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"You're always welcome, Lynn. I am serious. You're a good person." Ik merkte dat het me veel goeds deed dat hij dit zei. Misschien te goed. Ik voelde hoe mijn wangen rood werden, dus snel keek ik naar mijn koffie en roerde daar in. Wetende dat ik een glimlach van oor tot oor op mijn gezicht had. "I am so sorry, for everything what happened." Ik keek weer op. Ik moest mijn excuses gewoon aanbieden, ik had hem echt pijn gedaan en dat wist ik. Dylan keek ons aan, "I'll leave now." En zonder op reactie van Cole of mij te wachten liep hij de logeerkamer in. "It still hurts. But I can understand why you did it." "So you're not mad anymore?"
"I am not. I think? I need some time."
"I understand. Besides that you have Lili now. I will leave you alone. I think that's the best thing to do."
"No don't. I don't want you to leave me. I love being around you. I really like the way you are so positive about almost everything. That you always want to do such fun things, how bad you want to win with games and I love your smile."
"Cole..." ik zuchtte.
"What? I am still in love with you. Did you thought that it would be over all of a sudden?"
"That's not what I mean. I told you that I was always thinking that you and Lili were dating, right? She will also notice if you still like me whenever we keep hanging around. It will break her heart."
"But you're so damn special, Lynn. You have no idea how you make me feel." Zijn woorden deden me op het moment even niets meer. Ik vond het irritant dat hij dit soort dingen bleef zeggen maar wel een relatie had met iemand anders. Bleef dan single tot ik er klaar voor was, eikel.
"I just can't do this Cole! I am not a person to break someone else's heart."
"You broke mine."
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I don't want to understand."
"Cole stop it. I really like you, I swear. But Lili loves you in a way I don't love you yet. Who knows if I will ever love you that much."
"If you do. I will break up with her."
"Why would you break up with her after I told you that I love you."

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