Chapter 15: Different than others

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           "I've never done this before.. I've never wanted to pity someone and treat them better than myself! This is different... Different than how I would treat others." Jungkook said as he gazed at the water, still holding back to go in it. "Today I was out of place.. I gave up a role to the Beta and wanted him fired for my jealousy. I'm just glad I didn't really go up to Manager Xin to fire Taehyung."

             Jungkook sat by the bath and folded his arms. "Am I really immature? I just want things my way... If I don't like it, I don't want it!" Jungkook picked up a black pebble and glared at his reflection through the mirror hanging on the bathroom door. "I'm upset and I don't know what I want!" Jungkook hissed as he dropped the pebble, wanting to throw it at the mirror but couldn't bring himself to do so. "I need to calm down before I trigger my Rut..."

           The next day, Jimin was excitingly packing up a small bag for work as this brought in the attention of the older Alpha. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asked as he was in full uniform now.

          "Last night, Taehyung called me and told me Jungkook accepted it! Taehyung is going to call me and send me Jungkook's address so we can discuss a schedule! I'M GOING TO SEE JUNGKOOK TODAY!!" Jimin shouted happily as Yoongi covered his ears.

            "Why are you packing sandwiches?" Yoongi asked as Jimin looked at it.

            "One's for you and one is for me. It's for lunch today and I'll need to make more sandwiches for just incase Jungkook's house is far so I won't be travelling on an empty sromach." Jimin said with a smile as Yoongi laughed to himself.

           "What if it's not far and you come home with the sandwich again?" Yoongi wondered as Jimin looked at the plastic wrapped triangle shaped sandwhich.

             "Then you can have it, only if I don't eat it!" Jimin replied as Yoongi folded his arms.

             "You better pray you don't touch that sandwich.." Yoongi said which sounded almost like a playful threat to the Omega.

             "Ah, fine!" Jimin giggled. "I'll try not to!" Jimin replied making the Alpha crack a smile. "But if I don't eat it today, you can keep it." Jimin said as he placed on his small back pack and started walking to work with Yoongi. Along the way to work, Jimin couldn't stop talking about Jungkook. Yoongi understood Jungkook was Jimin's idol, but hearing Jimin speak so fast and continuously, made Yoongi grow tired of hearing the name Jungkook over and over again.

              "And then, Jungkook-"

               "AH SHUT UP ALREADY!" Yoongi shouted as Jimin smirked and continued to talk about Jungkook until, Yoongi grabbed Jimin's back pack off of the Omega and began to dash down the street, hearing Jimin shout and attempt to follow after the Alpha.

             "YOONGI!! YOU THIEF!" Jimin yelled as Yoongi rushed into the theaters where he drashed to the auditorium and hurried up the steps, almost reaching to the control room as he suddenly dropped onto the stairs, desperately trying to climb up the steps when Jimin suddenly catched up with the breathless Alpha.

            "-Ah... H-aa.... I-I warned you!" Yoongi laughed as he kept climbing the stairs out of breath. "I-I think that was the fastest I've ran in my whole entire life!"

             Jimin snatched the bag back and laughed. "Well you should exercise more often, Yoongi." Jimin added with a giggle as Yoongi agreed, laying back on the ground while he faced the ceiling of the auditorium where there was old murals from the eras of the dynasties.  "Why are you just laying there?"

           "It's the perfect exercise. I made it myself." Yoongi claimed as Jimin laughed and walked away from the Alpha. Jimin payed no attention to Yoongi and walked to the storage room,  grabbing cleaning supplies to clean the stage.

            Towards night time, Jungkook was applying heavy cologne and wearing a loose dress shirt with indoor white shoes, white socks and black skinny jeans, he was ready to have Taehyung call Jimin and invite him over. Jungkook was combing his hair to the side thinking which hairstyle will look best on him as Manager Xin walked in to see Jungkook stressing over how he sould have his hairstyle.

             "What's with the stong cologne?" Manager Xin asked as Jungkook was about to add alot of gel to his hair.

             "Park Jimin is coming over today! The one I mentioned before, I am going to teach him how to be a good actor.." Jungkook answered as Manager Xin took the bottle of hair gel away from the Alpha.

           "Don't use this. Your hair is as good as it is." Manager Xin stated as Jungkook looked at the mirror and kept fluffing his own hair.

              "I-It's bland.."

               "That's how your hair looks everyday! And you are teaching another person on acting? What about Taehyung?"

              "Listen, you wanted me to train Taehyung at first and I had no choice. But Jimin is different from Taehyung. Taehyung is a Beta and didn't need much at all, but Jimin is an Omega-"

                "A-An Omega? Jungkook! Are you sure you want to teach an Omega? He might be on Heat one day and you might go insane!" Manager Xin worried. "What if you get him pregnant?"

               "No, it's fine. Jimin knows those days he'll have his Heat. I just hope he tells me so I can help choose the days he can come over so I can teach him." Jungkook said as Manager Xin nodded.

          "I'm glad you are opening up to teach again, but please be careful with Jimin." Manager Xin claimed as Jungkook smiled. Normally the older man wouldn't allow it for the Omega's safety but Jungkook was capable of throwing a fit like a child! It annoys the Manager into giving up and letting the spoiled Alpha take what he wants.

              "Yeah, Yeah I know!" Jungkook said as he rolled his hair back while gazing at the mirror. "Maybe I'll get him pregnant just to hear you bicker." Jungkook joked as the Manager laughed nervously.

             "Please don't do that. You are too young to even think about having sex! Think about your career." Manager Xin replied as Jungkook laughed and looked at the older man.

            "I know that already. I'm not having children until I marry and I don't want to have sex with anyone." Jungkook said as be walked over to his cabinet and grabbed two sliver earnings to wear. "Do me a favor and tell Taehyung to call Jimin for me, I want to see him now that I am ready. If Jimin has no transportation, send a driver. I want him to be here under ten minutes. DON'T keep me waiting! You know how much I hate waiting."

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