Chapter 56: On set

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         It was the following week and Jimin hasn't been thinking of anything recently. He was restless with just practicing his lines. By now, he stopped trying to call Jungkook, even after days and nights of endless tears... He has never felt so upset with himself now.

           Jimin remembered the day he got the script... Jungkook told him not to do it and Jimin promised to dispose of the script but Jimin couldn't. The Omega was blinded by the fact of going out there for once and debuting in a big film. He couldn't deny he was wrong too.

            Jimin sighed and covered his face while he was pacing around his room. Holding the script up to his face and reading the words over and over in case he has to do the first act. However, the first scene they were to record was the sex scene which was going to be the difficult scene first. Jimin was worried and didn't know what to do.

          Jimin was ready to head out to the set with his best clothes. He was wearing a black leather jacket over his black and white striped sleeved shirt with yellow timberlands on too. Jimin wore the shoes knowing they were Jungkook's favorite and he wanted to wear something that makes him happy so everytime be would look down at the shoes, he would think of Jungkook. Jimin kept reading over the lines in worry as he let out sharp breaths. "Fuck... Will this get any wor-" Suddenly, Jimin's phone chimed as a notification on Jungkook's twitter just posted. Jimin quickly tapped on the notification to see another post Jungkook said about Jimin.

               "So I gues he is still upset with me

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               "So I gues he is still upset with me... I don't get it. He said it's only acting when he kisses me but when it's my turn to head out and gain other roles like this.. He tells me not to be in it." Jimin sighed and read over the post. "Yet again... I am the one to blame too... I'm no victim to this. I said I wasn't going to do something that wasn't right by him... But then, I took the script home. Ugh, when has he ever allowed me to get what I want?! It's always about him!" Jimin thought as he turned off his phone and gazed up at the clock. "This is stupid... I'm going to the set now. I don't want to be late." Jimin said as he placed the script into his small backpack and held his phone up to track down the location of the set that was indicated on the back of the script.

            Jimin knew Manager Xin was going to be the only one who supports him there so Jimin felt a bit better now. The Omega walked out of the room to see Yoongi and Taehyung cuddling on the couch and taking cute pictures together. This made Jimin smile to himself as he watched his best friend gaze into his lover's eyes. "So when's the wedding?" Jimin asked as Yoongi started to laugh.

          "Ah, look at the movie star. When is your award show?" Yoongi teased back as Taehyung laughed and rested his head on Yoongi's chest.

             Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's phone to use it as he looked up at Jimin. "Good luck on the movie! When you get back I'll be sure to make you something good to eat!" Taehyung added as Jimin smiled and nodded.

            "Thank you." Jimin replied as he started walking to the door to see Taehyung resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder now where his lips were softly pressed against the Alpha's neck. "You guys did realize there's a bedroom right over there." Jimin said as he pointed to Yoongi's bedroom. "Can you guys wait until I'm gone?" Jimin giggled and opened the door as Taehyung pulled away from Yoongi to blush and wave at Jimin.

            Taehyung and Yoongi were a couple now but haven't shared their first kiss just yet. Taehyung wanted their first kiss to be amazing an perfect. Just like the ones in movies. By now, the two were always by eachother's side 24/7 and the couple really did enjoy having the on another around. There wasn't a day they wouldn't spend without eachother's giggles, jokes and happy smiles.

            However, Jimin was all on his own to bear with the thought of how he betrayed Jungkook. It was all in his twitter posts and Jimin knew Jungkook was wrong too. But in the Alpha's mind, in what world was he ever wrong?

           Jimin took a train ride to the set that was a bit far away but Jimin didn't care. This is all he had now that mattered since Jungkook didn't seem like he will ever post a "I'm sorry" message for Jimin. Jungkook loved it when he seemed like he was winning all the time. Jimin thought of the words over and over in his head as he walked up to this big factory like structure where the set would be. It wasn't a factory or a warehouse, it was a huge set that had alot of camera directors, writers, costume designers, makeup artists and technicians inside. Jimin walked into the set after being guided to the correct building by securities.

         Jimin was very shy as soon as he walked in with the script in his hands. Only then, there was a hyper man running up to Jimin with a headset on. "HI! WELCOME! YOU MUST BE HERE FOR THE ROLE OF KIM JUNHI!" The hyper man claimed. It seemed to be an Alpha that had the words on his hat saying "Director Hope"   his appearance was handsome and bright. He had dark red hair and a big smile on his face while he stared at Jimin. "I'm Jung Hoseok, your director! But everyone here calls me, Director Hope!" Hoseok exclaimed as Jimin giggled from how loud and jumpy this director was. The Omega was already feeling a bit more comfortable now.

              Mr. Xin told me you are the one playing Kim Junhi! Ah, I'm so excited! First we will record the first time the two meet since we already recorded the first necessary scenes with Yota Rujiko!" Hoseok claimed as he looked at Jimin with a big smile again. "Then it's the sex scenes just to get those boulders out of the way!"

              "W-What? You guys already started?" Jimin sputtered as Hoseok placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders.

             "Calm down, Park Jimin! We only shot the scenes necessary with Jeon Jungkook." Hoseok chuckled as Jimin's eyes widened.

           "D-Did you just say... Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin whispered as Hoseok placed his arm around Jimin and pointed to the Alpha at sitting down infront of the mirror getting his makeup done.

           "We just finished recording the scene where he comes from the airport and all of us is going to a closed street near the airport to film the scene where you two meet!" Hoseok stated happily as Jimin's eyes locked on Jungkook getting his make up done. All of the makeup was covering up the horrible look on his face from drinking too much and lacking sleep.

           To Jungkook, he didn't mean for this to go too far and hurt Jimin and himself in the process. But the Alpha alone suffered through his own act he put up just to make Jimin realize what he has done before. It was like a small punishment for Jimin, but this time.. Jungkook was the one who caused the big damage to himself at the end of the day.

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