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I just found out Jiminie-hyung already has a girlfriend. I'm proud of him.

I saw hyung at the canteen with a girl  last Thursday. And the girl was feeding him, while the other girls (our fans) look at them wierdly, haha!

Maybe his girlfriend is Y/N...Maybe no..eh forget it!

It is Saturday! And I want to go to Y/N's apartment again. Early in the morning. Yeah...

"Jin-hyung, I'll go to her house again, ok see ya bye!" I ran outside.

Jimin POV

I heard Jungkook's voice "Jin-hyung, I'll go to her house again, ok see ya bye!"

He's referring to 'Chubs'. I decided to follow him. Maybe he wasn't far yet. Jungkook didn't have breakfast.

"Jin-hyung, I'll chase Jungkook. He hasn't ate breakfast yet." I said. "Good!" He replied.

I went out as I put on my plain-grey sweater and my cap.

I can still see him wearing his favorite sweater. I quickly chase him with fast steps. I made sure that my steps are not loud or else he will hear me. I put on my mask as soon as possible.

//time pass//

He entered an apartment building. As I took off my mask. He rode the elevator I put my mask again as I enter the elevator.

He pressed the number 6. He saw me and   he shook it of.

We arrived at level 6. He went to aprt. number 621 and pressed the doorbell.

I hid at the nearest post so he will not notice me. He looked back again. I heard the door click as I went near his back.

The door revealed a girl who is wearing the same sweater as mine, plain-grey sweater, the hood was on and it covered her eyes. I couldn't recognize her. She didn't see me either.

"Hi Jungkook!" She greeted. "Yah! Why would you cover half of your face?" I heard him say as I put on my serious face/mad face.

He removed the hood over her head and it revealed a beautiful girl. I recognize her..

A/N: Guys, sorry for the late update. I was studying for my entrance exam later at a korean school and I hate math. Ok thanks guys for the support. Thanks! Bye!

(Its morning here in the  Philippines)

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