36-Lipstick Pt.2

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You turned to your right and saw an unpleasant sight.

They were doing the same, just like Jimin and the girl in the dorm. MY VIRGIN EYES!

You looked at the guy..."J-Jungkook?" You said a little bit loud. They stopped. The girl saw you and you saw her wearing a revealing dress😝.

You just stood there still holding the glass but your hand was super shaky. "Noona? What are you doing here?" He said.

The girl...Ara headed to the door and bumped your shoulder. You turned around slowly with the water and was about to go up the stairs.

You were stopped by grabbing your shoulder. "Y/n..I-I--" Before he could explain you splashed the water to his face.

WHY DOES THIS KEEP ON HAPPENING TO ME?! You thought, tears falling.

"Y/n, open up!" Jungkook kept on knocking on the door. "Y/N!" He is banging the door that made you stand up and answer it.

"What?" You crossed your arms. He held your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss. But       you pushed him away and banged the door close on his face.

Good thing, Oppa and Eomma is not here. Last whole month he was talking to me, protecting me, comforting me and everything he did was for me and that made my feelings grow back for him. And this is what I see?

You thought, burying your face on your palms. Sobbing loudly that made you sound like a walrus. You were just recovering from a heartbreak and now another heartbreak.

It's like a puzzle, one more piece to complete but you accidentaly bumped it and it broke to pieces.

Your good memories flashed back to your mind. You heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Yoongi-oppa." You quickly wiped your eyes and put on a smile. "Hi!" He saw your eyes red. "Were you crying?"

"No, when I was washing my face then water came into my eyes and I was scratching it." You lied.

You don't want to see your best friend having a black eye. "Where is Kook?" He asked. "In his room." You said putting a smile again.


A day later

Yoongi went back to their dorm and your mom was trying to find a job. You was left with Jungkook again.

"Y/n-ah, I heard there will be a thunderstorm this night? Will you be okay?" You were scared of sudden thunders, you were a scaredy cat since you were a kid. "Ne, Eomma."

"Okay, Kalkaeyo. (I'll go now.)" She said waving bye.

"Y/n-ah, can we talk?" You heard Jungkook say. You got your earphones and plugged it to your ear playing loud music so you wont hear anything.

He took one of it and took it off. "Please?" You got a headphone beside you. You took the bud from him and plugged ut to your ear again then put on your headphones.

He kept on tapping your shoulder that made you annoyed. You took your head phones and earphones. "What do you want?!"

"Can we talk?"
"I don't want to listen to your shit, Jungkook." You said, looking at him coldly.



The rain was heavy, you two didn't talk to each other the whole day. You were about to plug your earphones...again but a thunder striked and made you startle.

The second strike and now, it made you scream. You put your knees up to your chest and your hands covered your ears.

It kept on striking and you kept on screaming until you ended up hiding in your closet. "Appa..." You cried.

Your father always comforts you and sings a song to you whenever your scared, even when your already a teenager.

You cried like a lost kid looking for her parents. The closet door opened and you saw Jungkook. You went out and hugged him. You sobbed and sobbed until you choked😂.

"Yah, are you okay?" He laughed as he pulled out. You glared at him.


You were sleeping and Jungkook was there until the rain stopped, he was holding your hand and singing a song.

He felt guilty for what he did. He put your hair behind your ear and admired every feature you have. "Tell me to stop." You can hear his voice faintly.

"I still love you."

"I didn't want to fall on her trap."

Who is her? You thought as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Tell me to stop talking to her."

"To stop pretending to be her boyfriend."

"Tell me to give the--"

"Oh! Jungkook-ah. Was she okay?" You heard your mom from behind.

"Yes, she is sleeping so I should go." You felt his hand leave yohr and that made you upset.

"Okay, jaljayeo (good night)"


A/n: just finished writing this whole chapter...I almost ran out of ideas..but I'll make sure to make it. And not stop it like my story last time...if you're trying to fins it I deleted it already. Thanks! Bye!

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