48-Epilouge Pt.1

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Your hands were all sweaty and you were tapping your foot rapidly as you breathed heavily.

There was a knock on the door and saw your two best friends come in. "Wah~ you look beautiful today, Y/n!" Eunbi complimented.

"Awww, my baby is now getting married~" Dahyun whined. "Guys, don't cry it will ruin your makeup." You laughed.

They also looked beautiful in peach-colored dress. "Do I look good?" You asked as they nodded.

"Jungkook might cry seeing you in that dress..." Dahyun said and Eunbi added "Only the dress..." She laughed.

You laughed as you get her joke. "3 years of relationship with him...that was fast." You sighed.

"It will continue after your marrige." Eunbi winked at you. "Oh and by the way...I want a nephew okay?" Dahyun pulled Eunbi to the door and quickly left.

Aish, pervert! You thought.

Another knock was heard and it was your mom this time bringing a small bouqet of flowers. You smiled at her through the mirror as the hairstylist fixed your hair.

"Are you ready, Y/n?" She said and you slowly nodded. She took a chair and sat beside you. "Don't be." She held your hand.

"But what if I fall? What if something embarrasing happens?" She laughed at your cute reaction. "Honey, it's okay." She said.

"You look so beautiful, dear." She said as the hairstylist put on the flower crown. "So are you, mom."

She looked at the clock. "I have to go, Y/n. Hwaiting~" She said and left.


You kept on sighing because of your nervousness. "It's okay, Y/n." Yoongi laughed. "Relax." He tapped your hand that was resting on his arm.

You breathed out and slouched. The huge door opened and your body tensed up again. "Ahh, really?" Yoongi muttered.

You couldn't hear him clearly, you were so focused on looking at people and the cameras that was clicking.

You looked at Jungkook he was staring at you, he looked up and down. When he saw you looking at him, he gulped.

You smiled at him as Yoongi pecked your head and handed you to Jungkook. "You look...sexy?" He whispered.

"You too" You whispered back. "Get ready for tonight." He said that made you blush.

(A/N: I don't really know about the things that the pastors are saying in weddings so lets just skip to the...)

"I pronouce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The pastor said, smiling.

He grabbed your waist, pulled you closer and kissed you. He stopped and the people clapped.



The boys approached you two and congratulate you. "I want a nephew." Taehyung said to Jungkook and winked at you.

"Yes, you would have." Jungkook looked at you, smirking. You hit his arm. "And I forgot to say, this is my girlfriend, Yumi." Yoongi said.

You waved 'hi' and handed the small bouqet of flowers to her hand. "Keep that for your wedding." You jokingly said.

"Actually..." She raised her hand and you saw a ring. You clapped and the boys cheered. "Jimin?" You said.

"Haha, No one." He rubbed the back of his neck. You tapped his back and pointed Dahyun from the distance. (Sorry they just look good together)

He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back as he ran to Dahyun.


"I want a daughter!"
"I want a son!"

Jungkook suddenly pushed you to the couch and got on top of you as you get nervous. "It doesn't matter. Let's just make one." He kissed you.


A/n: Hi! How are you doing? I wish you wait for the next last chapter. Hope you like it! Bye bye~

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