Chapter 8: Stalling

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          Jimin noticed Jungkook was staring and suddenly turned red. The Omega looked down at the controls as the Alpha pulled a smirk and averted his eyes from Jimin. Jungkook couldn't really pick up a scent from Jimin since he was far. The younger gazed up again to see that Jimin wasn't there but just Min Yoongi.

          Yoongi smiled and waved at the famous actor as Jungkook noticed sharp fangs from afar and realized Yoongi was an Alpha. Jungkook waved and looked away as Taehyung stepped in front of the Alpha.

             "Do you know your lines?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook set the poster down on the ground and nodded with a sigh.

            "Yeah, sure whatever let's just hurry so I wouldn't be here any longer. I want to go out and eat." Jungkook claimed as the Manager, walked down the stage to take a seat and watch with the play directors.

          Meanwhile, Jimin was on the ground smiling and looking up at the ceiling while he cupped his face. That's why Jungkook couldn't see him after they locked eyes. "H-He was looking at me!" Jimin exclaimed as Yoongi looked down at Jimin.

           "And you said you don't like him." Yoongi folded his arms and began to laugh as he held his lollipop by the stick and pointed it at his best friend. "Look at you! You're blushing so much you're turning red. You better stop or else you might trigger that... something..."

            "I won't trigger my heat like this! B-Besides.. I don't like him in that way.. He probably has someone right now. He's too famous and handsome to be single... and the only thing that makes me feel special is Jungkook holding my favorite poster! I feel a little upset yet, happy at the same time. That's the only big thing in my life right now." Jimin sat up and hugged his knees.

           "I honestly hate it when you talk about yourself like that. Losers do that and so far, him owning a poster you probably jacked off to, makes you seem like a winner. Sounds pretty cool for a fanboy."

            "Jacked off to?! No!" Jimin shook his head. "I don't want him like that, I swear! I don't want to be near him during his rut!"

            "I never said that though." Yoongi chuckled as he looked at Jimin start to stutter and grow nervous.

         "Doesn't matter, w-what are they doing right now?"

         Yoongi then turned his head to see the group was already practicing. "They are rerehearsing." Yoongi claimed as Jimin quickly stood up to look.

             "Why did you stand here teasing me instead of telling me this?!" Jimin shouted as he pressed his hands on the glass window while he squinted his eyes to stare. "Ah, why can't I be like you Alphas? Good vision on anything?" Jimin sighed as Yoongi rolled his eyes and listened to Jimin complain.

           "If there's an issue here on watching Jungkook, why don't you get out of my control room and go sit up front?"

             "I-I can't... I'm nervous! He might look at me and I might shout something I might regret..." Jimin whispered as Yoongi sighed and rubbed the temples of his head.

            "You cause me so much headaches..." Yoongi joked as Jimin smiled while he watched Jungkook practice.

            "I can't hear a word they're saying but that's okay! I can watch the performance next week... Which is like in two days and three hours from now!" Jimin said happily while he watched Jungkook say his lines.

            "Wow... You must really love this Alpha." Yoongi bothered again as Jimin turned his head towards Yoongi and gave him a sour look.

              "Stop it! I don't love him and he doesn't love me!" Jimin claimed as Yoongi threw his hands up and just walked out of the control room to watch the performance upfront. "Oh that bastard!" Jimin hissed as he watched Yoongi walk up and sit down upfront and look back to give a big smile at Jimin with his fangs showing. "I hate him." Jimin laughed as he looked up to continue seeing Jungkook's gestures and smiles. The Omega can already imagine how amazing it must be for the younger. Unaware that Jungkook hated every second playing his character. His anger didn't show and that was what made Jungkook so good at acting.

         Yoongi watched the performance and felt needles from the side of his cheek that quickly made Yoongi glace to his right and a few seats down, he caught a Beta staring at him. Taehyung watched Yoongi and didn't even plan on looking away no matter what. Yoongi broke the eye contact and looked forward to the practice and layed back on the seat like it didn't bother him. Something about the Beta made him stare at Yoongi but it didn't bother the Alpha at all.

           Taehyung smiled and shook his head letting out a chuckle as he looked up at the performance. "He's cute." Taehyung said in his head as he looked back at the Alpha. "An Alpha...? I can't tell since I can't sense that well from afar. But, I've never wanted to talk to one so badly. Does he hate Betas?" Taehyung said to himself in his mind and kept looking away to cut off the awkward tension that was growing.

             Half way through the performance, Jungkook joined hands with the woman and suddenly gazed up the control room again to look at Jimin again but then, the Omega wasn't there.  Jungkook then cut his own words off and stopped, making everyone gawk in confusion.

            "Are you okay, Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" asked the woman as Jungkook looked back at the woman and broke the hand contact.

           "I don't like this role." Jungkook said as the Manager stood up.

            "Wait, what? You just said you'll stick with it."

            "Hmm.. I know but I hate a small role." Jungkook said as he constantly kept looking up to check if the man was in the control room. Almost as if he was stalling.

            "Not this again..." Taehyung sighed and tossed his head back on the chair while Yoongi took out his phone to text Jimin.


Hey are you seeing this?

Where are you? Are
You still in the control

No I'm at the vending machine,
But I'm shoving my money
In as quick as I can! What am I

Really? You should
have told me to get it
for you.

You never get me the
right animal crackers (._.

Jungkook is acting
kinda spoiled...

What?! Why?!


            Yoongi suddenly looked up to see Jungkook overreacting for a small role and tilted his head, hoping not to text Jimin everything his idol was saying. Yoongi then checked his text notification to see Jimin texted again.

______________________________________1 NEW MESSAGE_______________

             Yoongi turned his head to see Jimin quickly run in while his hands were holding scrunched wons that failed to go in the vending machine. Jimin hurried to the control room and ran up to the glass window to see Jungkook quickly glance up and smile, turning back to the woman. "Never mind all that, I was just doubting myself. Please resume!"

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