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"It's not what you think it is" Both of you said at the same time

You stood up also Jungkook, apart from each other. "Wh-what happened?" Jimin asked.

"It was an accident. We didn't want to make that happen." You explained.

You looked at Jungkook and waited for him to speak. He looked at you expressing the what face.

"Yeah she is right..." Jungkook said but Jimin is still confused.

He ignored Jungkook. "I see you're okay Y/N so I'll go now." Jimin said seriously and went out.

You sighed and went to the couch to watch cartoons again. But you realized, why are you watching cartoons?

You turned the TV off and lied down on the sofa cuddling yourself. You feel so hot but you're still cold.

Jungkook went near you and felt your temperature. Yeah, it was hot.


"Hyung, she's so hot." Jungkook said worringly. "Yah! Are you hitting on my sister?!"

"What?! Her temperature!"Jungkook blushed.

Yoongi laughed a bit. He put down the grocery bags then went to you to check your temperature.

"Jungkook-ah, carry her to her room please. Thanks." Yoongi asked. Jungkook's eyes widened. I'll bring her there? No!

"Why don't you carry her?"
"I'm going to cook lunch. You don't want lunch?"

Jungkook carried you bridal style and grunted. Argh! Why is this girl so heavy?

He put you on your bed and grunted again. He put blanket on you.



You still get some slight headaches at school specially when your teacher is discussing.

You tried talking to Jimin but he just ignores. You asked Jungkook about it and he replied "What if we just stop seeing and talking to each other?" He was also hurt that he said that.

You were surprised and you thought it would be hard. "Well can we call or maybe  chat?" He shook his head no. It will just ruin your relationship with Jimin.

You got sad. You headed home and you called "Oppa~ where are you?" Oh right, he's at the dorm now

You're planning to go there tomorrow to visit Yoongi and Jimin...also Jungkook. You texted Yoongi amd asked their address. You wanted to make up with Jimin and talk to Jungkook, but what if Jimin gets jealous again?


Next day...

Evening came and you wanted to surprise them with a dinner, so you told Yoongi you'll go there at the evening. He said (at the phone) "We are going to go out for a bit so make sure when we get home you brought dinner okay?" You laughed.

You ended the call and got ready.


The dorm was empty and dark as you expected. You hesitated to go to the table. You cooked Samgyeopsal, and Ramen at home also Kimchi, You rembered that they are living at the schools dorm and there is no kitchen.

After setting the table, you sat at the couch and observed the things inside their dorm.

2 bedrooms? They fit in there? Or maybe at member sleeps here at the couch?

You headed to the first bedroom, where the hyung line sleeps at. It was neat but there was a lot of food.

The second bedroom, maknae line. It was so messy and you were tempted to clean it, but no. You saw Overwatch posters which is Jungkook's. You thought the room was cute, it was so immature.

The door clicked and you were not ready to face them, especially Jimin. You hid at the bathroom inside the messy room.

And mumbled words are heard.

"Woah! What is this?"
"Who did this? Is there a ghost or something?"
"Jin-hyung, did you--"


In the bathroom...

You stared at yourself in the mirror, thinking about how do you show yourself.

You heard footsteps getting louder and you're getting nervous. You remembered your wearing white pants and shoes.

You hid behind a towel so they won't notice you. Until, he entered the bathroom.



Where is Y/N? Could she be hiding? Is she scared? Why is she scared?


The boys were chatting about the dinner.

"How is it possible?" Hoseok asked. They kept on chatting until Taehyung needs the bathroom.

Taehyung headed to their room and went inside the bathroom. As soon as he got inside, he noticed the towel has legs and it was all white. Is it what I think it is? Is-is-is it a g-ghost?

His eyes were widened. And he didn't know that he peed in his pants.


A/n: Sorry guys for making it disgusting. And also sorry for my absence. Guys, do you want me to skip years to make the reader a bit old, because she is too young to have a relationship. Blame me. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thank you!

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