Chapter 61: Unscripted

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             Jungkook was silent as Jimin softly nudged him to say his line. At that moment, Jungkook was at a lost of words and forgot his lines.

          "L-Line...?" Jungkook called out as Manager Xin couldn't help but to chuckle.

          "Cut! Someone please show him the script so we can wrap this up soon." Hoseok said as Manager Xin walked up to Jungkook with his script as Jimin still layed on Jungkook. Never expecting the younger to forget his lines. While Jungkook was finished re-reading his script, Jungkook gave the script back to his manager and layed back on the tub. Ready to go again. "Ready?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook nodded and continued to kiss Jimin's neck. "Take two, Action!"

            Jimin giggled and repeated his words as Jungkook tried his best not to let these words get or him. Jungkook stopped and looked at Jimin with a smile. "I love you too. But, talking about this does worry me. I want to stay here and spend more time with you! However, I'm not sure if that'll work out just ri-" only then Jimin turned around and sat on Jungkook's lap, slightly feeling the center of the younger's cock against his ontop of the clothed bag that covered their private parts. "Junhi, get off of me~" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes.

            "Mm, no I want to sit here... I'm much more closer to you if I sit here next to you..." Jimin flirted as he kissed Jungkook. "I know a way to make you stay..." Jimin added as Jungkook raised his had to roll Jimin's hair back and wet it softly.

             "Tell me then... I don't want to leave you here but I don't want to risk getting into any trouble too." Jungkook added as Jimin kissed Jungkook's lips and softly pressed his hips forward.

            "I can marry you..." Jimin whispered. "We can get married and it will all be fine.." Jimin whispered as he hugged Jungkook. "I-It will be okay from now on.." Jimin whispered as he gazed up at Jungkook with nothing but love in his eyes. "Will you stay.. If I marry you?" Jimin asked. Jungkook cupped Jimin's face and nodded to kiss the older Omega.

           "Of course..." Jungkook whispered as he let out a chuckle. "You're touching me there again~"

            "Rujiko~" Jimin whispered as he kissed Jungkook's lips, bringing his hands up to intertwine as he made himself sit on Jungkook's area to show that he was doing the next sex position. Jungkook let out a huff as he layed his head back and allowed Jimin to ride him softly. Yet, it wasn't real so this made Jimin feel a bit off.

           "A-Ah... Ah~" Jimin faked his moan as he dropped his head down to Jungkook's shoulder, moaning and tracing his hands down Jungkook's perfectly toned abs. Jimin felt Jungkook's muscles and blushed by just feeling it. "A-AH AH!" Jimin moaned louder. "Ah- Jungkook!" Jimin moaned as Hoseok's eyes widened.

         "Oh my gosh and he did it again! CUT!" Hoseok called out as Jimin turned his head to the director and giggled. "Jimin, you didn't have to moan anyone's name right there.... You two aren't really fucking in there right?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook quickly shook his head.

           "No we aren't. Don't be weird, Hoseok!" Jungkook laughed as the Director looked at the actors, laughing along too. "Ah, you boys need to keep it together! Jimin, start off where you placed your hands on his chest."

            "Yes." Jimin replied as he looked up at Jungkook with the slight blush in his face.

            "Action!" Hoseok said as Jimin dragged his hands down Jungkook's chest and bounced his hips up and down against Jungkook while the Alpha let out fake groans and huffs while Jimin moaned loudly again.

           "F-Fuck... Ah~ I-It feels good.." Jimin moaned against Jungkook's lip and gave the actor another kiss. Suddenly, Jungkook turned Jimin over and Jimin was surprised, he didn't think this would be in the script and in reality, it wasn't! Yet, Hoseok found it interesting and let it slide.

             "Ah-Ah... Ah.." Jungkook moaned into Jimin's neck while he pressed his hand onto the sides of the bathtub to hold himself up while he pretended to thrust into Jimin until Hoseok soon ended the scene.

            "And Scene!" Hoseok said as Jungkook stopped and got off of Jimin to sit a bit far from him now. "Jungkook, I don't know what that was but it was amazing and I'll let that slide. It really shows how much power the Alpha has over the Omega!" The Director claimed as he stood up. "Alright everyone, that's all let's wrap it up and head home for the day. It was a very long day for all of us." Hoseok added as he smiled at everyone. "This marks as our first day on set!" the happy Alpha claimed as everyone was clapping and making Hoseok laugh again. "Okay get out of here before I make you all clean." The Alpha joked as everyone started to wrap up the set.

           The same wardrobe stylists took the robes to Jimin and Jungkook as they both placed it on and tried their best not to reveal too much to the crew. "...Good job, I'm proud of you on your first day." Jungkook added as he tied the robe belt around his waist to keep the robe in place. Jungkook stepped out of the bathtub as he gazed at the Omega.

          "Thank you.. It means alot." Jimin replied as he stepped out of the bathtub to leave.

           "I know it does..." Jungkook added as Jimin let out a sigh.

           "Guess I'll see you tomorrow..." Jimin whispered as he almost felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Take care and please stop drinking.." Jimin claimed as he walked off with his head down and folded arms to keep his robe closed.

           Jimin knew Jungkook was staring and it made him feel horrible. While they were shooting, Jimin almost forgot this was reality. This was their real relationship behind curtains.

            Jimin changed into his clothes and dried his hair, took off the bit of make-up and started walking home as he noticed Jungkook was talking to his manager. Jimin walked home as he still kept those moments in his head where Jungkook made that sudden unscripted sex position. This made Jimin blush and giggle to himself while he walked home. However... Along the way Jimin recieved a mini heat and luckily the streets were empty with no Alpha to be seen.

             "F-Fuck... Ah-h-Ah..." Jimin huffed as he stopped walking for a moment to feel his small pre-heat. Warning him he'll get his heat soon and that scared Jimin the most. "N-No..No..." Jimin cried as he let out a few huffs, trying to calm himself down quickly so it can go away. "I wouldn't be getting this so early... I-It's not my time yet I just had it a few weeks back!" Jimin cried.

              After a while, the pain was finally gone and his pre-heat was finished as Jimin let out a pant and dashed home in a hurry. Jimin was glad no Alpha caught his scent or else he would have been raped. The Omega hurried home and can only think of the many things he'll have to do so he can stay in his small hideout for a whole few days. Not being able to act tomorrow and more importantly, see Jungkook too.

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