Chapter 67: What it feels to be loved~

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              After eating, Jimin walked around the room, stretching while he wore a long T-shirt over his nuded body. Jungkook of course was laying on Jimin's bed, watching the Omega walk around and have a few stretches. Jungkook watched Jimin and smiled as his eyes scanned down to Jimin's ass that was under the long and baggy T-shirt. The look of Jimin wearing this made Jungkook want to fuck Jimin again. He was just waiting on the boy's pain to come up again so he can satisfy him.

           Jimin let out a yawn as he walked into his small closet to sit down as he looked around in the room. "Jungkook!" Jimin called out as he poked his head out of the room to look at the Alpha. Can we cuddle in here?" Jimin asked cutely as Jungkook sat up.

           "Why not in here?" Jungkook asked as Jimin shook his head with a giggle.

          "This place is my small nest. I like it in here more." Jimin added. "Please~" Jimin pouted as Jungkook got up and walked over to Jimin so he can give him a kiss as the Omega stood up.

          The Alpha locked lips with Jimin once more as the older Omega smiled and held the Alpha's hand so they can stay together in the spacious closet. "You really love it here. I think this place is cute for you. Your own personal room." Jungkook added as he sat down and layed back on the bed mat. "You want me to pleasure you here?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded with a smile.

             "I-I'll get the condoms!" Jimin said happily as he walked over to the bag by his bed and picked it up. Looking down to see plan B pills for just in case. This made Jimin think if the Alpha was to go raw, nothing bad would happen. But yet again... Jimin didn't want to risk having children at the moment.

              Jimin walked back into the closet as he closed the door and set the bags down on the floor. Walking to Jungkook and climbing up on him to cuddle in his Alpha's arms. Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair and looked at the Omega with a smile, "Jimin... When can I pleasure you?" Jungkook asked. Making the Omega laugh to himself.

          "Jungkook~ not now." Jimin giggled while Jungkook started to kiss Jimin's neck.

          "Then I'll wait for it..." Jungkook added as he kept kissing the bite mark to show how much he loved having Jimin. Jungkook detatched his lips from Jimin's as he felt the older boy rest on the Alpha's chest.

           "Please don't force it on me..." Jimin replied. "Let it come on it's own."

          Jungkook accepted Jimin's wishes and layed back on a pillow that smelled like Jimin's sweet scent. He wanted to pleasure Jimin now but even he tried hard enough not to do that to him. Jungkook caressed Jimin's face with the backside of his hand. Making Jimin blush and lay back down on the younger's chest. "Jimin~"

             "Mm?" Jimin asked as Jungkook kissed Jimin repeatedly.

               "Jimin, I love you!" Jungkook said as Jimin smiled a bit as the corner of his lips curved. Jimin wanted to accept this but knew Jungkook didn't have his mind straight. He wanted Jimin and that's all he can think of. His inner thoughts about loving Jimin were now on the outside.

        Jimin blushed as Jungkook wrapped his arms around the innocent Omega. Loving this so much and treasured this moment....Even if he was bound to forget this. Later on, Jungkook and Jimin couldn't even check the time at all, they remained in the closet the whole time. Just as Jungkook was about to sleep he heard Jimin let out a huff against the Alpha's chest. Jimin deepened his nails on Jungkook's chest, leaving a scratch as the Omega started to feel the heat pain now.

           "A-Ah~ Jungkook..." Jimin cried keeping his eyes shut as his cock started to get hard. Jungkook felt it and woke the boy up to see Jimin huffing in pain as a tear escaped his eyes. "J-Jungkook..." Jimin cried as the Alpha sat the boy up and lifted Jimin's T-shirt over his body to softly kiss his chest and lay back on the bed mat as Jimin placed his hands on the Alpha's abs. "Please help me..." Jimin whimpered. Only then, Jungkook quickly turned over and pressed Jimin down on the bed mat.

          "I got you now... No worries.." Jungkook whispered as he spreaded Jimin's leg, rubbing Jimin's hole and feeling it getting wet so quickly. Due to how horny Jimin was getting.

            "Mm~ J-Jungkook... Please be quick..." Jimin whimpered as he moved his hand down to touch himself while Jungkook stood up and grabbed the bag of condoms and took one out to look back at Jimin jacking off and moaning in pain. "J-Jungkook!" Jimin cried as Jungkook pulled down his underwear. Jimin then opened his eyes to look at the Alpha's nuded body entirely. Loving every muscle in Jungkook's body. Jungkook got down on his knees and rolled the condom onto his cock as he quickly pulled Jimin's hands away from touching himself and quickly grasped Jimin's hips, forcefully turning over as he pushed himself into Jimin's wet hole so quickly. Making Jimin let out a moan so quickly.

            "J-JUNGKOOK!" Jimin cried out loud already as Jungkook layed his head back on the pillow and thrusted upwards into Jimin. Jimin didn't even move on his own since Jungkook was already slipping his cock in and out of Jimin's asshole. Causing the boy to to keep his hole lubricated from the way Jungkook thrusted into him. Jimin just hoped Jungkook didn't go too rough into the Omega's entrance.

           "Ah~ Jimin!" Jungkook huffed resting his head back while Jimin moved his hands up the Alpha's torso while he arched his back and bit his lips. Moaning uncontrollably while throwing his head back. "Oh Jimin you're even more wet than the last time!" Jungkook groaned as Jimin dragged his nails down Jungkook's chest to his perfectly toned and ripped abs. "Ahh~" Jungkook started to moan while he wet his lips. The Alpha found pleasure through Jimin's sweet moans and wet sounds that filled the closet.

           "Jungkook! Ah! J-Jung- AH FUCK!" Jimin gasped as he felt Jungkook finally press against his sweet spot while in this position. "AH~"

              "You like it when I fuck y-you hard here... Huh? Want more here?" Jungkook asked as Jimin felt the Alpha thrust into his sweet spot again and again. Constanly thrusting into it as Jimin moaned loudly while the Alpha quickly held Jimin's hips and turned over to thrust into the boy repeatedly again and again. Watching Jimin's body move up and down the bed mat, followed with whimpers with each thrust.

             "Y-Yes... More! Jungkook!" Jimin begged almost crying from how good the feeling was to him. As the Alpha ran his hands up and down Jimin's chest, he made  Jimin press his hands above his head and against the pillow too as he gripped onto the pillow case. Chasing after his orgasm while Jungkook still dominated over the not-so-pure Omega.

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