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We zaten in de taxi. Dylan en ik, onderweg naar een restaurant waar hij gereserveerd had toen ik onder de douche stond. "Why did you tell me?" Dylan keek me vragend aan, hij snapte duidelijk niet wat ik bedoelde. "About Cole." Verduidelijkte ik mijn woorden.
"It was awful to see you with so much pain."
"Thank you."
"You love him too, right?"
Ik knikte, glimlachend. Het feit dat Cole ook verliefd was op mij maakte me wel gelukkig.
"I know. The moment you opened the door after I told you I knew it. And after I repeated my words you smiled. And actually I already thought you loved him during your stay at his place."
"O Dylan stop it. He's with Noa now."
"What do you like about Cole?"
"Why would you like to know? He's your brother."
"I'm your friend. I said it's good to talk about your feelings. I bet you never told Noa otherwise she wouldn't be at Cole's now."
"I actually told her that I have feelings for Cole."
"You did?"
"I did. When we were at his place I was talking to her and Fien over the phone."
Dylan knikte.
"I might have said, later when she was here. That I have more feelings for him that I thought and wanted."
Dylan schudde zijn hoofd. "Why would you do that? More feelings than you want? Than she thinks you don't want to be with him!"
Ik zuchtte, misschien had hij gelijk. Misschien had ik het zelf veroorzaakt dat Noa nu met Cole in bed lag.
"Everything is my fault. Isn't it Dylan?"
"No it isn't." Zei Dylan vastberaden.
"I'll tell you later. During dinner."
"Maybe... maybe it isn't my fault. Noa just likes famous guys."
Dylan moest lachen. "I noticed that."
Vragend keek ik hem aan.
"She slept with Harry. She slept with me and now she is probably with Cole."
Beiden keken we vies bij de gedachten dat Cole en Noa seks hadden. Niet perse hun hoor, maar voor Dylan was het zijn broer en voor mij mijn beste vriendin. Die wil je niet voor je zien terwijl ze seks hebben.
"Why is she even my friend. She's so weird."
"Because you love each other. You support each other."
"I think so."
"You never tried to stop Noa of dating with Cole, did you?"
"I called you once. You hang up."
"No. You didn't want Noa's heart to get hurt by the other half of the Sprouse twins."
Ik moest lachen om Dylan zijn woorden, aangezien het precies de woorden waren die ik gebruikt had toen ik Dylan op belde. "But that was me trying to stop her. And I wanted your help. But maybe it would have been more smart if I just told you the truth."
"I'm sure about that."
De taxi stopte en dus stapte ik uit. Dylan betaalde de man en stond niet veel later naast me. "Let's get food." Grijnsde hij enthousiast en hij liep voor me uit, om vervolgens de deuren van het restaurant voor me open te houden. Wat een gentlemen.

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