Chapter 42: Delicate hands

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            "Jungkook... Is this okay? W-We aren't using a script for this..." Jimin said as Jungkook kept guiding Jimin's hands along his chest. "Isn't this real then?"

             "Real...?" Jungkook whispered as he slowly held Jimin's hand on his chest. "I'm only instructing you on this. I don't mean it.." Jungkook claimed. "There's no need for a script so I can teach you something like this to get you ready."

            "You... Really want me to do erotic movies with others but not you? What if I'm only comfortable with you?"

            "That's nonsense. You never tried that before so you'll be fine. I'm never going to do such a movie. I just don't like those types of things." Jungkook stated as Jimin looked at his hand being held by the Alpha against his chest. Jimin was getting nothing but loads of confusing puzzle pieces to put back together! Jungkook was silent about his affection or anything else. This made Jimin believe Jungkook wasn't the type to fall in love. However, the younger's actions said otherwise.

            "If you don't like touching or anything in that nature... Why are you doing this with me?" Jimin questioned as Jungkook face palmed with his other hand.

            "Ah, Jimin how many times do I have to tell you? I'm only trying to teach you." Jungkook replied as Jimin understood all of it and remained silent while Jungkook still held Jimin's hand up to his chest. Jungkook realized Jimin looked a bit upset and desperately thought of what to do now. "Jimin..? Are you okay?"

           "..yes. I'm fine." Jimin replied as he pulled his hand back and looked up at Jungkook. "I think... Until later we can continue. I guess I should give you time on your own atleast throughout the day." Jimin stated as Jungkook nervously tapped his hands on the bed.

            "Jimin... Did I say something wrong? I was just saying that I'm only trying to help you. What did I do?" Jungkook asked as Jimin stood up and gazed back at the Alpha.

             "Oh it's nothing! Nothing... Is my clothes finished washing?" Jimin asked folding his arms and placing his hand over his lips. "I will just hate to waste your time.. I'll give you time on your own and I'll come back."

             "Jimin, suddenly you want to leave? Just stay here you're not wasting my time, idiot." Jungkook muttered as he blushed to himself, gazing at his red sweater. "Here. Put something on while you stay." Jungkook demanded as he tossed the sweater onto Jimin's arms, making the Omega catch it quickly.

              "But Jungkook-"

              "Ah! I said just stay here. Telling me I need time for myself is stupid. I already have that at night and it's boring." Jungkook continued to put on a bratty behavior as Jimin only smiled, knowing that's how Jungkook expressed his love. Most importantly, when he would bicker and blush at the same time while talking to Jimin.

              "So... Do you want me to stay over with you?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shrugged.

             "I didn't say that, but if you must, then fine. I'll let you stay over with me here.." Jungkook answered blankly, pretending to look for something through his cabinets. "Or.. Maybe.. stay here forever with me.." Jungkook whispered as Jimin giggled.

              "What was that, Jungkook? Pardon? I couldn't hear you. You'll have to speak up you know, since actors have to speak louder for the camera and directors to hear." Jimin teased as Jungkook quickly grabbed a white T-shirt from his cabinet and placed it on as he glanced at Jimin with a red face.

              "I said practice your acting bit or stay here forever, suffering through every single line." Jungkook growled as Jimin blushed at hearing how fiesty Jungkook was. It was enough for Jungkook to show his gorgeous fangs that Jimin enjoyed gazing at. "I'll be in the living room." Jungkook said, not being able to hide his smile after trying to be rude to Jimin. The Alpha walked out of the room as Jimin sat back onto the bed and wore the red sweater.

            "He could have chosen to give me a different shirt... But he gave me this one..." Jimin blushed and layed on his side, resting on the younger's bed while the sleeves of the sweater were too long to fit his small and delicate hands. "He loves me... Jungkook just has a hard time thinking of me..." Jimin whispered while he closed his eyes on the bed with a smile.

          Meanwhile, Jungkook was listening to Jimin's whispers since his hearing was strong and every small mumble Jimin will make, Jungkook listened. "Jimin.. You're such an idiot." Jungkook blushed as he was pressed against the wall outside of the room. "I told you not to love me... But that's the first thing you do. That's the first thing you, a cute little Omega does..." Jungkook sighed and poked his head out from the corner of the wall and noticed Jimin was laying on the bed, sleeping for a bit. "Now he's sleeping..." Jungkook whispered,  walked up to the Omega and fixed Jimin's legs to place them on the bed comfortably.

            Jimin opened his eyes slightly to stare at Jungkook and smiled while Jungkook turned the boy over and covered him with a blanket. "I can do it myself~" Jimin giggled as Jungkook looked down at Jimin and tucked him in.

            "Just shut up and get some rest..." Jungkook replied and patted Jimin's shoulder softly. "If you need anything... Tell me.." Jungkook stated as Jimin smirked and gazed back at Jungkook with his perverted smile.

            "I know~" Jimin giggled and covered his face with the covers as Jungkook sighed and turned off the lights of the room to leave Jimin in the dark. "A-Ah! No... Please leave it on.." Jimin pouted as Jungkook smiled and closed the door. "Jungkook!" Jimin shouted louder, followed by giggles as Jungkook opened the door again.

            "What? What do you want?"

            "I hate the dark especially when it rains that tough outside..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook stepped in closing the door behind him and made his way to the bed. Laying down next to Jimin. "I thought you were going to leave the light on." Jimin added as Jungkook was facing Jimin on his bed before turning over to shun Jimin as he tried to sleep. "Jungkook?"

          "I'm sleepy too... Now shut up and get some rest." Jungkook said as Jimin closed his eyes and turned over to face away from Jungkook. Jimin could tell Jungkook did this on purpose and chose to sleep with the Omega. It touched Jimin's heart just knowing Jungkook was falling for him and doing romantic things like this.

           While Jimin was close to falling asleep, he felt Jungkook wrap his arms around his body softly and hug him close. The Omega blushed and quickly turned his head to see Jungkook closing his eyes into the hug. The feeling was calm and Jungkook was gentle with the Omega while he held him close. Jimin pressed his head back to Jungkook's body and blushed.

          "I love you..." Jimin whispered as he placed his hands on Jungkook's arms that were wrapped around his body. "..more than anything I can think of in this world is you..." Jimin continued before sleeping in the Alpha's arms. Embracing the perfect feeling of Jungkook's arms wrapped around him gently.

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