Chapter 7: Favorite

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              Jungkook arrived to the Ari Theaters as he looked out the window to gaze upon the beautiful structure of the theater. "Ah, it's just as beautiful as I remember! Look Taehyung, take this place as a historical landmark from my childhood. I worked each and every leading role in this place and that one small role once. But that doesn't matter! It's so beautiful to be back.." Jungkook claimed as Taehyung opened the door and got out of the car as Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "Don't wait for me to open my own door!"

           "Hysterical." Taehyung replied as he closed his door and walked off, leaving Jungkook in the car to open the door for himself.

           Jungkook quickly opened the door giving an angry glare at the Beta and kept walking forward to enter the building. As soon as Jungkook stepped in, he felt the nostalgic moment rush to him as he walked down a hallway leading to another glass dividers. There was golden chandeliers and historical murals along the side of each wall. Jungkook smiled and turned his head to gaze at his theater posters. "Oh I look amazing!"

            "Look at all of these posters of you... This theater staff really praises you!" Taehyung claimed as Jungkook walked up to one poster and smiled at it.

             "I haven't seen this poster in a long time! It's so rare that I see it around. I absolutely love this staff!" Jungkook exclaimed happily as he looked at the perfect poster of himself. "I might just want to take this one home with me and hang it up in my room!"

            "Oh please, you've already hanged so much posters in your room of yourself and Iron man

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            "Oh please, you've already hanged so much posters in your room of yourself and Iron man. Give the room a break." Taehyung said as he kept his hands in his pocket and kept walking down the hall. He was slightly jealous that Jungkook recieved all of this attention for just being greedy and spoiled. The thought of it made Taehyung scoff. "Come on, we have to meet the rest at the auditorium.."

         Jungkook nodded and pulled the poster from the wall, rolled it up and held it happily. "Let's go!" Jungkook replied as he dashed down the hall like a child.

             As soon as they arrived to the auditorium, Jimin was around the back of the room, sweeping in between the seats as for Yoongi, he was in the control room with a blue lollipop in his mouth while he watched people stand on the stage. It was the cast members for the play version of 'Eungyo.'

          Suddenly, Jungkook pushed the doors open and walked towards the stage, making Jimin flinch and finally see Jungkook in person! Jimin's eyes widened and never expected Jungkook to arrive so quickly from Japan. Jimin almost felt his heart stop, he stood frozen for a while as a man stopped pursuing Jungkook to turn to close the double doors.

             "I'm sorry he scared you, he can be a bit extra at times..." Taehyung apologized and bowed to Jimin in guilt and quickly followed after Jungkook.

           Jimin pulled a smile before running up to the control room to tell Yoongi everything. "H-HE'S HERE!" Jimin shouted as he dropped onto his knees in the control room and layed back on the ground. "I-I never thought he would be here so soon! I got so nervous... I had to get out of there.." Jimin continued to speak quickly as Yoongi turned his head and looked at Jimin.

            "Yes I know he's here. I imagined you running in here to faint but I guess you held up pretty well." Yoongi said as he took out his lollipop to point with it. "Hey Jimin?"

            "Y-Yes?" Jimin asked still laying on the ground beginning to blush.

            "Remember those posters you hanged up for next week? You know... The posters you've been collecting from every show or movie?" Yoongi asked as Jimin  gazed at Yoongi in concern.

             "W-what are you saying?" Jimin asked as Yoongi signalled Jimin to look.

              "He's holding one of them. I think he's going to take it." Yoongi said as Jimin's eyes widened and looked at the actor unroll the poster out and show his manager. Based on the colors from afar, Jimin can tell what poster it was from the stage to the control room.

            "That was my favorite one.." Jimin said as he looked at Yoongi. "Should I feel happy he's carrying it or upset he wants to take my favorite one?"

          Yoongi laughed and patted Jimin's back. "Doesn't matter. Atleast you get to watch him practice!"

           Jimin smiled happily while he gazed at Jungkook down the stage and slowly placed his hand over his heart. "Ah, I'm not close enough but it's better this way. I'll save my glee for the show next week!" Jimin exhaled as Yoongi raised a brow staring at Jimin, wanting to make fun of him for it.

          Jungkook showed his manager the poster and smiled happily. "It's amazing right? I apreciate the staff surrounding the halls with me!" Jungkook said as Taehyung fake coughed.


           "Anyways, Jungkook here is your cast for the play!" Manager Xin stated as he pointed to a beautiful, pale skinned girl that had long hair. This Omega will be playing the main lead of Eungyo. "She plays the lead role and that elder on his phone over there plays the lead role aswell. He's going to play the old poet and as for you, supporting role of the Poet's student."

           "S-Supporting role?!" Jungkook asked as he rolled up the poster. "I know this spot is the only one suitable for me, but isn't there something you can do for me to get main lead?!"

           "Oh boy.." Taehyung sighed and covered his face as Jimin watched the whole drama unfold not being able to hear but watch the gestures, believing it was part of the play. Jimin only thought they were already practicing and began to smile.

             "Jeon Jungkook, are you a female?" Manager Xin asked as Jungkook shook his head. "Are you an old man?" The man asked as Jungkook sighed and shook his head again. "Then suck it up and take the role. You can't let everyone down."

            "But I want more lines... This isn't fai-"

            "You always said you liked a challenge. Now stick with it and everyone get to their places! Let's begin practice!" Manager Xin claimed as Jungkook sighed and looked away in anger.

            Only then, while Jungkook looked away... he gazed up at the control room to see Jimin watching and suddenly, he felt his anger flee his body quickly by just looking at the handsome man. Jimin was very far and in a closed off room, Jungkook couldn't sense him and tell if he was an Alpha, Omega or Beta. But so far, he loved the view.

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