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It has been a year since Jungkook left. You're still in a relationship with Jimin but he suddenly became wierd. He rushes sometimes when you're on a date.

You ask your brother and the other members about Jimin. They also don't know what's happening to him. You talk barely. You are the one who is asking for dates and it seems like your pushing him.

You think he's cheating but you always shrug it off. And sometimes he doesn't want to talk about your relationship. He always get nervous.

You decided to ask him. You went to their dorm.


Bangtan except for Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook met up with you in the nearest cafe to their dorm.

"Guys...do you find something suspicious with Jimin?" You ask. "No, but sometimes he always go out at night." Jin replied.

"How about if we give you two an alone time so you can talk at our dorm?" Namjoon suggested.

"Yeah..why not?" Hoseok said. "We will just leave the door open whem we go out." Taehyung said.

End of Flashback

You opened the door and you were right.


Jimin POV

I was watching TV as Jin-hyung went out of their room.

"Jimin-ah..I will be out and buy groceries." Jin-hyung said as he headed out.

"Jimin-ah...me and Taehyung will go to the library first to study math okay?" I nodded and they headed out.

"Hyung..don't tell me you'll leave to.." I said to Hoseok-hyung. "I'm sorry Jimin but I'll go to dance studio and practice. Your in charge of the house now okay?" He said and left.

"I'm bored..." I sighed. An idea came up and I got my phone immediately. I went to contacts and called "Babe...I'm alone~" I said.

End of POV


Jimin was making out a girl. (A/n: Maybe you are thinking...How did she know that word when she is only 11 y.o? I saw that word on a story then I searchef the meaning in google...I was really disgust but seriously, I'm innocent)

He probably didn't see you enter. "J-Jimin" You called. They immediately stopped as the girl shrieked. She got her shirt and went out. Eww, she doesn't have a shirt on...

You can't speak. The only thing you can feel is your tears. "Y/n, I can explain." He said walking up to you.

"You don't have to explain, I saw everything Jimin. We're over!" You shouted and ran outside.

He ran after you. He caught up as he caught your wrist. With the force he turned you around to face him. He saw your tears.

"Let go of me!!" You shouted. You didn't care even if people are watching you. "Y/n, please lis--"

"I don't want to listen to your lies Jimin." You cut him off. Your heart was full of anger and sadness.

He pulled you for a kiss but you slapped him tightly as his head turned to the impact.

You ran away and went to a park you don't even know where. Your tears kept on falling. You got your phone from yoir pocket and called Jin.

"O-oppa, can you meet me at t-the same c-cafe y-yes-sterday?"

"Okay, I'll tell the other members. Do I call your brother too?"

"Oppa pl-ease n-no" You said stuttering as you ended the phone call.


You brought yourself up as you went to the cafe. You waited for 5 minutes and the 4 of them came. Jin sat next to you as the three sat together.

"Y/n, what happened?" You can't speal but you did. "He i-is..." You said as tears fell.

You felt a warm hand at the side of your head, it turns out Jin's hand. He put your head at his shoulder.

"Cheating?" Namjoon asked. You slowly nodded your head as the tears fell uncontrollably.

"I also told Jungkook, he said he booked a flight and he will be arriving tomorrow." You were shocked at Hoseok. "W-what?"

"You need comfort" Taehyung said. The other members nodded. "Thank you." You said. You finally got rid of your tears.


The boys dropped you home. Yoongi opened the door and asked "What happened?" He saw your eyes red and puffy.

Taehyung put his fists at his eyes making a crying face. "Why?" Yoongi asked again. "Let her tell you" Jin said.

Yoongi brought a glass of water. Your parents weren't home, they went to an overseas business trip.

"Jimin." You said coldly.
"What about Jimin?"
"He--he--is c-chea-ting" You said as yoi cried once more.

"WHAT?!" He shouted. He started clenching his fists.


A/n: hahahaha sorry Jimin...ARMYs still luv u don't worry, and get ready for Yoongi.

Thank you guys! Wait for the next chapter.

Congratulations Bbies! You won Billboard again for the second time! Keep going you can do it!

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