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I can't fall for Jimin again....Your thoughts were cut off by your phone vibrating

You received a message from JUNGSHOOK.

"Why would he text when he could just come in the room?" You muttered to yourself.

JUNGSHOOK: Y/N-ssi, can I talk to you?

You: Why would you text? You can come at my room. Pabo!

JUNGSHOOK: Then why are you texting back?

He has a point, though.

You: Forget it, just go here.

A few minutes, he opened the door. "Can you knock?" You asked and he closed the door. He knocked "Can I come in?"

You opened the door. "Seriously?" He smiled bitterly. "Why do you look gloomy?"
"No, I'm not." He faked a smile.

"I know your not okay." You crossed your arms. His face dropped and his shoulders got heavy. "I'm sorry."

You patted his back motioning him to come inside. "Sorry for what?" You both sat at the bed. You felt something wet on your clothes. He is crying.

"Tell me to stop this. This is all wrong." He started murmuring. "What do you mean?"
"About Ara, please tell me to stop."

"Jungkook, I know about her, but why do you want to stop? Your her boyfriend right?" You said even if it pains.

"Between us, it's not serious. It's all fake. She wanted me. I didn't want her." You got confused. "Jungkook-ah, do you mean when I saw you two..err..is fake?"

"She started it...I didn't want it, I didn't want her, I didn't want her money, but I have to help my parents..." He moved his head to your lap.

"Money? Help?" You were confused all of a sudden. "Jungkook-ah...what do you mean?" You said as he shook his head adn closed his eyes.

You let him stay there for a while. You stared at his features and played with his hair then you released you were smiling to yourself.

You cleared your throat, he opened one of his eye, "I know what your doing.." He opened one of his eyes. "What? I was doing nothing?"

How did his sadness fade away real quick...unlike me😅


One month later

Jungkook broke up with Ara a few days ago and things got more worse. She always hurt you in school and only your friends know....except Jungkook.

Sometimes when Ara hurts you, then Jungkook saw she always acts like it's always your fault.

Like when she was pushing you in the rooftop. Then Jungkook saw, she started lying like "Y/n, I told you it's dangerous there." Then she pulls you back in.

With Jimin? You stayed as friends. Taehyung? He has a crush on you.
Jungkook? He is now courting you.
Ara? She is still a bitch.
Yoongi? Still sleeping.


You went to their dorm, since Jungkook lives there now. You entered "Y/n!" Jungkoom ran to you and embraced you.

They all waved at you. Namjoon is your teacher-friend now, whenever math is hard he always teach you.

You sat beside Taehyung. "Annyeong, Taehyung-oppa!" You waved, he blushed as a small smile appear in his face. "Oppa? Really?!"

You nodded as he hugged you. "Yah! V-hyung! She is my girlfriend!" Jungkook pouted. "Not yet." Taehyung continued to hug you.

"Why are you so cuddly?" You piched Taehyung's cheeks. "What about me?" Jungkook pouted and went to you.

"Awww...you're such a baby." You said as Taehyung went to his phone. "I'll let you two talk."

Jungkook held your hand and led you outside the dorm. "Where are we going?" He didn't answer and just kept dragging you.

You two ended to the playground where you two played when you were young. "Why?"

"I just want to bring our memories back." He looked at the empty playground. You looked at him and said. "Your it."

You ran around the playground and he was running behind you. You know he can catch up easily, he is a fast runner.

You felt a pair of hands on your waist and you were pulled back. Your hands landed on his chest and his arms were wrapped around your waist.

He was smiling widely as he scrunched his nose. "Wae?" You looked at him innocently. He leaned in and kissed you.

You were surprised but you quickly kissed back as you wrap your arms aroud his neck. You feel him smile in the kiss. "So does that mean it's a yes?" He pulled out.

You nodded and he leaned his forehead on yours. "I've never felt so happy in my life."

"Psh, you're lying."


A/n: hello! Is the chapter okay? ...I couldn't think of a topic. I'm really sorry if it's boring. Sorry I wasn't active yesterday. Thank you!

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