Chapter 51: A given

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              "An erotic part huh? Do you really want this part?" Yoongi asked as Taehyung nervously shrugged.

         "I-I am finally going to play a bigger role... I want to be in it but yet again.. I'm worried Jungkook will be in it. I'm scared of that guy. Maybe... He won't be in it? Jungkook isn't very fond of erotic films... or me. So maybe I'll act with someone else!" Taehyung stated as he felt slightly comfortable with the role now.

           "You still want to be in Rujiko? Ah, but you'll be busy.. I won't see you, and then I'll be eating meals on my own... Without you." Yoongi continued to make up excuses to make Taehyung stay but the Beta only chuckled and read over the story of the character. "Yota Rujiko is a twenty year old Japanese Alpha. That travelled to korea while he was travelling around the world, studying to be a doctor. Soon he came across a Korean Omega... Kim Junhi. As soon as they meet, it's love at first sight but when the alpha goes through immigration issues staying in korea for his love interest... Junhi decides to marry Rujiko! AH!" Taehyung shouted loving the story. "This is so sweet... Except for the erotic scenes. That's sour."

             "It's nice... But I don't like it.. yet you do! I won't let you down because you love the movie. Be in it. Yet I doubt I'll be on set with you.." Yoongi added as Taehyung nodded.

           "Thanks for letting me do this. I just hope the role of Junhi is given to someone like Jungkook." Taehyung added as he looked through the big script. "But other than that. I hope I memorize all of this." Taehyung claimed as Yoongi let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen.

              Soon, the Manager arrived to Jungkook's house with the script as he walked in to wait for Jungkook in the living room by now, he didn't really care if Jimin was in the actor's room. Manager Xin saw them very close now and it didn't bother him at all. "Jungkook?! I have great news for you!" Manager Xin called out as Jungkook was under the covers, sleeping with the Omega. "Jungkook!!"

           Only then, Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jimin hugging him in his sleep. Jungkook almost didn't want to get up and leave Jimin alone in bed. It made him feel a little bad. Jungkook kept hearing the manager as Jungkook sighed and pried Jimin's hands away from his body and turned Jimin over to lay on his own.
          "Mm... Jungkook... Please stay..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook chuckled and looked down at Jimin.

          "Get some rest on your own. You need to get sleep without me always here. Don't get too attatched to that feeling now." Jungkook added as Jimin opened one eye and smiled.

           "Mmm~ I'll try....." Jimin whispered as he turned over to press his head down on the bed. "-not~"

            "Ah, go to sleep!" Jungkook ordered as Jimin giggled, hugging Jungkook's pillow as he closed his eyes to sleep. Jungkook then walked out of the room, leaving the bedroom door open slightly as he walked down to the living room. 

           "Oh, Jungkook! Were you sleeping? I didn't mean to bother.. But here's your script for the movie 'Rujiko' it's perfect for you." Manager Xin added as Jungkook gazed at the script and quickly grabbed it into his hands.

               Jungkook held a smile once he read the role was part of the leading roles however, his facial expression changed as soon as Jungkook read the first words in the description that had the word 'Erotic.'  "Erotic?! Manager Xin.. You know I hate doing these!"

         "But it's just acting!"

         "I am not getting naked infront of the camera!" Jungkook exclaimed, folding his arms too.

        "Jungkook, you won't be completely naked! You'll have something covering your-"

        "Ah, I don't want this. It's not my cup of tea. Sorry." Jungkook refused as he placed the script down on the couch. "I don't like it."

          "Well... Will Jimin want it?" Manager Xin asked as Jungkook's eyes widened.

          "Of course he wouldn't! Jimin would not want to be in any of this It's erotic and not suitable for my Ji-"

          "What's that?" Jimin asked followed by a yawn as he stepped up with a blanket wrapped around his body. "Is that a script?"

          Jungkook quickly turned his head to face the Omega as Jimin walked up to Jungkook. "Oh yes... But Jimin you don't want this movie role. It's not good for y-"

           "It's a big role in the movie 'Rujiko' however, Jungkook says you wouldn't like it. It's an erotic film about a male Omega and a male Alpha." Manager Xin mentioned as he felt Jungook quickly glare at him now.

           "Leading role? That sounds amazing! I've been really good with erotic scenes and I'm able to handle it." Jimin giggled as he grabbed the script from the couch. "I told you I would love to be in any type of movie, Jungkook. This doesn't bother me." Jimin assured as Jungkook tilted his head to look at Jimin holding the script and reading the description. "That's amazing! I love the storyline! I'm an Omega too so I will fit perfectly for it." Jimin said with a big smile as Jungkook folded his arms and gave the Manager a death stare.

             "Well, all you have to do is read the lines and memorize them! You'll have your first debut in this film." Manager Xin said happily as Jungkook face palmed.

           "Thank you, Mr. Xin! You are amazing! Look Jungkook! Now you don't have to find me a role." Jimin said happily as he took the script to the bedroom to study it as Jungkook quickly turned his dark and deepened glare at the Manager.

           "What the fuck was that?!" Jungkook asked with his Manager shrugged.

           "You didn't want the role, so I gave it to Jimin. He wanted it and you didn't, Jungkook." Manager Xin replied as Jungkook sat down on the couch.

           "What ever Alpha Jimin will act with will hear Jimin's moans and see Jimin's body! He's ready for that but not me. At times I don't even think he's ready for that!" Jungkook said as the Manager started to chuckle.

            "Jimin won't act with another Alpha. He's acting with Taehyung. Taehyung will play the role of Rujiko!" Manager Xin stated as he walked up to Jungkook and patted his back. "Ah, don't worry Jungkook. I don't know what relationship you have with that Omega but don't stress about him leaving you for Taehyung! it's like what you always say... This is only acting. Not reality." The Manager added as he walked to his own room, leaving Jungkook to think on what to do about this now.

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