49-Epilouge Pt.2

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3 months later

You woke up and turned around to see Jungkook sleeping with his lips slightly parted. "Good morning." You pecked his forehead.

His arms crept to your waist and pulled you closer. "So you're awake?" You said and he laughed.

"Good morning jag--" Before he could finish his sentence you already ran to the bathroom. "Are you okay?"

You vomited even when you did not eat breakfast yet.

You wiped your mouth and went out. "I'm fine." You smiled.


"Jagi~ let's go on a date." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "Wait, but I have to do some--" He cut you off with a peck.

"C'mon, ever since we got married, you're always busy." He pouted. "Okay, I'll just get ready." You went inside the bathroom and took out the pregnancy test.

You waited for a while then, (A/n: does it beep when the result is shown? Sorry. I really dont know) It showed two lines.

You blowed your side-bangs and looked at it again. Two lines still. You cleared your throat and stood up from the toilet.

"Jagi? What's taking you so long?" You heard his muffled voice from outside. "N-Nothing."

You went out seeing him sitting on the couch playing some games. "ARGH! YOU STOLE MY KILL!" He slammed his fist on the couch.

"Let's go?" You said that caught his attention. He stood up and intertwined his fingers with you.


You started zoning out, thinking about your life.

You and Jungkook are just kids then told a promise, that came true. Jimin was your ex boyfriend, but now he became loyal to Dahyun. Maybe your not just meant for each other? Or he learned his lesson from you? (My playlist shuffled to So Far Away cover by SG, J and JK, I feel emotional) then now Jungkook's your husband then your pregnant. (A/n: sorry I skipped the other parts cause I forgot what it is)

"Hello? 911?" Jungkook said poking your cheeks. You looked at him and laughed. "We were here, maybe about an hour?"

You gasped "What?! I'm sorry." He started laughing at your reaction. "I'm just kidding, we just arrived." He said as you hit his arm.

"Let's sit there." He pointed at the tree. You approached it and sat on the bench below it. "Oh, I didn't realize we're at the playground." You said.

You looked at your lap and saw his head laying there. You looked at his eyes that were squinting. "Seungjae?" He stood up and ran to the small kid.

You saw him hugging the kid and brought him to the convinience store next to the playground. Wonder where they're going.

They came back with ice cream in their hands. They walked to the bench you were sitting at.

"Y/n~ this is Seungjae the kid I was talking about in Busan." He turned to the kid that was in between you two. "When did you move here?"

"We just moved here yesterday, hyung." He said with a cute voice. "Hi Seungjae. I am Y/n noona." The kid suddenly hugged you. "I wish I have a real sister. Can you be my sister?"

"Yeah, sure." You said and stroked his hair.

You pouted at Jungkook. 'Where is my ice cream?' You mouthed at him he gave you his and you thanked him. 'We will share.' He pouted as you nodded.

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