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(Before we start the chapter...I want you to tell me which cover is better. The one Im using recently or the pic at the last 2 chapters or this one...I know you guys commented, but I want you to tell me too. I want you to enjoy the cover too and not only the story. Plus I cant decide😂 Title spoiler for my next ff)

You walked out, you were still holding hands with Jungkook. You looked back until Jimin was out of sight. You sighed
forgetting about your hands still together.

"Uhh, Y/n?" He said, referring to your hands. "Huh? O-oh, I-I'm sorry." You stood away from Jungkook. You were quiet, same as Jungkook.

Jimin's words kept on flashing at you mind..."I bet you went out with a million of girls already?"

"Oh, more than that"

More than that?

Is he saying the truth?

Or is he just saying that to hurt me?

I'm so confused!

Your tears threaten to fall...again. You walked slower at the thought of Him and The girl in the dorm. Jungkook was already ahead of you. "Hey Y/n, are you okay?" He said looking at you. "Oh yeah" You took a deep breath.

"I think there is something bothering you."
"No, I'm fine." You waved your hand 'no'.


You entered your house and quickly ran into your mom's room. You locked so no one will bother.

"Y/n, mom will go out first and buy groceries okay?" Your mom said softly at the door. She knows about your heartbreak and she understands you. "Okay mom. Take care." You sniffed.

Your eyes felt like waterfall, tears never stopped falling. Your phone ringed as you answered. "Y-yeobeoseyo?" You choked.

"Y/n, this is Mrs. Jeon. I enrolled Jungkook at your school again, can you help him?"

"Ne, I-I will" You sniffed. "Is there a problem, honey?"

"Uhh, eobseoyo." You lied. "Okay, take care." She said and ended the call.

You threw your phone on the bed and started crying again. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" You wiped your eyes and sniffed.

"나야. (It's me)" You stood up and tried to put on a smile. You opened the door. "Oh hey, what do you want?"

He smirked and said "I want you."
"Yah! Jungkook!" You said and blushed. "Ha! I know you still like me!"

"No! Not anymore! I have a different crush now...and he is...uhhh...Taehyung...Oppa~" You smirked at the end but at the same you regret saying Taehyung.

His smirked faded when you said Oppa. "Yah! Why? Are you jealous?" You teased. "Taehyung-oppa~ Taehyung-oppa~ Taehyung-oppa~" He pouted. "I want you to call me Oppa too."

"No, I'm a 4 months older than you! (A/n: is it May?), so you call me Noona" he smirked. "Okay...Noona." The way he said it made you flutter.


3 days later...

The words that Jimin said "Oh, more than that" has been bothering you at school, at home, in public, even when you sleep. Crying is the only solution to forget him....but after, you remember again.

"Y/n, Y/n." Mrs. Lee kept calling you, you noticed all the students attention is on you. "Ne?"

"Who is the first president here in Korea?"


Lockers...why not?

"Phew, at least I answered it." You sighed. "Of course you would! You are like the top student in our class!" Eunbi complimented. "You're also the smartest in class!" Dahyun nodded.

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" You heard asoft voice coming from behind. You turned around and saw Ms. Seo, your adviser.

You nodded and looked at your friends before following her. "Waeyo? (Why?)"

"Y/n, your grades are going down lately. You are the top in your class. What's happening?" She asked as you looked down.

"T-there was just a lot of unexpected things that happened in our family, a-and-" You pursed your lips.

"I-it's really hard to get over it." You continued, referring to your heartbreak. Ms. Seo wants to ask about it but she wants you to recover from...depression?


You and your friends were walking out, they were ahead of you. They know what your teacher talked about. (A/N: Jungkook: Bang PD...talk about😂😂)

Then suddenly you felt a hand cover your mouth and you were dragged away from your friends...


(A/n: who do you think it is? Is it...secret~
Thank you guys!...Title spoiler for my soon fanfic sry for wrong grammar)

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