me?" Jimin asked as Jungkook pulled his hands away from Jimin's body and gazed at the older boy.

              "Because I'm your Mentor and nothing more." Jungkook added as Jimin sighed to gimself.

              "What do you do... If you're falling in love then?" Jimin questioned the Alpha but Jungkook kept dodging it as always.

               "Falling in love? Ha! Best way is not to allow anything to come in between you and work." Jungkook insisted. "Focus on your dream and you'll be fine. Don't make any stops for anyone not matter how close they are."

             "Oh... I understand." Jimin whispered as Jungkook cupped Jimin's face again and pulled him into a kiss. Locking their soft and warm lips together. "Jungkoo-"

              "Shh... Stop talking..  You have to do what the Mentor tells you." Jungkook stated with a smile as he continuously kissed Jimin's lips. "I can't have you waste our time together like this.. Not anymore."

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