20-Just a Crush

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Every morning, you wake up slapping your face, the scene where you fell on top of Jungkook kept on haunting you.

You started to have a crush on Jungkook but just a bit...you and Jimin barely talked. The last time you talked to him was at the dorm.

You sometimes compare Jimin to Jungkook...like;

Jimin is a cute mochi
Jungkook looks like a baby
Jimin is a pervert
Jungkook is...sometimes

Mostly you just get surprised by the last thing you'll say:

Jimin is your boyfriend
Jungkook is just a-- friend--no--just a c-crush?

Confusion takes over you. You want to meet up with Jungkook and talk to him.


You and Jungkook entered a cafe. You ordered your beverages and sat at a table.

"What are we going to talk about now?"
"I just want to confess something Jungkook, I know its wrong but..."

"Jungkook remember when the kitchen thing happened?" He nodded slowly. "I started to have a, umm you know...to you?"

He was surprised but at the same time he liked it. "But, it's wrong. I have a boyfriend and I'm having a crush on someone. What if he found out? Will he kill me? Will he break up with me? Will he--"







His eyes were closed and he looks like he really mean the kiss. You couldn't move, you were shocked, your eyes widened, you don't know what to do. Your mind was empty, you feel nothing, the only thing you can feel is his lips.

He pulled out and he looked down immediately, he was shy, embarrased, and his mind was in adrenaline rush. He was shocked too.


Jimin was walking to your house, he ringed the doorbell but the one who answered was your dad.

"Annyeonghaseyo." He bowed down politely. "Is Y/N there?"
"Are you Y/N's boyfriend?" He nodded in response. Your dad liked his attitude. "Oh, she went out with Jungkook and they went to a cafe over there." He pointed to the cafe were you went.

"Oh, 감사합니다!" He replied with a smile and bowed again to your father.

He was walking and he can see the cafe in a distance. He is getting near, until he saw two familiar figures kissing, he looked closely. He dropped the bouqet of flowers, his eyes were widened. He saw Jungkook kissing you.

He felt his heart break to a hundred of pieces. He left and went back to their dorm leaving the bouqet laying at the ground.


A/N: sorry I'm not really active.  When I'm writing the Jimin part a sad song started to play in the radio hahah. This is the  only thing I could make while I'm bored. I'm writing a new chapter just wait.

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