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"Jungkook?" You called.
He bowed suddenly "I'm sorry, I think you're mistaken." He said, head down.

"Can you p--" He ran downstairs.

Hmmm, wierd...

You sat at the bench, and started to read the book.

You reached only 5 pages and started dozing off. You checked your watch. 12:48, time to go.

You went down and you're just right in time.


//In the dorm//


Arghhh!! That was close! She almost caught me! I hate my life! &#?@"÷(@;×*@! Sywmsvslgsowwoaheorrixsonwpwge eisnab! Should I tell her already? No! Should I tell the truth? Mayb-No! NEV--

My toughts were cut of by a knock on my room door.

"Come in.." I said, unoticingly still staring at the floor.

"You look like your deep in thoughts, heh" And that was Jimin.
"Ah, hyung. Why you here?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh, I want to ask you something."
I hummed in response.

"I've been thinking of who is 'Chubs'?" He asked. My eyes widened as I got nervous. "Uhh, a friend..." I lied.
"Be specific, Jungkook." He said wanting me to say the truth.
"Chubs is a she. She is my childhood bestfriend. Ok?" I said and continued. "Now, may I excuse you." I stood up and headed to the bathroom.

"YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK! OPEN THE DOOR! YOU'VE NEVER BEEN RUDE TO ME...wait maybe not...EXCEPT WHEN YOU'RE TEASING ME WITH MY HEIGHT!" He kept on knocking at the door until he heard me say "Sorry, I'm going to take long! I'm sitting at the toilet!" I lied.

But, I'm sitting behind the door. I know I've never been rude to Jiminie-hyung, except with his height, Haha😅.

I heard the door slam close. Oh no! I'm in trouble, I made hyung mad. He is worse when he is mad, like Y/n. But they're different... (A/N: they are tottaly different, they dont have the same gender, duh)

When Y/n is mad she beats up people. When hyung is mad, he doesn't communicate with the whole Bangtan or maybe he locks himself in the bathroom.



//dinner at the dorm//

We sat at the dining table in the kitchen. My seat is always beside V-hyung and Jimin-hyung. But now I asked Suga-hyung to sit at my left side and let Jimin-hyung sit beside Hobi-hyung.

While eating, Suga-hyung whispered to me. "Why do you want me to sit here? Do you have a problem with Jimin?"

"What? No, I just want you to sit there. Hehe" I lied. He hummed in response.

I went to V-hyung and whispered. "You okay hyung?"

"Uh, yeah. I was just thinking of something." He said.

Jimin-hyung finished his meal and threw the box since Jin-hyung ordered from a Chinese restaurant. "Good night." He said bitterly.

Their face cringed after Jimin-hyung entered his room.


Jimin POV

Why did Jungkook suddely became rude? He's never like that, when talking to him then suddenly leaving the conversation.

Tommorow (Friday), I'll just ask Y/n if she knows 'Chubs'. What if Y/n is 'Chubs'?

A/n: sorry, update is too slow. I just can't think of a topic. But thanks for being patient, and thanks for reading this. Love you!

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