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You thought clubbing is the best way to forget things. You called your best friend Dahyun and Eunbi to invite them. Eunbi wasn't allowed. Dahyun was free, so it was just you two. (A/n: Eunbi doesn't drink....but she'd like to)

You wore denim pants, a white shirt and a red and black checkered (?correct me) sweater. You also brought your purse for your phone and some money. You know your alcohol tolerance is low but you didn't care.

You met Dahyun on the way then you walked off together.


You arrived at a club named 'Club Avenue'. (A/n: this is a true place but its just for fictional use...dont take it seriously)

You and Dahyun got the blueberry flavored soju. You finished one bottle and you felt kinda dizzy.

Dahyun has a high alcohol tolerance, so she doesn't get drunk easily. You tried to stand up but your legs are wobbly. Dahyun asked where you going
"Dance." You replied.

Later, Dahyun saw you dancing with a boy. He's kinda holding your waist and you're just dancing there like nothing is happening.

Dahyun called Jimin on your phone.
"No, this is Dahyun. We are in Club Avenue in Gangnam-Gu. And Y/N's totally drunk and she's dancing with a boy, but it seems like she doesn't know."
"Ok I'll be there"


Jimin arrived in 10 minutes and he saw You already. He ran and punched the guy and the guy fell down on the floor, eyes widened. Gasps are heard. Then the guy ran outside.

"Y/n! Let's go!" He pulled you and Dahyun.
"Woohoo! Let's dance!" You said, still drunk. "Y/n be quiet!" Dahyun said.


Jimin dropped You and Dahyun off to your house. Dahyun said she's going to take care of you, so he'll not worry.

Ding dong~ (A/N: haha, Jungkook)

"Ayo! My name is Y/n! Wassup?" You said, drunk. "Y/N! Stand up properly!" She scolded. Dahyun flinched when she heard the door open. "Oh! Annyeonghaseyo." She bowed to Yoongi.

"What happened?" Yoongi looked at you as you keep saying the phrase. He cringed.
"Oh, she's drunk." As she said that Yoongi let her in. "But, how?"

"She invited me to go to a club, because she wanted to drink and she want to forget her problems then when she finished a bottle of soju, she danced...with a boy and she didn't know, then I called Jimin, then he punched the guy then he dropped us here..." She explained.

"ARGH! WHAT HAS GONE IN THIS GIRL'S MIND!!" Yoongi scratched his head. "I'll go home now, I'll just visit her tomorrow morning." Dahyun stood up.

"You can sleep at her room, I'll just let Y/n sleep at my room." Yoongi said. "How about you? Where will you sleep?"
"Here in the living room..." he said as he went up to fix the rooms.


You woke up in a unfamiliar room. You tried to sit down then you got a headache. "Argh! What happened?" You groaned as you held your head.

A knock came from the door. "Dongsaeng, are you okay?" Yoongi asked. You hummed in response.

Yoongi sat at the edge of the bed "Still mad?" He said not even looking at you.

You hummed again. "I'm sorry okay? I was just surprised." He looked at you. "It's okay..I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." You looked down.

"Oh, by the way, Dahyun slept here last night. And the breakfast is ready." He said as he closed the door.

He opened it again and said "And make sure you feel better now so I can go back here in my room ok?" You scoffed at him.


A/n: Ok that was it guys! What a long chapter. My twitter account is so funny I really laughed at it...I have 40 (+) tweets the only 3 followers, (one of my follower is my dad...Thanks dad!) 😂😂😂😂😂😂..BTW thanks.

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