Chapter 89: Boundaries~

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           Jungkook drew his fingers back from Jimin's mouth, hearing Jimin's soft huff while he pulled it away. "Oh Jungkook~" Jimin moaned as the Alpha was too deep into his Rut to respond to Jimin. Jungkook planted one hand on the bed, over Jimin to cage him while he placed a hand down on Jimin's back to hold the Omega down while he resumed thrusting. "NGH-AHH!" Jimin moaned while his hips buckled against the edge of the bed while he was bending over for his Alpha.

            "Mmm~ Jimin..." Jungkook moaned while he kept thrusting in and out of the Omega. Hearing Jimin's huffs and how wet his entrance was everytime he pushed his cock into the boy. "A-Ah... Jimin.... Jimin... F-Fuck.." Jungkook hissed as he looked down thrusting harder into Jimin roughly as the Omega was growing to love the feeling.

            "JunGKOOK!" Jimin shouted and started to let out his uncontrollable moans as he placed his leg on the edge of the bed just so he can feel Jungkook go deeper. "A-Ahh...AhH!" Jimin cried while he felt Jungkook lean over and softly tease his fangs along Jimin's shoulder, making Jimin whimper from having the slight fear of Jungkook biting down onto his skin.

           Jimin clenched his wet entrance and finally managed to open his eyes while he looked to the side, catching Jungkook in his eye while the Alpha licked along Jimin's mark and kissed it so tenderly. The bittersweet feeling made a shiver fall down Jimin's spine on how much he loved that. Jungkook looked up at his lover while he was slowing down on his thrusts just to kiss Jimin's soft lips that awaited for his touch. "My Jimin..." Jungkook whispered in between the kiss as Jimin used his hands to support himself up a bit while he continued the kiss, tilting his head back to continue.

            "Jungkook....ah- I love you.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled a bit during it all and still maintained his cock slipping in and out of Jimin's entrance moderately.

              "I love you too, babe.." Jungkook replied as Jimin blushed. Jungkook's hands traveled down the sides of Jimin's torso until they gripped onto Jimin's waist. "My baby... My precious Omega..." Jungkook continued. Jungkook commenced thrusting rougher than before enough to hear the loud wet slaps as soon as his big member hit against Jimin's entrance, Jimin quickly gasped while he arched his body and held tightly onto the bed sheets, no longer moving his arms around.

         "AH-H-Ahh!" Jimin cried while he heard his own voice crack from it all. He knew deep down Jungkook won't stop until he was satisfied and that alone could take a while. However, Jungkook did keep in the thought of not going too tough on his Omega. Or else Jimin would be begging the Alpha to stop, followed by tears that will be shed from his beautiful eyes.

          Jungkook maintained a limit. He didn't want to hurt his mate so he managed to keep himself down for a while by giving Jimin kisses. Yet, it wasn't easy holding himself back. Jimin huffed on the bed while he pointed his nose against the sheets, hearing his heart beat faster and his body temperature rise from the Sexual tension that was growing between them. Jimin didn't want to stop. It's been so long he felt Jungkook's seductive kisses and whispers against his ear, he enjoyed it all.

              "Jimin! AH- you're so tight again!" Jungkook groaned while he tightened his grasp on Jimin's waist and looked down at the back view of Jimin's body. "Mmh... I bet he won't satisfy you like this..." Jungkook huffed as he cocked his head to the side to look at Jimin moaning and trying his best not to shout. Jimin's cheeks were red while his eyes couldn't be kept open. Jungkook gazed down at the Omega and dragged his right hand down to squeeze Jimin's ass tightly. "Tell me how much I mean to you...." Jungkook whispered as he thrusted harshly, but it wasn't enough to step over Jimin's boundaries. "" Jungkook hissed as Jimin rose his head up from the bed and breathed heavily.

             "Jungkook! Ah- I love you.... I need you now... M-More than anything I've ever-AH w-wanted!" Jimin whimpered while he rested his head back onto the bed, facing the side of the room and continuing to let out his shaky moans for the Alpha.

            "You listen to what I say.... No one else.." Jungkook continued as Jimin nodded. Slowly biting down onto the bed sheets to masquerade the sexual pain he felt deep down. "Mm-When did I say you can silence yourself?" Jungkook huffed while he rubbed Jimin's ass and spanked it slightly harder as Jimin moaned and continued to moan on the bed sheets.

            "Jungkook- a-Ah...Ah!" Jimin resumed moaning for the dominant, hearing Jungkook let out a labored chuckle while his body pressed against Jimin's heated body and thrusted deep into Jimin.

            "Y-You want me to cum inside of here?" Jungkook asked. The younger Alpha rolled Jimin's hair back and licked his lips as Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear.

             "Y-YES! OH PLEASE!" Jimin begged as Jungkook held one hand onto Jimin's soft and slightly sweaty hair and held himself up with his other hand planted onto the bed.

            "Fuck...." Jungkook hissed as he closed his eyes feeling how good Jimin's entrance was. It almost brought him closer to ejaculating into Jimin's entrance. But of course, Jungkook made sure he kept it in so he can last longer to satisfy himself and his Omega during it all. "J-Just in here?" Jungkook smirked as Jimin nodded again desperately.

            "You love me so much... Enough to risk bringing a pup into this world.." Jungkook whispered as he caressed Jimin's hair back slightly. "M-My baby... J-Jimin...aH!" Jungkook moaned. Leaning down against Jimin's body, thrusting into the lubricated entrance and jolting his hips while his cock went in and out of the Omega continuously.

             Jungkook slammed his hips onto Jimin's rear, going non-stop while he gripped onto Jimin's hair with one hand and his other spreaded out forward onto the bed, holding Jimin's hand tigthly while their fingers were intertwined. Showing how much he loves Jimin and how much he doesn't want to hurt him.

         Jimin tightened his hand lock with Jungkook's as he started to scream his moans loudly. Jungkook didn't want to stop since he knew Jimin loved it and if he didn't, he'll beg the Alpha to stop. Which would be tough since Jungkook was uncontrollable at the moment. Literally everything that goes through his head will come out the other like nothing happened. Yet, Jungkook did keep in mind that Jimin was fragile so he grappled onto the thought just so he wouldn't ever hurt Jimin during it all. Just like he promised.

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