Chapter 108: Home

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            The two were in the limo, heading off to Jungkook's other house. It was very far from where the old house use to be. Jungkook watched Jimin rest his head on his Alpha's shoulder and catch up on rest. Since the Omega was pregnant, he would crave more things and have long rests. Putting a bit of pause on his acting.

             Jungkook took off Jimin's seatbelt and moved the boy to rest on his lap and use a blanket he brought into the car in case Jimin fell asleep, to cover him. The Omega opened his eyes slightly to look up at Jungkook.

             "Jungkook.." Jimin whispered as Jungkook raised his eyebrows to signal Jimin to continue speaking. "Are we there...? I want to sleep comfortably.." Jimin added as Jungkook brought Jimin up in his arms while the boy sat on the Alpha's lap.

             "There... All better?" Jungkook asked as Jimin layed in Jungkook's chest.

             "M...mmhm.." Jimin hummed as Jungkook smiled and rolled a strand of Jimin's hair back. "Hold me close or else I might fall.." Jimin added as Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin and held him close.

           "I know, go to sleep already." Jungkook replied as Jimin made a cute smile in his sleep. Jungkook held and watched over Jimin as they were on their way to Jungkook's house.

          After a long drive, they finally arrived around 5:46 A.M and Jimin was still sleeping. Jungkook held Jimin bridal style as his driver and Manager took in the luggages and went home after. Now the couple was in the house all alone. Jungkook stepped into the house as his driver and Manager left for the day. The Alpha then made sure to wake Jimin up to see the house.

            The house was huge. There was a pool around back, an upstairs, small garden with figurines, garage, double doors upfront and the porch with nice wickered seats and a clear table too. Jungkook stepped in as Jimin opened his eyes slightly to see the spacious living room with white cushioned couches, a granite marble fire place, a big flat screen Tv hanging up on the beige colored walls. There was picture frames of Jungkook and his family and of course a big photo of Jungkook posing. Hanged up above the fireplace. The rugs were white and soft sheep coats, a coffee table at the center, lights built in the ceiling and cold air pumping from the vents.

           "You have a lovely house.." Jimin whispered sleepily as he slowly started to wake up.

            "Me? Oh no, Jimin... This is your house too." Jungkook added as Jimin looked around to see the big kitchen upfront.

           "Do you cook for yourself here?"

            "Well.. It'll be rare. I mostly order food."

             "I'll cook. Only because ordering food is not good for you." Jimin added as he got off Jungkook's arms to stretch. Giving a smile at his lover and holding his hand.

            "Are you sleepy?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded quickly.

             "I don't even want to change out of these clothes.. I want to just go to bed." Jimin added as Jungkook smiled and tilted his head.

          "Do you.. Really want to sleep?" Jungkook asked as he turned to point his body towards Jimin's. "We don't need to right now~"

            "Well..? What do you want to do, Jungkook?" Jimin asked as Jungkook raised Jimin's hands to intertwine with them. Jungkook exchanged no words as he kissed Jimin again and again. "Mm.. Tomorrow.." Jimin whispered as he placed his hands on Jungkook's shoudlers. "Not now~ Kookie I'm too sleepy." Jimin said as Jungkook had his hands on Jimin's hips.

           "... Okay~" Jungkook responded as he released Jimin and took his hand again, locked with his as he walked up to his room. The two walked into his room to see alot of posters of Jungkook and Jimin couldn't help but to giggle, knowing he had almost the same posters.

            "You really do love keeping your own posters." Jimin mentioned.

            Jungkook then chuckled as he walked up to the posters and started taking them down. "Jimin, I still have that poster you wrote on. I wonder if I should hang it up~"

           "N-NO!" Jimin replied quickly as Jungkook smirked and continued taking down the posters.

           "Alright then, get some rest." Jungkook said as Jimin looked forward to see a huge black and white covered bed that was very wide. Jimin let out a giggle as Jungkook looked back at his lover. "What?"

            "That's a huge bed!" Jimin giggled as he climbed onto the huge bed that made him look smaller. "It's comfy too!"

             Jungkook smiled and quickly finished taking down the posters as he took off his shirt, glancing back to see his Omega giggle and press his face onto a pillow. "Jimin? Aren't you going to change out of those clothes, Honey?"

          "No.. I'm sleeping just like this~" Jimin added as he closed his eyes and layed back on the bed to let out a heavy breath.

          "Alright then~" Jungkook whispered. Still holding a smirk while he went to switch off the lights. "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as he took off his pants and just remained with his boxers, walking up to the bed and climbing on to reach Jimin.

           "Mmm.." Jimin responded with a short hum. Causing the Alpha to smile and kiss Jimin's mark softly.

            "You promise tomorrow...?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded. "Oh but Jimin, it's about to be six in the morning already. Are you sure?~"

            "Jungkook... Go to sleep.." Jimin addded as he turned his head away, only to feel Jungkook point his head towards his again and kiss him softly. "K-Kookie~"

           "It won't take long, Jimin~ You'll have time to sleep.. Mm? Do you want it?" Jungkook asked as Jimin giggled and opened his eyes to see Jungkook already hovering over him, planting his hands down on the mattress.

           "Why do you always do this to me?" Jimin asked. Jungkook smiled and continued to kiss Jimin softly and quickly drop his hands down to the sides of Jimin's hips, pulling down Jimin's pants and leaving the boxers on for now. "Jungkook..." Jimin breathed as the Alpha pulled Jimin's shirt above his head and left him laying on the bed with only his boxers. While Jungkook continued to kiss Jimin, he ran his hands down Jimin's body to rest on the sides of his petite hips.

             "How do you want it? Raw?" Jungkook asked as Jimin giggled.

              "What about the pup?"

              "The pup will be fine. This won't hurt him or her... But it will hurt you. In a good way~" Jungkook whispered, kissing Jimin's neck and slowly rolling his hands down the sides of Jimin's hips, slipping them under Jimin's boxers to softly pull them down while he softly touched Jimin's rear gently. Jimin's body was soft and slowly getting hotter while Jimin was beginning to think if the hot and passionate moment the two had before when it came down to this.

           Jimin gazed up, catching Jungkook's hot gaze while the Alpha travelled his hands down the Omega's small body. Already thinking of touching Jimin. Jimin didn't care about sleeping now as his mind suddenly began to fill with the sexual desire he had for his Alpha. "Jungkook..." Jimin let out a whisper under his breath.

           "What is it, babe?" Jungkook asked, guiding his hands up Jimin's inner thighs to rub the boy's sensitive skin softly.

           "Jungkook... Please don't go too hard on me.." Jimin requested as Jungkook nodded and leaned in his head in to continue the kisses on Jimin's lips while his hands slowly began to trace to the center of Jimin's private area. Ready to arouse the Omega for the intercourse.

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