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But then, the doorbell rang.

You stared at each other.
"I'll get it..." you cut the silence.
"No, I'll ge--"
"I'll get it." You said.
He was about to say something but you cut him of with a death glare.
"Ok, go g-get it..." His voice shivered.

You opened the door. "Oh! Hey mom! Hey dad!" You greeted.
"Hello sweetie~" your mom replied.
"Who's that?" your dad said pointing at Jungkook, worried if you have a boyfriend already.

"Oh, he's a friend.."
"Really?" Your mom teased.
"Yah! Come here." You called him.

He went near you. He suddenly introduced himself.
"안녕하세요!(Hello!)I'm Jeon Jungkook!" He bowed.

"Oh! Jungkook, Y/N's bestfriend. Right? Nice to meet you again." Your dad greeted.
"Wah! You grew up already! What a handsome man!" Your mom complimented.
"감사합니다!(Thank you!)" He thanked. (Is the spelling correct?-A/N)

"Come let's eat!" You interrupted so it wouldn't be awkward.

You moved your seat next to Jungkook. You ate peacefully while your parents talk to him.

"Hey! Why are you two not talking?" Your dad asked.

Because you're talking to him, duh!

"We wasted our time talking a while ago." You replied, Jungkook just nodded. What a shy boy.

~time passed~

Jungkook checked his watch then his eyes widened. (8:30 pm)

"Oh, ummm Mrs. Min, Mr. Min, Chubs. I need to go now." He called.

You lowered your head as you put a pissed expression. He'll be dead later.

Your parents giggled at the nickname.
"Sure thing, see you next time." Your parents waved.

Both of you headed outside. You suddenly pinched his sides. "Ah! Why all of a sudden?!" He whispered-shouted. (???-A/N)

"Why did you call me like that in front of my parents?!"
"I felt like it..." He said as you pinched him again but a little bit harder.
"A-A-AH!" He groaned.
"You deserve that.."
He said sorry multiple times.

"Fine! Go home now bye!"
He thanked you and hugged you bye-bye.


He entered the dorm.

"Yah! Jungkook-ah! Where have you been?!" Momma Jin said angrily.

Jungkook knows he will be pissed in this dorm too.

"Convenient store" he lied.
"All the time?!" Namjoon asked.

He gulped before answering. "Yeah..."
"Tsss, he's lying..." Taehyung teased.
"Our maknae has a girlfriend~" Hoseok teased too.

"Where?!" They said altogether.
"At Chubs house, I also had dinner there!" Jungkook said as he went straight to his room.

They sighed in relief. They know Chubs but they don't know who is the person behind that nickname.

He went to his room. Jungkook browsed through his phone until he falls asleep.

The dorm was dark and the hyungs headed to their rooms.

Jimin is the only one left. He kept on thinking who is 'Chubs'. He sensed something fishy.

So he decided to ask Jungkook. He knocked on the door. Then, he released the door was opened. He entered but he only saw a sleeping Jungkook.

"Ok then, Goodnight." He closed the door and went back to his room.

A/N: hope you guys like this chapter. I just wrote it like right now. Thank you, love you!

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