Chapter 47: Make time

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          Jimin was cooking in the kitchen as Jungkook was on his phone, waiting by the kitchen table. Jimin told the younger to wait for the meal as Jungkook was pretending to be on his phone. By now, Manager Xin already left and was barely around so Jungkook stayed with the Omega.

           Jungkook pondered on his phone just casually going through his twitter feed, not really posting much. "Ah... What are you cooking anyways? Can I go to my room now?" Jungkook complained as Jimin turned around wearing a white apron and Jungkook's house shoes.

           "Just wait there, Jungkook!" Jimin giggled as he was cooking dumpling soup for Jungkook and himself. "I learned cooking from my mother. I visit her everytime but not recently. I want to see her sometimes.." Jimin giggled as Jungkook looked at Jimin's ass while he was cooking.

            "Jimin... You had no issues showing your body to me..." Jungkook pointed out. "Do you... Really love me?" Jungkook asked as Jimin looked back and made a big smile.

          "Of course I do! What did you think I was doing before? Acting? Ah, I love you, Jungkook." Jimin said. "I wanted to cook for you. I hope you love it." Jimin claimed as he started to make the kimchi dumplings for the soup.

           Jungkook looked at his phone and smiled as he opened the camera application to take a picture of Jimin cooking. Jungkook didn't understand why he was suddenly becoming so nice again.... This behavior only happened around Jimin and deep down, Jungkook knew he loved Jimin. The Omega then turned around to see Jungkook taking a picture of him cooking making Jimin giggle.

            "Stop!~ you're supposed to be waiting not taking pictures of me." Jimin giggled as Jungkook set his phone down and looked up at Jimin again. "It's almost done so be patient. I'm just adding in a little more dumplings incase you want to eat them without the soup." Jimin claimed as Jungkook layed his head down on the table.

            "How do I tell hin to stop falling in love with me? I want him... But he's not going to be around me for so long. I know he'll have greater things coming to him and I'd hate to see him go..." Jungkook said in his head as he softly tapped on the kitchen table. "I don't want him to become a distraction to me." Jungkook thought as Jimin placed the dumplings into another pot to steam.

           Jimin looked back to see Jungkook was laying on the table waiting patiently as Jimin giggled to himself. "Everytime I look at you, I can't help but to smile." Jimin stated as Jungkook watched Jimin set out two bowls and poured the dumpling soup onto the bowl.

          Jimin then took the hot bowl of soup to Jungkook where the soup was made with beef brisket that was prepared with garlic-flavored spice, sweet and springy shrimp within the dumplings. Jimin made sure he made extra steamed dumplings in the pot seperated from the soup for just in case Jungkook wanted more. These dumplings were steamed and came with flavorful kimchi prepared slightly spicy with the cabbage, salted and juicy beef, pork, and hot tofu packed into the Kimchi dumplings.

          Jimin set the table and allowed Jungkook to eat as he turned off the pots and made Jungkook herbal tea aswell. Jungkook gazed at the bowl of hot dumpling soup, side bowls of kimchi dumplings and a hot cup of herbal tea. "Why did you have to cook for me? I wouldn't mind ordering take ou-"

            "We've already discussed this. As long as I'm here, I'll cook you food to keep you healthy." Jimin added as he set his bowl across the table of Jungkook's and started to eat, watching Jungkook follow after. "I-It's okay... If you don't love me, Jungkook..." Jimin claimed as Jungkook silently continued to eat. "I wouldn't force you to love me no matter what. I can sleep on the couch today.." Jimin stated as Jungkook finally looked up and used a napkin to dry the soup from his lips.

           "No you're sleeping in my bed... With me.." Jungkook added as Jimin blushed and shook his head.

            "If you don't love me, you don't have to keep treating me kindly so you can let me down easily. I've been rejected before. It's only natural that you would do the same to me too." Jimin claimed.

             "Ah shut up about that already, Jimin! You're making me sad!" Jungkook said as Jimin started to giggle at how Jungkook's face turned red.

           "I hate playing this love game, Jungkook. But I love to see how you hide it from me." Jimin said as he rested his head on his hand.

             "I-I'm not hiding it from you! Stop saying I love you because I don't!" Jungkook exclaimed as Jimin smiled watching the younger's face turn red.

            "Of course you don't... I understand." Jimin giggled as Jungkook tossed a napkin at Jimin to make him stop but Jimin kept giggling. Slowly making Jungkook smile as he stirred his spoon around in his dumpling soup.

           Later on that night, Jungkook was sleeping around the edge of the bed as Jimin was sitting next to the Alpha with the bedroom lamp on, thinking about his feelings for the idol. "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook was facing the other way of the room. "I really love you..." Jimin said as he looked at his hands under the blanket he shared with the younger. "Are you awake?"

        "...Yes I am..." Jungkook replied as he had his eyes closed.

       "Did you... Hear what I said?" Jimin asked as Jungkook nodded.

        "I did..." Jungkook replied as Jimin softly moved his hand up to Jungkook's shoulder.

        "What do you feel about me..?" Jimin asked hesitantly as Jungkook grew silent. "Please answer... Tell me something so I can know. You send so much different signals.. I don't understand.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook turned around and faced Jimin while he had his head on the pillow.

        "Mm... Jimin... I need you.." Jungkook said as Jimin felt happy for that split second.

         "I-I need you too!" Jimin exclaimed as Jungkook shook his head and pointed to the lamp.

          "I need you to turn off the light. I can't sleep..." Jungkook whispered as Jimin felt his heart break.

          "Oh... O-Okay.." Jimin replied slightly feeling a tear roll down his cheek. The sad older boy turned around and switched the light off of the lamp as he layed back onto the bed. Starting to cry to himself. "G-Goodnight, Jungkook...." Jimin whispered. Trying to hold back his tears as Jungkook sighed and turned over to pull the boy close.

             Jungkook pulled Jimin back into his arms as Jimin's eyes widened and looked back to see Jungkook resting his head on Jimin's back. "Goodnight, Jimin... I love you too... But please let me love you in my own way." Jungkook confessed as he felt Jimin tear up more and turn around to hug Jungkook tightly.

            "I-I love you... I love you.. Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin repeated desperately tearing up as the younger patted Jimin's back softly.

            "Give me time... Okay?" Jungkook asked sleepily, not being able to keep his eyes open as Jimin nodded happily. Jimin cried in tears of joy just hearing those words. It was enough to make the Omega's night.

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