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You noticed Jungkook has been on his phone the past 2 weeks.

He always smiles whenever he types. You asked him once but he replied with 'just a friend'. Why do I worry so much?

You miss your talking, laughing, arguing and other things.


You opened the door. "Jungkook-ah, wanna hangout today?"

He seemed to hesitate, he looked at you then at his phone. "Oh, if you don't want to, it's okay" you gave him a small smile and was about to close the door.

"Wait, no, it's fine, we can." He looked at you. You gave him a smile again as a


You hair was up to a ponytail, and there was also a cap, you wore a black tee and leggings. You also brought a small bag.

You wore a black head to toe outfit. You went out of your mom's room, finding Jungkook waiting for you with a black sweater and black ripped jeans. "What a coincidence?" He said.


You were walking out of a toy store...yeah Jungkook bought a toy. "You really bought an iron man figure?" He nodded, smiling like a kid. "I even had an iron man underwear last time." He laughed.

You scoffed. "Wanna go to a cafe again?" You raised your eyebrow. His cheeks turned pink, remembering your 💋. He nodded slowly. "Ah, giyowo~" You pinched his cheeks lightly as he smiled, showing his bunny teeth.


You entered the cafe and you ordered 1 iced americano for Jungkook. You're not in the mood to drink coffee. You were blank that you didn't notice you were staring at Jungkook.

He looked back at you with flirty eyes. "What are you looking at?" You released you were staring at him. "Oh, haha...I-I uhh,  w-was thinking of s-something.." You blushed.

He giggled at you. "Let's go?" You said trying to break the awkward silence.


The thought of laying at your bed made you want you go home so bad. "Let's take a stop at the park first." Jungkook said. "Ah! Jeongmal! I really want to go back home! Please?"

Jungkook looked at you with puppy eyes. "Ugh! You go there and I'll go home okay? Bye!" You waved. He headed to the park at the same time you turned around.

You were walking, not far away from where you and Jungkook splitted. You can see a familiar figure in a distance. You stopped on your tracks and recognized the man, Jimin. He was like a kid enjoying the wind.

You ran back to Jungkook, Thank God he hasn't walked far yet. "Psssst!" Your teeth grinded at each other. "Yah! Jungkook-ssi!" He turned around, surprised.

You ran to him then covered his mouth. "I saw, I saw--"

"You saw who?" You looked back and saw Jimin getting closer. You grabbed Jungkook's hand and walked together holding hands as if you're a couple. "Wha--"

"Oh hey, Y/n." Jimin put his hands on his pockets, scanning you two. "Hi, Jimin!" You shot a fake smile. "What's that?" He pointed at your hands, sounding jealous.

"Oh this," You paused. "We're dating." You looked at Jungkook who has his eyes almost popping out. "Riiight?" You gave Jungkook the 'look'. "Yeah.." He held your hand tightly and kissed it, making Jimin hurt.

"Ahh, I see." Jimin grinned. "How about you? I bet you went out with a million of girls already?" You said casually even though it hurts you inside. "Oh, more that that." Jimin gave a look at you then smirked.

"It's getting late, we really need to go. Bye!" You said rushing even if its just 12 in the afternoon. He gave you an evil smirk Y/n, you're making the biggest mistake


A/n: Hello! How was the chapter? You should hear Jimin's beautiful voice at the ending of 'So What' 😊. Did you hear Singularity Instrumental? It's like...IDK how to explain but...thank you!

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