Chapter 5: Open thoughts

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         After the performance, the crowd started to leave as Jimin was left to clean after them all. The whole day, Jimin was cleaning performance after performance.... This was his life and he started to hate it however, he still managed to keep his head up high through it all. While Jimin was cleaning, he looked up to see Yoongi was on the phone. Constantly dialing and holding it up to his ear.

        "What is he doing?" Jimin thought curiously as he cupped his mouth and began to shout for the Alpha's attention. "YOONGI!" Jimin shouted as Yoongi let out a sigh and placed his phone away.

            The older boy quickly pulled down his microphone and looked at Jimin. "What do you want?"

            "Why do you look so upset? No service?" Jimin giggled as Yoongi shook his head.

            "I was just... calling somone.." Yoongi said into the microphone as his voice was echoed through the concert hall. "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and clean so we can get ready for the next boring performance." Yoongi replied as Jimin looked around. At times, the Alpha would be upset when he would try to call that 'someone' Jimin always wondered who it was... At times, Yoongi would never tell his best friend about it. Maybe he took this as something he would keep to himself.

              Jimin continued to clean as Yoongi repeatedly calling someone and this only made Jimin curious on who it was. By the fourth time Yoongi called, Jimin decided to walk up the steps to the control room as Yoongi wasn't paying attention.

         "Hey.... It's me again. I know you don't want to talk but that's okay I understand. Please call me bac-" Suddenly, Yoongi noticed Jimin was in the control room which made Yoongi hang up and stare at Jimin. "Aren't you supposed to be cleaning for the next performance?"

           "Well... I was curious on who you were calling. It almost seemed like you were calling someone important. You never told me about that." Jimin claimed as Yoongi folded his arms.

           "Well... It's just a friend." Yoongi said as Jimin tilted his head.

           "A friend that you call repeatedly on and on? I'm not that naive!" Jimin said as he placed his hands on his hips.

         "Well... Maybe there's more to it. What do you do if someone's ignoring you?" Yoongi asked as Jimin began to think. The Omega never came across an issue like that and can only believe Yoongi was going through a relationship issue.

           "Do you have a lover?" Jimin asked as Yoongi placed his phone away and turned around.

        "Well... Use to? I should accept that I have to move o-"

         "Pretend I'm that person? Then I can help you from there!" Jimin said as Yoongi exhaled and nodded to himself. "Okay, you start!"

         "I miss you..." Yoongi blurted out to Jimin as the younger began to chuckle and covered his face from laughing.

           "O-Oh my..." Jimin giggled as Yoongi face palmed and suddenly began to laugh.

          "Ah, Jimin! You made it weird. Nevermind." Yoongi suddenly began to laugh. "It was someone I was seeing before. Sorry I didn't tell you, she is very... complicated." Yoongi said as he looked at the Omega. "And you don't understand what I'm saying..."

            "Well I'm going to be honest with you, Yoongi. I've never dated anyone because I'm an Omega. No other girl wants me." Jimin said to himself as he patted his best friend's shoulder. "I haven't had any issues with any girlfriends because who wants a guy who came out to be an Omega? Haha, it's really nothing to stress about." Jimin said as Yoongi looked at Jimin.

          "Well... I never thought of it that way. I didn't realize you never dated a girl because of what you are." Yoongi said as he looked at his phone. "I was in a relationship with an Omega, but she says she grew tired of me and wanted someone else who had time for her. Yet, I still can't stop trying to call her... I guess I need to see other people now.." Yoongi claimed as Jimin started to think to himself.

              "You know.. I don't really pay attention to dating anyways. No girl wants an Omega for a boyfriend. Most girls are Omegas and they wouldn't want me. They want an Alpha or a Beta." Jimin claimed as he walked up to the controls. "I never really took in the thought. I guess you can say I would want an alpha of my own. But not now! Oh heavens no. I won't be able to handle their rut!"

          Yoongi started to laugh and look at Jimin. "Ruts aren't that bad... What about heats? Those are bad."

          Jimin giggled and shook his head. "Well we get pain from it but you Alphas go out of control!" Jimin said as Yoongi grabbed a nearby bag of chips and tossed it at Jimin.

            "Go clean." Yoongi said as Jimin smiled and walked out of the control room. The Omega then resumed cleaning in time for the next performance but while he was cleaning, a certain thought came across his mind from the conversation and of course, it was about Jungkook.

             Jimin held the broom in place as he began to think to himself about Jungkook. His fangs, his perfect and handsome face made Jimin smile to himself. "I wonder... How would it feel to be by Jungkook if he was on his rut.." Jimin thought as he started to blush to himself while Yoongi was still up in the control room.

            Most Omegas knew not to stick around an Alpha during rut because of the drastic issues that can come from it! That alone was a dangerous thing to handle, but Jimin was only thinking to himself about it, not believing it could really happen. But what bad could come from it? Jimin just wanted to see what was so bad from handling an Alpha's rut since no one ever bothered to tell him about it.

             The whole conversation about Jimin not having a girlfriend because he was an Omega made Jimin feel a bit bad about himself. Not much Omegas would desire another of the same type. The majority would desire an Alpha to please them when they need it... Which made Jimin's issue even tougher since some girls out there didn't want an Omega.

          At first Jimin didn't think he wanted an Alpha in his life. It was just a feeling. But of course, Jimin would eventually need an Alpha to keep him satisfied. He couldn't stay in his closet for each heat, watching movies to block out the pain.

           Jimin actually needed someone to help him with it and when it came to thinking of an Alpha he would want... Only one came to his mind and it was Jungkook. This was something he couldn't deny even if it was just a little thought that meant nothing at all to him just yet.

          Jimin suddenly began to laugh nervously. "Haha, who am I to start saying I want to be near Jungkook on his rut? I hardly know him! I only know him from the kind guy that he is in the movies, shows... and how handsome he may seem..." Jimin said as he shook the thought away from his head, continuing to sweep the floor. "T-That's if I ever get close to him... But, with his popularity and fame? Growing really close to him is something I highly doubt..."

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