Chapter 44: Like it's real

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            "Lovely things, huh?" Jungkook chuckled as he looked down at Jimin slowly prying Jimin's arms away only to hold his hands with his. "What made you wake up to ask about that small little thing?"

             "My dream was calm.. Almost nothing. I heard you talk to me... You told me many nice things about me and when I woke up... You were caressing me. Were you telling me sweet things while I slept?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook smiled.

        "No.. I was only looking at you.." Jungkook lied as he held Jimin's hands with his. "Jimin.. I can tell you many things to apreciate you. You're like my student so if you want to hear this to feel happy, I'll tell you." Jungkook said as Jimin blushed, feeling Jungkook hold his hand softly.

          "Please just tell me..." Jimin claimed. In his head, Jungkook would tell the Omega all about his thoughts on Jimin and the boy would grow happy at the thought of it. But now, Jimin didn't want to wait too long and wanted the direct answers. "It doesn't matter how you see me.. I want to know.. I want to hear you tell me lovely things about me.." Jimin claimed as Jungkook held Jimin's hands.

           "You're cute, Jimin. I would protect you from anything if I have to, you are handsome skin deep... You're funny and your giggles are contagious." Jungkook said as he moved his hand to pat Jimin's head. "You give me every reason to do my best in teaching you." Jungkook mentioned as he suddenly noticed he made Jimin blush. "H-HOWEVER!, I only said that so you wouldn't feel upset when I would normally say nothing!" Jungkook exclaimed as Jimin giggled and hugged the Alpha.

             "Of course you did." Jimin whispered as Jungkook felt like Jimin can see through his little lies. The truth was, Jungkook didn't want to be the reason Jimin might not reach his goal of becoming an actor. So he pushed away the feelings and decided to be serious about it. However, Jimin couldn't help falling in love with the Alpha and it showed. Jimin kept Jungkook in his arms as the younger looked up at the ceiling blankly.

          "This won't be easy..." Jungkook thought as he felt his hands move up to softly caress Jimin's hair gently. "Why do I like to do this to myself? Want to touch something that is not mines?"

              "Jungkook... I like you alot..." Jimin whispered into the hug as his face turned red, embarrassed to speak louder. "...I love you.." Jimin whispered slightly louder as Jungkook realized it wasn't a dream. "Jungkook? Did you hear that?" Jimin asked in as he raised his head up from the Alpha's chest to gaze up at Jungkook while his arms were still hugging him back.

           "Ah, you little troublemaker.... I did..." Jungkook responded as Jimin smiled and kissed Jungkook on the lips while he moved Jungkook's face closer by cupping it. "J-Jimin... Jimin..." Jungkook said inbetween the kisses to get the Omega's attention.

           "Mm?" Jimin hummed as Jungkook smiled with his strongly blushing face. "Jungkook, you're blushing like crazy... Does this mean you feel the same way?" Jimin wondered as Jungkook suddenly shook his head turning red.

           "W-Why would I feel that way? I'm only being nice to you!' Jungkook sputtered as Jimin giggled and softly pressed his head to Jungkook's chest again where he listened to the younger's heartbeat faster.

              "Your heart is beating way more faster, Jungkook~" Jimin added as he closed his eyes to rest on the Alpha's chest. "Keep lying to yourself, Jungkook..... See how you'll end up.. All sad and hurt. Please don't lie to yourself... Not like this." Jimin advised Jungkook while he yawned making Jungkook smile and look at the Omega quietly.

            "Ah, whatever. Let's just hurry up with the scene so you can get done with this one. Let's just get this out of the way first!" Jungkook insisted as Jimin rolled off of the Alpha and dropped by Jungkook's side on the bed.

            "Can we do that later? I want to sleep here more..." Jimin stated and sighed. "I get so sleepy..."

            "You have enough time to do that when you're sleeping here. But now, you are going to do what you promised to do." Jungkook said sitting up and looking back at Jimin, rolling around and refusing to move. "Ah, Jimin! Hurry up! We don't have all day." Jungkook exclaimed as Jimin sighed to himself and turned over to meet eyes with Jungkook. "Do you remember the lines?"

            "'s a few!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook pulled Jimin's body close and sat the boy up as he slowly raised the red sweater over his body. "Jungkook, this isn't part of the script~" Jimin whispered as Jungkook smiled and set the sweater right by Jimin.

             "Need to take it off eventually..." Jungkook added as he raised his hands up to kiss Jimin and lay him back onto the bed while he removed his T-shirt. Leaving the two in their underwears.

             "Tell me when to stop if I go too far with it... Okay?" The younger said while he pressed his hips forward to the Omega's hips. "Action.." Jungkook whispered in between the kiss as he positioned himself over Jimin's body so carefully. Then, Jungkook started to grind his hips into Jimin's, huffing while he was 'thrusting.' Jungkook made it sound like he really was fucking Jimin and that made Jimin wish it was real...

              Jimin arched his body while he dragged his hands down Jungkook's chest to raise up under Jungkook's arms locking around the Alpha while Jimin fake moaned. Jimin didn't feel his heat at all and knew it was the fake moaning that made his heat refuse to come. "A-AHH ahh! ahh...." Jimin moaned while he pulled Jungkook's head closer and looked as if he was getting pleasured. "Mm~ a-Ah...How much do you care for me?~" Jimin moaned as Jungkook kept his fake thrusting while he softly gave kisses along Jimin's neck and lips. "H-How much?" Jimin huffed while Jungkook placed one hand on the bed and the other down on the center of Jimin's underwear to show him softly caressing Jimin's sensitive area, hearing Jimin's fake moans. It almost sounded real and Jungkook was enjoying it.

             "A-Ah.. Mm.." Jungkook moaned while he looked down at Jimin's exposed chest and kissed it softly. Breaking out of character for that small kiss.

          "D-Do you know why I chose to do this? Ah- D-Do you know why?" Jimin moaned as he cupped Jungkook's face and breathed heavily.

       "Because you care for me..." Jungkook replied. "You came back because y-you care for me.." Jungkook huffed as he started to grind on Jimin's hips slightly faster.

            "I-I get lonely t-too..." Jimin huffed while he kissed Jungkook and moaned into the kiss. Only then when the scen was supposed to end, Jungkook was still going. "A-Ah! Ah wait!" Jimin shouted as he placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. "Jungkook... S-Stop! I-I might go into my heat.. P-Please take it easy..." Jimin pleaded as Jungkook understood and went gentle as he huffed against Jimin's neck softly.

            "Ah... I forgot that was all it.." Jungkook whispered and stopped as he gazed at Jimin for a second once he stopped. Having an urge to keep going but all he did was get off of the Omega and lay next to him while he tried to calm himself down after the fake sex scene.

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