21-First Kiss

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You went inside as you lean on the door. You touched your lips, he stole your first kiss. You thought your first kiss will be at your wedding.


Jungkook was sitting, drinking his coffee. He's smiling to himself while the kiss started to replay on his mind. But the thing is, Jimin might find out and beat him up.

His smile faded and felt uneasy. He looked at the glass window and saw a bouqet of flowers at the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows and wondered; How is it there?


You got out of the bathroom after washing your hands. You saw Jungkook looking out of the window.

You sat at the chair and drank your juice. He sat properly as soon as you came back.

You took a glance at the glass window and saw the flowers. Those are your favorite flowers, Roses.

You felt bad and you were tempted to get it. But you just decided to ignore it.


Jungkook walked you home. As you got in, you went straight to lock yourself in your room.

You changed to comfortable clothes and browsed at your phone. You opened SMS and went to Jimin's contact.

Hey Jimin! How are you? 😊

There is no response, but mostly he responds immediately when you send SMS to him. You started to worry.


Jimin was staring at his phone while laying at his bed. He kept on seeing your messages asking about him. 10 missed calls and 20 messages that Jimin hasn't answered.

He was crying the whole afternoon, all of the members were worried. Yoongi heard the news and went home. Jimin felt down, sad, depressed, heartbroken, and angry.

He heard the door open. "Hyung! Why are you staring at your phone like that? I bet, you have been staring at your phone for hmmm...about an hour!" Jungkook said jokingly.

Jimin didn't laugh. Jungkook was confused, Jimin always laughs at Jungkook. "Hyung, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" Jimin answered annoyed. Jungkook tried to make another joke but he did not, Is hyung serious?

He buried his face in his pillow and screamed in anger. "Hyung, why are you so mad?" Jungkook asked worringly.

"Get out!"

Jungkook didn't want to make his hyung more angry. Same as Jimin, he doesn't want his dongsaeng to be hurt.

Jungkook slowly closed the door. "Jungkook, what happened to Jimin? Why was he screaming?"
"I don't know he just got angry all of a sudden..." Jungkook replied. "Do you know why he was like that?"

The members looked at each other, then looked back to Jungkook. "It's you."


A/N: Yay! Next chapter coming soon!😄😄😄

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