Chapter 52: Lies

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            Jungkook walked back into the bedroom to see Jimin already practicing lines and this made Jungkook kind of curious. "Let me see the script so I can help you." Jungkook insisted as Jimin turned over and layed on the bed while reading it.

           "I got it, Jungkook." Jimin replied as Jungkook crawled onto the bed and layed his body on the Omega while he read the script. "Ah, Jungkook~"

             "I said I wanted to see." Jungkook repeated as he looked at the script too. "You want to do this role? Ugh... Why? It sounds horrible."

            "I like it... It's something to get me started and if this is what I gotta do, then this is what I'll do.." Jimin replied as he turned the page to the descriptions of each character. "I wonder who will play Rujiko..."

           "Yes. 'I wonder who will play Rujiko'." Jungkook mimicked as Jimin giggled.

           "Stop it! Ah, how could you pass this opportunity? It's one of a kind!" Jimin said happily. "Now I don't have to act out those same old lines. I can act out these on my own." Jimin claimed.

          "On your own? What about me? I can help, Jimin. I've always helped." Jungkook asked to help the Omega but Jimin just let out a giggle and set the script down on a pillow as he rolled over to hold Jungkook close.

           "I think I want to do this on my own.. It seems way more better! Besides, no need to get jealous or angry! This is only acting. I'll make time for you~" Jimin whispered and gently kissed Jungkook's cheek. "I have time for you now~"

             The Alpha remained silent as Jimin started to kiss Jungkook along his face and glide his hands down Jungkook's clothed chest. Jungkook watched Jimin close his eyes while he continued to kiss him as Jungkook left his eyes opened, staring at the script. He didn't want Jimin to act in a movie like that... Not when another actor will look at the boy nude. "Jimin.. "

              "K-Kiss me, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered as he locked lips with the alpha feeling Jungkook's soft and warm lips but all Jungkook can focus on was the script. He didn't want Jimin to pursue this role. "I have time for you now, Jungkook~" Jimin continued as Jungkook still held in the thoughts of having Jimin act with someone else other than him. He grew too use to the idea of having Jimin within his reach and didn't want Jimin to act with someone else. This is what he meant by interfering with Jimin's work.

             "Jimin.." Jungkook whispered as he cupped Jimin's face and kissed him softly. "I want more time with you.... I want you all to myself... Please." Jungkook whispered as Jimin felt Jungkook kiss the Omega down to his neck. "How do you expect me to love you if... You'll never be around me?"

               "Jungkook.. You can come on set with me!" Jimin added as Jungkook sighed and layed his head down on Jimin's chest. "You wanted me to get a role.. Now that I do have a role. Aren't you happy for me now?"

             "I don't think you get it... I want you here... I don't want anyone else to see you like that.. Only me!" Jungkook replied as Jimin reached over to the script, holding it in his hands and bringing it back to Jungkook.

           "This... You want me to throw away my chance to debut for you? It's just acting, Jungkook..." Jimin added as Jungkook started to kiss Jimin, making the boy let go of the script and lock arms around Jungkook's body. "Ah... Jungkook.. I have to go home eventually..."

             "Stay here."

              "I have work tomorrow... Please.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook let go of Jimin and allowed the boy to calm down for a bit. "Jungkook... I won't do something that isn't right by you..  No matter what." Jimin said as he grabbed the script again and sighed looking at it once more. "Maybe... Soon I can find more roles.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled and hugged Jimin closing his eyes.

             "Jimin... Before you leave, throw away the script." Jungkook added as Jimin nodded and set the script by his side as he hugged the younger. "...let's continue right where we dropped off..." Jungkook whispered to the Omega's ear as he kissed Jimin's lips and hugged him to sleep.

             Jungkook was sleeping, but of course Jimin was awake... Thinking of what to do now. He wanted to have a part in a big movie and thought maybe he can be in it behind Jungkook's back. "It's only acting. If he 'loves' me.. He would accept that." Jimin thought. Very soon when Jungkook was in a deep sleep, Jimin took the script and left the room, walking to his back pack and setting the script into the bag as he placed it on and left the house to head home.

              Jimin didn't think he would do such a thing but this is what he had to do. "If Jungkook loved me... He'll let me do this and support me. Not tell me this isn't good for me.." Jimin said to himself as he walked home. He was sure to get home and not show that he was taking the role when the Alpha specifically told him not to.

            Later on that night, Jungkook woke up after a long nap to see Jimin wasn't in his arms, rather a pillow he was hugging. "Jimin?! Ugh..." Jungkook sighed, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "I hope he threw that script away.." Jungkook said as he stretched and walked out of the room. The Alpha walked up to the trashcan by the kitchen to see no script was in it. Jungkook's eyes widened as he desperately looked for the script. "W-Where is it?! Did he lie to me?!" Jungkook shouted as he suddenly heard footsteps approach him followed by a slurp. Jungkook turned his head to see Taehyung was drinking apple juice from a straw while he kept one hand in his pocket, gazing at Jungkook.

           "Hi, Jungkook." Taehyung said with a smile. "I have great news!"

           "Save your breath.. I already know." Jungkook replied as he folded his arms. "Do you know who you will be acting with?"

           "Satan?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook walked up to Taehyung deepening his glare at the Beta.

           "No... You'll be acting with a real Omega... Jimin." Jungkook said as Taehyung suddenly coughed and placed his juice box down on the kitchen counter.

           "J-Jimin? Why can't it be someone else?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook smirked.

           "Well? I have a way I can take him from you... But it'll cost you something." Jungkook said as Taehyung listened to Jungkook.

           "W-What is it?" The Beta asked as Jungkook leaned on the kitchen counter while staring at Taehyung.

           "You love your Alpha Min Yoongi... Right? He would hate to see you take on some role like this.. Especially when you are going to act with an actual Omega.." Jungkook said with a sly tone in his voice.

              "Get to the point already... What do you want from me? I'll give up anything, I swear!" Taehyung said as Jungkook nodded. Still maintaining a smirk on his face. By now, Taehyung knew Jungkook had something up his sleeve.

          "Give the role of Rujiko to me.." Jungkook demanded as Taehyung's eyes widened at the Alpha's words. "If you give up your role to me... I can act with Jimin so you wouldn't have to." Jungkook chuckled. "It's just that easy~"

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