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"Answer me!" Jungkook shouted at her.

"O-of course the truth that she hurts me many times at school, how she humilitated me in front of school." She said, faking a cry.

"No!" You shouted. Mrs. Jeon was about to cut in but Mr. Jeon stopped her. "You're the one who did this all to me!" You shouted in her face.

You looked at Jungkook's parents. "Please listen to me because I swear! I wasn't the one who's hurting her!" You let your anger out to prove that the victim was you.

"Ara has been thinking if ways to get rid of me from Jungkook. She tried pushing me from the rooftop, and slapping me in the lockers!"

"No! That's not true!" Ara held your hand as her nails digging in her skin as if she was warning you. "She's lying!"

You pushed her away slightly and rolled your eyes. You glared at her then turned your attention. "Then the worst thing is, she tried to stop me saying this things to you by doing this" You showed your arm with her nails marked on it.

Their eyes widened as they look at Ara. She approached Jungkook's mom and tried hugging her. "Everything she says is wrong."

"And I saw what Ara did to Y/n, even her friends." Jungkook said, "Ara is a liar, she is switching our roles here. I'm the victim." You lowered your voice.

"You say I'm not worthy of him, because I'm at the lower class unlike Ara, but I have to disagree with you on this. I love Jungkook, because of the person he is." You said as Jungkook pulled you into a hug.

"Well done, babe~" He whispered in your ear. You grinned and hugged him back before pulling away.

Ara was still trying to convince Jungkook's mother about what you said is all a lie. "Ara can you stop?" Mrs. Jeon said annoyed.

"I fully regret that I wanted you to marry my son, Ara. Now can you please go out of my house." Mr. Jeon said. "No! Please! She said the opposite of the truth!" Ara tried but failed.

Jungkook's parents gave her a cold stare which made Ara leave. Jungkook smiled at you and you smiled back.

"Y/n, dear...I'm really sorry." Mrs. Jeon approached you. "It's okay Auntie." You smiled warmly.

"Don't call me Auntie anymore, call me Mom from now on." She said. You looked at Jungkook then back to Mrs. Jeon.

You bowed politely. "Okay, Mom..hehe" You said awkwardly.


You entered your hotel room, where you and Jungkook stayed in Busan. "Wow this is a big roo-- one bed?" You asked Jungkook.

He winked at you. "Yah!" You hit his arm. "We're not married!"

He dropped the bags on the floor and said. "We will be, soon." You blushed.



You were fixing your clothes in your bag then you felt a pair of arms around your waist. "Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"This..." You referred to the clothes and continued what you were doing. "Pay attention to me, the clothes can wait~" He whined.

You looked at him and said "Such a baby." You pinched his nose. He turned you around so you were facing him, you were shocked by his sudden action.

He looked at you with serious eyes. "First of all, does a baby do this?" He whispered in your ear then kissed your earlobe to your jaw then to your lips.

You felt his hand under your shirt, "Second of all, want to continue?" He said teasingly, his face were just inches apart from yours.

You gathered yourself up, trying not to blush. "Not today, baby boy." You pecked his lips.


A/n: yes thats it! Did you feel the feels or is it just me? I kind of lost some of my innocence in reading JRoekie's stories....haha yeah😅 (go check out her stories)

Did you guys got confused in this chapter?

Thank you! I hope you liked the story!

Now, what's next?

Ps. Not yet the end...😊

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