17-Ghost (short chapter)

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The boys were chatting about the dinner.

"How is it possible?" Hoseok asked. They kept on chatting until Taehyung needs the bathroom.

Taehyung headed to their room and went inside the bathroom. As soon as he got inside, he noticed the towel has legs and it was all white. Is it what I think it is? Is-is-is it a g-ghost?

His eyes were widened. And he didn't know that he peed in his pants.

He went out eyes-widened. "H-hyung, t-there wa-s a g-ghost." He said terrified.

"What ghost are you saying? And why are your pants wet?" Namjoon asked. All what Taehyung did was point at the maknae line's room.


You heard the footsteps went out as you exhaled. Maybe he got scared? What a great disguise!

You were smiling to yourself, then you heard footsteps again. You planned something.

You brushed your hair with your fingers as you put it all over your face. You put the white towel over you and hid behind the bathroom door. Mwahahaha!


Namjoon got a baseball bat and he was the first to go in followed by Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and of course Hoseok.

Taehyung and Hosoek hugged each other when Namjoon got inside the bathroom. "There is nothing." Jungkook said.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin is inside the bathroom while the two is still hugging each other.

The five heard whispers, it is the cause of Jin leaving the bathroom and went beside Taehyung and Hoseok. The 4 boys were left and they are sticking to each other.

Namjoon looked behind the door. "YAHHHHH!!!!!" He continuously hit the so-called-ghost with the baseball bat while the ghost kept on groaning in pain.

Yoongi recognized the voice and immediatley stopped Namjoon from hitting You. Yoongi took of the towel over your head as he hugged you while patting your back, stopping you from crying.

"Hyung, why are you hugging the ghost or whatever that is?" Namjoon asked.

"She's not a ghost or whatever it is! She is my sister!" Yoongi shouted back. With that, Jungkook and Jimin were surprised.

You and Yoongi went out of the bathroom. All of them were in shock.


Jin followed You and Yoongi. Then the rest of the members inside the bathroom went out too.

Taehyung and Hoseok are the only ones left.
Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other and started to let go. They were awkward.

Taehyung looked at his pants and remembered that he peed. His eyes were wide. Taehyung escaped the awkwardness and went out. Hoseok was staring at the floor blankly.

Then he realized, he was left...alone. He looked at the bathroom and to the empty room. He started to have anxiety as cold sweat ran down his forehead. He looked at the door "Yah! Why did you leave me?" He said as he went out of the room.


A/N: Hey guyssss!!!! Hope you guys liked this short chapter, maybe not really short but hope you guys liked it. Guys do you want to skip years like what I just said at the previous chapter? Cpmment down below. Thanks! Bye!

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