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You were reading a book at the couch and the guys are minding there own bussiness.

You stood up to wash your hands, Jimin was there in the kitchen too. "Y/n, would you mind if I hug you?" You got scared, do yoy want to get touched by your ex?

"Why?" You asked as you released he was blushing. "I think you forgot to put something down there." He said pointing at the ...

You followed his finger and saw blood, then there you remembered it is the day of your period. (You are wearing white pjs)

"Uhm, you dont have to I have a jacket to cover it up." You took of your jacket, leaving you into your undershirt. Jimin cleared his throat and continued playing on his phone.

"Woah...what is this? Is this blood?" Taehyung grabbed the attention of everyone. You looked at him and at the object he was pointing at.

Oh. My. God. You looked at Yoongi that has his eyes widened. You made eye contact. "What do I do?" You mouthed him.

You approached the couch and quickly grabbed the book then went inside the room. "Sorry!" You shouted.


You went home with Yoongi and got welcomed by your mother. "Mom! Your bruises are healing now!" You hugged her.

"Of course dear. Now, I'll just prepare dinner." The both of you nodded.

Ding dong~    😁

"I'll get it!" You said and forgot to look in the peephole. You opened it and your wrist got grabbed. "Y/n."


A/n: really sorry guys for this short chapter, the next chapters will be short also. I hope you guys like it. Thank you!



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