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"Y/n, Saranghae"

"Y/n, I want you back"

"Please don't leave me"

"Let me explain"

"Understand me please"

"Y/n, I love you"

You woke up, panting. You have been dreaming of Jimin the past 3 days since Jimin saved you from Ara. "No...I can't fall for him again" you mumbled.

A part of you wants him but the other one doesn't. The words started to replay agin in your mind and you can see his face, sad and crying, it makes you hurt.

You don't want to see him like that. You kept shooking your head to forget but you can't. You covered your ears as tears started falling. Leave me alone!

You stood up getting a glass of water but your hand was shaking so much that you accidentaly dropped it. The glass broke into little pieces. You looked at it, tears still falling.

You sat down hugging your knees. "I don't wanna live any more." You whispered to yourself. You stood up and got a knife. You rolled your sleeve up and sliced the knife on your arm.

You didn't feel the pain, the only pain you felt is the pain in your heart. The scene at the dorm kept on flashing at your mind. You just watched the blood drip. You were about to slice your wrist but your arm was pulled back by someone.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" He asked. "Jungkook." You said and hugged him. He brought you to your room. "I'll call Yoongi-hyung" He stood up but you pulled him making him drop on top of you.

You two were so close to each other. You can see his eyes so wide like the owls. "Don't leave me." You said weakly. He stood up and cleared his throat "I won't." He went out. (A/n: but he just left...duhh)

You saw him enter the room again with your brother. You sat up properly. "Y/n!" Yoongi hugged you and kissed the top of your head. "Are you okay?" He said worringly.

You nodded and felt your tears threatening to fall again. Jungkook put the first aid kit on the bedside table and headed to the door. "Wait, why?" Yoongi asked. "Ask her" Jungkook pointed at you.


Jungkook's POV

I was woken up by a shattering glass. I furrowed my eyebrows. In the middle of the night? Seriously?!

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I hesitated to go down. Is there a robber? I don't wanna die please! My mind panicked and it's saying no, but my body says so.

I heard a mumbled voice. I looked at the couch, Y/n's not there! My eyes widened. I hope nothing happens to her. I went back in my room and got my baseball bat.

There I saw in the kitchen a broken glass and a girl. I walked closer and recognized her, she was trying to kill herself. I pulled her back before it was too late. "Y/n! What are you doing?!" I asked facing her to me. "Jungkook." She muttered and hugged me.

I brought her to her room, where I sleep and let her lay down on the bed. "I'll call Yoongi-hyung." I said and stood up but she pulled me back making me lay on top of her.

We were so close that I couldn't breathe properly. My eyes were wide and I think I can see the whole house from here. "Don't leave me." She whispered. I stood up amd cleared my throat trying to get away from the awkwardness.

"I won't." I said and went out (A/n: uhhh but you just did). I would be always with my bestest pwen. Always.

I went down to get the first aid kit then headed to Yoongi-hyungs room. "Hyung" I knock on the door, he might be still awake. "Come in." Haha, told you.

"Hyung, Y/n--" He took of his headphones and ran out of the room. I followed him. He went in and suddenly hugged her. "Y/n"  He kissed her head. I want to give them a "moment", so I put the kit on the bedside table and headed for the door.

"Wait, why?" Yoongi-hyung asked. "Ask her" I pointed at Y/n. I want to let her spend the night in her room sooooo, I'll just sleep at the couch instead.

End of POV


School, in the canteen...

"Yah! How's Jimin and you?" Eunbi asked, squealing. "Oh, right. I haven't told you yet." You replied, smiling. "Huh?" Dahyun was confused.

"We. Are. Over." You slow clapped. "How? I am the biggest fan of you two!" Eunbi teased. "Stop, there is no us anymore." You laughed.

"Tell me. What's the story?" Dahyun asked and you told them everything. "You live with Jung--" You slap Eunbi's arm. "Be quiet. Ara might hear us."

"Do you still have a crush on Jungkook?" Dahyun whispered and Eunbi nodded. "What? No! Not anymore. I've seen a lot of handsome boys for a year AND I haven't seen him for a year." You said that made Eunbi laughed.

"Do you really have to highlight those words?"
"Uhh. Duhh" you replied. Dahyun asked you if you want to have another relationship. "What? Why the heck would you say that? I'm in trauma righ--" They got their bags and waved bye.

"Uhh..Y/n see ya." They said sounding terrigied and left. "So, you really got over me huh?" Oh Jimin..... "Oh hey. Nice to meet you!" You said pulling your hand out, asking for a handshake.

"You really are bad at acting." Aish. You slowly pulled down your hand. "By the way, what happened to your arm?" You looked at your arm, you forgot to pull down your blazer sleeve. "Oh this, its an accident. W-when I tried to pick up the broken glass that I dropped." You lied.

"How did the glass drop?" He knows that you tried to kill yourself. "Oh, my hand was wet and slippery."
"Because of?"

"I washed my hands befor--"
"Before?" You started feeling annoyed. "GO BACK TO YOUR GIRLS, YOU JERK!" You gave him a tight slap on the face then ran off.


You entered your house panting. Your tears tried to threaten you again. Jimin...I lo--hate you! Leave me alone!

A loud knock was heard. You wiped your eyes and answered the door. "M-mom?"


A/n: good? Chapter? Good chapter? Thanks!

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