Chapter 10: The note

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               "Why would you sign it?" Yoongi asked trying to hold back his laughter while Jimin was still embarrassed.

               "I-I signed it with my whole name.. I feel so stupid!" Jimin continued to complain.

              "You brought all of your posters here and you left a note behind one too? Oh that's just sad.."

               "I wish I had the guts to go up to him and ask him for an autograph but even that I can't do! Ah, I feel so embarrassed... So scared.. What if he reads it and figures out he doesn't want to come and perform?! Most of the Omegas and Betas in busan will be mad at me!" Jimin shouted as he suddenly began to sob. "A-And I won't see Jungkook perform.."

              "Woah, Jimin are you really crying? He's not going to let his fans down because of that! Maybe Jungkook will just think You're weird and that's it. Besides, he doesn't even know what you look like so it doesn't matter." Yoongi assured as he walked over to Jimin and pulled him up by the arm. "You stress over the small things."

                "But if I confront him... He'll train me and know what I wrote!" Jimin then covered his face as Yoongi struggled to pull Jimin up. "He's going to think that I'm some creepy stalker!" Jimin continued as Yoongi gave up on pulling Jimin up and unexpectedly let go of Jimin, making Jimin fall back and let out a sigh.

              "You're overreacting. Stand up and stop dramatically laying on the floor." Yoongi said as Jimin stood up and kept looking at the ground. "Jimin, I don't think Jungkook will care about a little note."

              "H-He will..." Jimin pouted as he looked back at the empty stage. "If only I would just walk out of here when he was performing... But I got so nervous by his gaze... Those beautiful, big and dark brown eyes that gleam at every single glance he takes! And his eyebrows... They're so attractive, yet he hides them under his dark brown silk hair with no curls in sight... No split ends and even if he wakes up, I bet his hair will still make him look so cute." Jimin described the actor's lovely appearance making Yoongi cough and stomp his shoe against the floor so Jimin can cut it out.

            "You must really love that spoiled brat." Yoongi claimed as Jimin swiftly bolted his eyes at Yoongi, raising a brow while he stared.

              "But I don't love him! I just think he's amazing... and he is not a spoiled brat! I know he wouldn't ever act that way..." Jimin replied as Yoongi shook his head.

              "When he was performing, he suddenly stopped and said he hated the role. He didn't want anything to do with it and he started to complain like a kid. Saying things like... 'I hate this role! I hate it! I don't want this role anymore! Give me more lines or else I'm out of here!' And I was a bit confused at first. Until, I realized you weren't around. Only then, when you arrived, Jungkook went back to saying his lines. It was like he was stalling for you!"

               "Ah, I refuse to believe it.. Something so good like that wouldn't ever come my way!"

              "Maybe he likes you?" Yoongi thought as the two grew silent together for a moment and suddenly began to laugh.

             "He could have just been stalling for me because he doesn't want to resume until everyone has their eyes on him." Jimin proposed his thought as Yoongi took a moment to think about it.

             "That is weird... First second he was angry and turned into satan.... Then the next, he was the most kindest and happiest person out there like nothing happened." Yoongi said as Jimin glanced at his friend for a moment. "But that's only when you walked back in, he changed.. I don't know if it's acting or not, but this is really weird." Yoongi responded while he looked at the empty stage with Jimin too.

             Later on the day, Jungkook was seated by his kitchen table, eating soup while he had his poster rolled up by his side. Jungkook was in his sleep attire and carried the poster with him everywhere. Planning to hang it up after dinner.

            Taehyung walked in as Jungkook quickly gazed at the Beta's direction. "Taehyung!"

            "What?! What do you want?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook smiled.

            "Oh nothing.. I just wanted to bother." Jungkook chuckled as he continued to eat.

           "Jungkook.. I've been meaning to ask, what happened today when you broke out of character and started complaining?"

                "Ah, that little act? A person who was in the auditorium left and I wanted to keep stalling until the person returned so I can continue. No one should miss out on my wonderful acting. However, I don't think I want to do it though.. It's just not for me." Jungkook said as he smiled happily.

               "You are something else.." Taehyung replied as he sat down on the kitchen table with Jungkook. As soon as the Alpha finished his soup, he brought out the poster and unrolled it. Holding it up to his face happily.

             "Isn't it beautiful? I don't have this one hanged up in my room just yet!" Jungkook said as Taehyung noticed there was writings on the back of the poster.

             "There's a note on the back." Taehyung pointed out as Jungkook quickly turned it around and read the note outloud.


Jeon Jungkook is so handsome... He's an amazing actor that I apreciate. Everything he does amazes me. He's handsome, flawless and kind. I see him in movies and plays hoping one day I can work alongside him. Jungkook is perfection! I can't really explain how amazing he is there is literally no words to describe him.

         Jungkook is so attractive.. I gaze up at his light and pale, beautiful skin to his sharp and deep fangs.... I just hope he hasn't marked anyone.. I want him. His fangs, I want him to mark me and kiss me deeply. Thinking of him makes me have a boner as I write this. His voice is so arousing to me.. I think of him on my heat almost everytime.. Hiding the pain as I watch videos and movies of him. My lust for him grows greater everytime I think of him and his prefect body he only shows when he accidentally lifts his shirt up slightly or even goes swimming with a white T-shirt. Where his abs and perfect toned chest and pelvis are outlined. My mind isn't pure when I think of him~

   -Park Jimin
(Or even soon-to-be
Jeon Jimin)

          Jungkook read out the whole thing to Taehyung as the two gazed up at eachother for a solid second before laughing at it all. "Oh man, Jungkook you have a little stalker in your hands. And it seems to be an Omega!"

              Jungkook looked down at the note and smirked biting his lips. "A male omega... Ha, this should be good~ I almost don't want to hang this so I can read this time to time.. It's cute." Jungkook smiled as he looked at it, still biting his lip while he kept his eyes on the note. "I guess I have a secret admirer at the Ari Theaters."

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