Chapter 9: Hyper

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             "R-Resume? Are you okay, Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" The woman asked as Jungkook nodded and glanced back at Jimin in the control room.

            "Of course! Let's resume." Jungkook continued as Jimin began to wonder what Yoongi meant as Jungkook acting 'spoiled.' Yoongi looked up at the other Alpha and knew what game this actor was playing... He was able to catch this so quickly and tell that Jungkook was stalling for Jimin.

          After the practice, the play directors went out to show Jungkook the dressing room while Jimin was still up in the control room. He was still a bit shy to meet Jungkook and can only imagine how bad it would be for Jimin to run up to the alpha and beg for a signiture. It would be just bothering the man.

          Yoongi stood up and placed his phone away since he was texting Jimin about Jungkook... It was really odd and Yoongi tried to explain to Jimin about what happened but Jimin just kept typing 'Nooo, that's not real! You're making me blush.'

            Yoongi sighed and decided it was better to tell Jimin face to face. Once the Alpha started to walk, someone stepped infront of his way, making him slowly pan his vision upwards. Locking eyes with the Beta who was standing a few seats down from Yoongi before.

           "Hello." Taehyung smiled as he looked at Yoongi up close. Taehyung was able to catch Yoongi's scent and know he really was an Alpha.

            Alphas were dominants who were well desired by Omegas the most! They needed them for Ruts as for Omegas needed Alpha's for their Heats. However, Taehyung was a Beta. Betas were in between the three. They can help Omegas and Alphas when they need pleasure but can never get pregnant from a dominant or make any Omega pregnant. Some said Betas were just sex toys because of that. Catching a scent was an ability to help each type understand and know a stanger but Taehyung had issues with this so it was tough to catch it from afar.

           "Oh, Hello." Yoongi smiled and held out his hand to shake.

           "You're an Alpha. It was tough for me to sense that from afar so this is news to me." Taehyung smiled and shaked hands with the Alpha. "My name is Kim Taehyung."

           "Min Yoongi.... So, is there something wrong with you sensing things?" Yoongi asked as Taehyung nodded a bit embarrassed.

            "Yeah.... But it's okay. I approached you so I can know what you were. I was feeling that you were an Alpha." Taehyung claimed as he pulled his hand away from Yoongi and rolled his soft hair back.

            Yoongi smiled at Taehyung showing his fangs as Taehyung's eyes widened and moved in closer, holding Yoongi's shoulders in place while he gazed at the Alpha's fangs.

            "Woah! Your fangs are really cute and pointy! Jeon Jungkook would never let me have a close look at them like this. Alpha's use these to claim... Have you ever claimed any Omega as yours?!" Taehyung asked happily as Yoongi backed away and stared at the Beta like he was insane.

             "U-Um... No... I never have..."

             "When Alphas claim they can't only use their fangs they have to use their full set of teeth to make a permanent mark." Taehyung pointed out as Yoongi smiled feeling a bit uncomfortable.

         "Well I am an Alpha.. and of course I know about that.."

        "It's amazing how you Alphas are the most desired kind! I know some people want Betas but there's only so much we can do." Taehyung laughed as Yoongi smiled nervously. He can tell that Taehyung really wanted to be his friend so Yoongi didn't mind and tried to start a conversation. "So, have you ever had sex with an Omega on your rut?!" Taehyung asked as Yoongi's eyes widened.

             "Woah... Woah... Hey..." Yoongi held up his hands as he smiled nervously. "That's dangerous. It can lead to pregnancy or just hurt the Omega and I'm not ready to be a father!"

            "It doesn't have to be that way, though. You know the easiest way to-"

            "S-SO what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked as Taehyung stopped for a second and laughed to himself.

           "I'm here with my Manager and Jungkook. I'm an actor."

          "Nice, which movies or plays have you been in?"

          Taehyung then smiled and looked down. "Ah... I only play as people in the background..."

          Yoongi listened to Taehyung and almost felt a bit bad for Taehyung. "No offense but that's not really mu-"

           "TAEHYUNG!! WE'RE LEAVING NOW IF I GET TO THE CAR FIRST I'M LEAVING!" Jungkook shouted as he held his poster and ran out of the auditorium so quickly as the Manager tried his best to keep up with Jungkook.

           "Well... That's my curtain call." Taehyung chuckled and waved as he walked off. Yoongi watched the Beta leave and could tell he had a happy yet hyper personality on him. It was enough to make him look back at their conversation and let out a smile.

           The Alpha walked back up to the control room to see Jimin smiling at Yoongi through the glasss until the Alpha walked in. "Who was that?" Jimin asked with a smirk while he leaned on the glass window.

               "Some actor that never plays any main roles. His name is Kim Taehyung."


                "How do you know? You only went outside to get animal crackers and come back unsuccessful!"

                 "Well when Jungkook pushed the doors open Taehyung apologized and I was able to catch that he was a Beta." Jimin shrugged and started to giggle. "Tell me! Do you love him?!"

             Yoongi glared at Jimin with a blank face and shook his head. "I am not falling in love with anyone else!"

              Jimin placed his hand on his hip and smiled. "Alright, then I guess I won't be hearing you tell me that I love Jungkook. Anyways, I think today was my best day ever! Even if I was a bit nervous to sit upfront..."

             "I'm guessing you never asked him to train you." Yoongi said as Jimin's eyes widened.

            "I-I didn't! I was too scared to walk up and ask!!!" Jimin started to panic as Yoongi walked up to Jimin and flicked his forehead.

           "He'll be here next week so you have a while to practice what you'll say." Yoongi assured as Jimin let out an exhale in relief.

           "Oh thank goodness... I thought I was going to have to track him down for that..." Jimin whispered as Yoongi glanced at his phone again to see if he recieved any calls from his ex-girlfriend. "OH MY GOSH!" Jimin shouted making Yoongi drop his phone.


              "I-I WROTE HOW MUCH I ADMIRE JUNGKOOK'S WORK AT THE BACK OF MY FAVORITE POSTER! a-and when I was drunk one night.. I wrote about how nice he looked and how much I wanted his fangs to... AH DANG IT! I MESSED UP!!" Jimin screamed as Yoongi started to laugh at Jimin's pain.

           "Atleast you didn't sign i-"

            "-AND I SIGNED IT WITH MY FULL NAME!!" Jimin cried as he layed on the floor hugging himself from the embarrassment. "I-I'm done for.."

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