Chapter 99: Confront

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             Jimin couldn't believe how much of a coincidence this was. Namjoon was with the photographer for the movie cover of 'Rujiko.' "Seokjin, right? Ah, he's the photographer for 'Rujiko' I play as a leading role for the movie!"

          "Oh! I see. You're the one who's acting with Jeon Jungkook! Ah the teaser for the movie is trending!"

           "T-The teaser? No one released it yet..." Jimin said as Namjoon showed Jimin the trailer.

           "I never knew you were pregnant! Who's the father?"

            "It's Jungkook..." Jimin added as Namjoon let out a gasp and cupped his mouth.

            "Are you serious?! Ah! Your fans and Jungkook's fans will love this!!" Namjoon said as Jimin's eyes grew wide.


             "Yes! You have fans!" Namjoon said. "You've gotten really popular over this trailer and I believe this movie will be the most romantic movie of the year! Anyways... I have to go now, can't leave my baby with Seokjin for too long. He needs to go on set very soon and I know you do too! Take these and make sure you cover every inch of your body with this or else everyone will sense it. I guess you are keeping it a secret from everyone?" Namjoon asked as he handed the three bottles of fragrances to Jimin.

          "O-Oh yes! Thank you for your help!" Jimin said happily as Namjoon smiled and left. Jimin was actually glad he had someone to help him... It made him feel more safer. The Omega looked at the fragrances when, Jungkook started to call. "Can this day get any worst?" Jimin asked himself as he decided to ignore the call. The Omega only did this because if he was to answer, Jungkook would quickly ask where he was and show up at Jimin's apartment. Jimin just didn't want Jungkook waiting for him at his apartment just so he can catch his scent. That was something Jimin feared.

              While Jimin ignored the Alpha's calls, Jungkook was sitting in his bed without a shirt as he waited for Jimin to answer, yet there was no response...  "Jimin? Why won't you answer?" Jungkook asked as he looked at his reflection on the phone. "Maybe my Jimin is asleep..." Jungkook said as he smiled. "I can't wait to go see him already packed up. Ah, I want to wake up and see him here by my side... It sounds so good to me." Jungkook said as Manager Xin walked in so suddenly.

               "Jeon Jungkook!"

                "MR. XIN EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" Jungkook shouted, quickly covering his chest with the blanket. "The nerves of this man.."

             "Jungkook, I just got you a new role! For an action movie and guess what? It's in Japan! You'll be shooting your action movie there." Manager Xin said as Jungkook let out a laugh.

           "I don't want it. Give it to that Beta." Jungkook said as he stretched. "He needs it more than me."

             " up a role for a friend? Am I hearing things now? Or you are finally becoming more mature?" Manager Xin asked as Jungkook looked back at the Alpha.

             "Friend? Ha! Don't make me laugh. He was only a student to me. Take it to that Taehyung guy. I have better things to do here. I'm with my Jimin so no need to travel far." Jungkook said as he gazed at the time. "I'll have to go to the set soon and Jimin never called me back... Should I be worried? He might be asleep but I'm scared he might oversleep." Jungkook said as Manager Xin chuckled.

            "He'll call you back, Jungkook. Nothing to worry about there." The Manager said as Jungkook looked down at his phone. Dropping it back onto the bed.

           "Ugh... I want him to call me now!" Jungkook said as the older man just left the room before Jungkook can continue to complain. "Call me... Text me.. Video call.. Anything?" Jungkook whispered as he remained gazing up at the screen. "Please... Oh how much I hate being far from him! It drives me insane!" Jungkook said under his breath as he layed back onto the bed, waiting for Jimin's call or messages.

             Later on, Jungkook waited for Jimin on set and the Omega wasn't there. The Alpha waited by Jimin's apartment door and Jimin didn't answer. This only left Jungkook to wonder where the boy went! "It must be that Kyunsji guy... That annoying little brat! He can't take a hint that he has to stay away from what I own! How tough is it to stay away?!" Jungkook thought as he suddenly picked up a rich Omega scent.

            Jungkook turned his head to see his Omega nervously eating a bag of seaweed chips. Jungkook sighed and walked up to Jimin, hugging him from the back, pressing his hips forwards and giving Jimin a kiss on the neck. "Where were you? Do you know how much I missed you? I can't be far from you, babe.. Did you pack up?"

            "No...Haha..... Jungkook can you not kiss me there?" Jimin asked as Jungkook let go of Jimin to look at him with such a curious gaze.

            "Are you alright?"

            "I... Just had a terrible dream..." Jimin said as Jungkook folded his arms.

              "You're not lying to me, are you?" The Alpha asked as Jimin giggled and shook his head.

              "Of course not! W-Why would I? I-I would never..." Jimin said as Jungkook raised a brow and continued to gaze at the Omega. "Stop staring at me like I know what's wrong with me!" Jimin suddenly cried as Jungkook quickly took out a napkin and walked up to Jimin. Drying his tears.

           "Jimin.... There's something wrong and you aren't telling me..." Jungkook said as he wiped Jimin's tears. "Was it Kyunsji? What did he do?" Jimin shook his head as Jungkook sighed, wiping Jimin's tears. "....then what is it then?" Jungkook asked as Jimin placed his hands on Jungkook's arms.

            "It was just a dream.... I-I was pregnant.." Jimin said as Jungkook stared at Jimin for a moment before collecting himself on what to say.

           "Do you... want a pup? Is that what it is?" Jungkook asked as Jimin slowly nodded. "That's what it was?"

            "Yes I-I want to have a pup..." Jimin said. Hoping to slowly rip off the bandage on this topic. "I had a dream I was pregnant... And was worried on what you'll say..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook held Jimin's hands.

             "I-If you want a pup.... T-That's totally fine! But not now... Please not now. I would love to have pups with you, Jimin. I really do. Yet, we can't. Now's not the time. We are far too busy to have our own. Promise me you'll just take the pills and just keep in mind that soon when all of this is done, I can give you what you want. Please don't speed this up, Jimin. I'm not ready right now. Okay? Understood?" Jungkook said with a smile. Glad he was able to clear Jimin's mind from that idea... Or so he thought.

             "I-I understand... But what if I get pregnant one day and it's too early?" Jimin asked as Jungkook pulled Jimin into a hug.

            "Shhh Let's just not go there, Jimin.... Just be happy that you aren't pregnant right now, we still have eachother and there's no pup between us..." Jungkook said with a smile. "Enjoy youth on what it is.." Jungkook whispered to his Omega. Hugging him as Jimin slowly raised his hands to Jungkook's shoulder to hug him back. Thinking on what to do now.

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