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You woke up with swollen eyes. Jungkook laughed out when he saw you. "You look so ugly, Y/n!" He kept on laughing. You rolled your eyes at him.

You came back at the dining table and ate breakfast with Jungkook and Yoongi. "Hey, do you want me to drop you off school?" Yoongi asked and you nodded. "You have school?" Jungkook pouted.

"You want to drop Y/n at school?" Jungkook nodded like a kid. You looked at Yoongi with furrowed eyebrows. "He wants to spend time with you..."


You finished bathing and putting on your
Uniform. You headed up to your room to fix your things. "Uhh...Jungkook, aren't you gonna wash?" He looked at you. "I'm not going to school." He said and continued to playing on his phone.

"Yah! You stink!"
"You're not my mom!" He stood up and got his towel.

15 Minutes passed...

He entered the room with a towel on his waist and on his neck (that used to dry his hair) "Wha--" You looked away, blushing. "C-can you put s-some c-clothes p-please?"

Did I just saw his bare body? He has a-abs? Wake up Y/n, wake up! You mentally slapped your face.


He dropped you at school. Remember Ara? (She has a crush on Jungkook) She saw Jungkook drop you off. You waved bye and walked in the school gates.

She slowly walked to you. "Yah! Are you two together?!" She said grabbing your arm tightly. "Hey, hey calm down, he is just my friend...close friend" she let you go and stomped out. Damn..that girl is a maniac


Dismissal time...

You put your book back in your locker with your two bestfriends. "Well, well, well...look who's here? The three ugly ducklings?" You heard Ara say arrogantly, followed by forced laughs. Aww poor girls...

Dahyun slowly looked at her "Oh! The ugly popular girl is here trying to start a fight again." She said crossing her arms. You sighed and closed your locker. "Dahyun, Eunbi, let's just go." They walked ahead of you.

Then suddenly your hair was pulled back. "OW! LET GO OF ME!" Your scream got the attention of the students. "How dare you walk out rudely like that to me? I'm not yet finished with you!" She said still dragging you. Your two friends tried to stop her but she didn't budge.

Ara's sidekicks picked a fight with your bestfriends. Ara stopped pulling your hair but she made a slap on your face. Your tears fell.

She was about to slap you again, so you closed your eyes ready to receive the slap. But she didn't. You took a peek, you saw Jimin holding her wrist. She started wiggling her hand out of Jimin's grip.

"What are you doing?" She screamed. "Don't ever touch her!" He let go off your arm. He didn't notice that you ran already.


You went home, tears still falling. "Y/n?" You looked at Jungkook who was going down the stairs. "Y/n, why are you here? I was about to pick you up." You ran and hugged him. He was shocked by the sudden hug.

He took you upstairs. "Why are you crying?" You shook your head. "You remembered Jimin-hyung huh?" You shooked your head again. "You just cried all of a sud--" You cut him off. "Can you stop?" He stopped.

Jungkook's POV

I went out of her room since she told me she needs some alone time. I felt my phone vibrate. I saw a text from an unknown number.

"Hey Jungkook! This is Ara. Can you meet me at the park please?"

Oh, Ara. The shy girl who has a crush on me. I wonder why.


I saw a girl sitting at a swing as I approached her. "Hey, Ara!" I waved kindly at her, toying with her, why not?

She stood up. "Oh! J-jungkook, you c-came!" She put a hair strand behind her ear.

"Why do you want me to meet you here?"
"I just want to confess something to you."
"Oppa, I like you, I mean I love you. Would you be my boyfriend? Please accept me."

I mentally cringed. "I'm sorry Ara, I don't think of you like that." I stood up and walked away.

"I'll pay you!" I stopped my tracks. "I don't see girls for money."

At night...

My phone ringed as I answer it. "Hello?"

"Jungkook-ah~" A girls voice was heard amd she sounded down. I looked ta the caller I.D and saw Mom❤.

"Wae, Eomma?"

"Someone stole money from your dad's bank account, and was empty. We don't have money anymore, only pocket money"


"Honey, can you help us?"

"Eomma, I'll try."

"Mianhae Jungkook-ah"

"Mom, it's okay"

"Okay honey be safe" She said and ended the call.

Do I accept Ara?

End of POV


A/n: GOODBYE ARA! GO TO HELL YOU BISH! I think comments will be like this. Nah I'm kidding.. thanks bye!

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