"I'll make sure she won't tell you." Zuchtte ik.
"Why is it such a thing. You like him, do you?"
"You'll never know. You will say it to Cole and I don't want that to happen. Neither if I like him or don't like him."
"I just want you to like him."
"He deserves a girlfriend. And a cute one."
"Shut up. You're just like your brother. Way too much compliments."
"This was the first one?"
"The first of how many who will follow?"
"You're good."
"I know."
"Cole's a good guy too."
"I know. He bought new underwear for me this morning."
"Did he told you he is acting in a serie?"
"He showed me yesterday. I like it."
"And Jughead?"
"He's amazing."
"Cole is Jughead."
"I know. Yesterday when I said that I like Jughead he got his cap and was acting like he was Jughead."
"He is weird."
"You're twins. You're too."
"Are you watching riverdale as well?"
"I watched three episodes, because everyone said it's a great show. But it's not really my kind of series."
"You didn't watch it because Cole is in it?"
"Nope. I only watch things I like."
"You never watched each others films?"
"Nope. We support each other but we don't watch everything we do."
"You don't have a better come back?"
Ik moest lachen om Dylan zijn woorden. Nee, ik had niets beters om te zeggen, anders had ik dat ook wel gedaan uiteraard. "Why are you here?" Dylan begon een nieuw onderwerp.
"I'm sure Cole already told you."
"Cole only told me how pretty you are."
"Dylan stop it."
"I'm sorry. I just really want to be your brother in law."
"In your dreams."
"Its better than nothing."
"Pfff." Zuchtte ik.
"No seriously why are you here?"
"I forgot my keys in my apartment."
"And what about your head?" Dylan doelde op de blauwe bult op mijn hoofd.
"Bumped In to the wall."
"You're stupid."
"I'm sorry, Lynn. How did you ever bumped in to a wall?"
"That's not an answer."
"I did not bumped in to a wall."
"Heh? I don't understand."
"I bumped my head in to the table because I did something stupid and I was disappointed in myself." Verzon ik snel.
"That's maybe even weirder." Lachte Dylan.
"You're weird."
"Be nice."
"Pffffffff." Zuchtte ik. Dylan was zo vermoeiend. Hij wilde zoveel weten, zoveel praten. Ik wilde gewoon chillen. Oké, het was best gezellig maar ik had gewoon geen zin om continu ondervraagd te worden over alles wat met Cole te maken had. Al wist Dylan natuurlijk niet dat dit met Cole te maken had. Ik probeerde het onderwerp maar weer te veranderen en vroeg aan Dylan wat hij nu deed met zijn leven. Hij antwoordde dat hij werkzaam was in een restaurant en daarnaast fotoshoots deed. "I'm doing Some fun things." Was zijn vage beschrijving van het leven, wat mij liet grinniken.
New York City | C.S.
FanfictionJaylinn van der Leij, een Nederlands meisje van 21, die op avontuur gaat. In haar eentje, voor een nog onbepaalde periode, naar New York. In New York lijkt Lynn overal geluk mee te hebben, ze ontmoet ontzettend leuke mensen, heeft een gaaf apparteme...