Chapter 48: Fault

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           The following week was quiet, Jimin would come over to Jungkook's house after work and practice past lines while Jungkook looked for roles to give Jimin. It's been a while and lately Jimin hasn't ever heard the words 'I love you' Come out of Jungkook's mouth. It almost made Jimin feel as if Jungkook only said that to keep the Omega quiet.

           Jimin showed up to his job after missing work that day and was moved to clean the main halls of the lobby. Jimin hated this already. The Omega came from cleaning the lobby to coming to Jungkook's house to practice lines he was already familiar too. However, Jimin would take naps on Jungkook's bed. It seemed as if nothing changed since Jungkook never said the same words he said that night when Jimin stayed over with him all day.

             At night, Jimin would come home from Jungkook's house and cry to himself, thinking he was only told that to keep silent about his love for the younger. Lately, Yoongi was barely around the apartment and was mostly out walking around with Taehyung and would only come back home to sleep and leave for the whole day the following morning. Jimin had no one to talk to now.

             Jimin was walking to Jungkook's house all alone now. The boy was wearing jean overalls, a black beanie and a white and yellow sleeved shirt with his backpack behind him too. He finished his shift and was finally getting to Jungkook's house. The Omega hasn't ever talked to Yoongi like he did before and now he only kept in his feelings about the whole matter since, Yoongi was now barely around to talk to and the Alpha was always with Taehyung.

           Jimin kicked a small rock as he turned around the corner of the small neighborhood to walk up to Jungkook's house. "Here I go again.. Practicing the same lines..." Jimin sighed as he walked up to the door already knowing Jungkook would do the usual bratty behavior as always. "I wish I can hear those words again.. After that night he confessed, the following days were nothing but silent. I went home and never slept in his room for the night after... I only take naps there. Ah, I just wish we can have contact like that again. But all he does is watches me practice. We haven't kissed in a long time.." Jimin talked to himself as he tried to keep down his silent tear that were just about to fall from his face.

          Jimin knocked on the front door, trying to hold back his tears as Jungkook opened the door to see Jimin looking a bit sad. "Hello, Jimin. Are you okay? Your eyes are a bit puffy."

          "I-I'm just sleepy... That's all.." Jimin whispered as he walked in and took off his shoes to step inside.

         "You can sleep in my bed." Jungkook offered as Jimin shook his head.

        "I'll just practice...." Jimin replied already having tears flowing from his eyes as he placed his bag down and took out the scripts he needed to practice. "Have you... found a role?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shook his head.

            "Not quite. I told my Manager to help out and he is trying to at the moment. Finding big roles isn't easy." Jungkook stated as he tilted his head to gaze at Jimin in tears. "You aren't okay.. Tell me what's wrong."

          "I.... Just need some rest." Jimin lied as Jungkook walked up to the boy and grabbed his hand.

          "Come on... Get some rest. There's no way I can get you to practice if you're in tears and crying about sleep." Jungkook said as he lead Jimin to his room.

          Jimin followed in tears, he didn't want to mention what his issues were since he knew Jungkook would only stay silent and do nothing. Jungkook pulled the covers of the bed and looked at Jimin. "Sleep." Jungkook claimed as Jimin crawled onto the bed and layed on Jungkook's pillow, crying to himself. Jungkook just didn't want to leave the boy like this. It broke his heart.

          "Thank you..." Jimin whispered and closed his eyes to sleep as Jungkook grabbed nearby tissues to dry Jimin's tears softly.

           "Ah, I hate how you make me feel like I caused this.. Did I?" Jungkook asked as Jimin grew silent. Not wanting to cause a big problem now. "Jimin... You were just awake." Jungkook said as he went under the covers and crawled all the way to Jimin. Jungkook caged Jimin under him as the Omega opened his eyes to see Jungkook ontop of him. "Did I do something wrong?"

           "I'm just a little upset... Don't worry about i-"

          "If it bothers you, tell me! I need to know what's happening to you." Jungkook claimed as Jimin sighed and looked away from Jungkook.

          "I never talk to my best friend... I was pushed off my favorite spot at work... And.. Now... You..." Jimin whispered. His voice trailed off as he raised his hands up to cup his face and cry softly.

             "What about me Jimin?" Jungkook asked. "Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked as he pulled Jimin's hands away to hold them with his. "Can you tell me?"

          "No... Not now..." Jimin cried as Jungkook sighed and cupped Jimin's face. "I want to sleep..."

         "Is it because I'm not getting you a role? I'm trying to Jimin.."

        "No... That's not it." Jimin whispered as he tried his best to wipe his tears. "It's nothing now.. Please... leave this alone..."

        Jungkook gazed at Jimin once more and let out a sigh as the Omega turned over on the other side to sleep as Jungkook watched Jimin sleep soundly. "So you leave me to find out what I did wrong? That's how it is right? Ah... You're not going home today until I know you won't cry like this again.." Jungkook insisted as Jimin was silent. "I'll let you sleep then." Jungkook claimed as he hugged Jimin before getting off the bed and walking out the door to close it. He couldn't bear the feeling that he hurt Jimin. But to the Alpha, he couldn't tell why.

         Jungkook sat on the living room couch, thinking of many ways to cheer up the little guy, but all that came to mind was nothing. He just wanted to know what he did wrong. Not even thinking about that night he told Jimin he loved him.

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