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Jimin went to their room and lied down at his bed. He looked at Jungkook's bed and said "Where did you go Seagull? I'll visit Yugyeom tomorrow and I'll see you."


Yugyeom is Jungkook's closest friend and Jimin thought Jungkook was there.

He rang the doorbell at Yugyeom's house. "Yugyeom! Long time no see!" Jimin gave him a bro hug. "Jimin-hyung! Why are you here?" Yugyeom asked.

"Is Jungkook there?" He asked that made Yugyeom's smile fade. "No...he didn't tell you that he went to Busan? Hmm..that's wierd?"


"Hyung! Jungkook *pant* went to Bu-- *pant* san." Jimin said while panting. "We know." Jin said. "How come I did not know and you even lied that he was at Yugyeom's house?!"

"Jungkook told Yoongi to keep it from you and Y/N. You might tell her and she will get hurt." Jin replied. Yoongi told them before Jungkook went to Busan.

"Please don't tell Y/n"


"Yebo~ Lets move to America." Jungkook overheard his parents. He barged in their room. "Mom, Dad! Please no! I don't want to move there!" Jungkook shook his head.

"Jungkook" His mom called. "Is there something bothering you? Tell me." Jungkook hesitated at first "Mom, Dad...You know Y/n right?" They nodded.

"I didn't tell her that I went here, I don't want to see her cry. I did it because I love her...but she already had a boyfriend, Jimin-hyung." His tears fell... (A/n: sorry for this lame statement)

Mrs. Jeon hugged her son. "It's okay. Do you want to go back and spend time with her before we go to America?"

"I don't-- I don't know" He said stuttering.


A month has passed and Jungkook is back. He looked so worried whenever he talks to you. "Jungkook, are you okay? Is something bothering you?" He smiled at you and shook his head no.

You already know he went to Busan without telling you, but you just ignored it. Jimin has been beside you and your relationship stays strong.


Your family, and Jungkook's family are having a dinner at your house. Yoongi was talking to Jungkook's brother then your parents were bonding.

"We've been thinking, to move to America and Jungkook will study there." You felt your heart hurt as you loomed at Jungkook who was looking at his meal, eyes widened.

You suddenly lost apetite. "Mom, Dad...I'm full" You looked at your parents. "Wow! You just ate half? First time!" Your dad teased as your mom elbowed him.

You bowed politely and went straight to your room. You flopped on your bed and your tears fell. You burried your face in the pillow then screamed "JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!"

You heard a knock on the door and you thought it was your brother cause he will borrow your laptop. "Come in" Your voice softened.

You heard a familiar voice "Y/n" Ugh! Jungkook! You started throwing pillows on him and he dodged all of it.

"Go away." You said dead serious. You covered yourself in your blanket and got your phone from you pocket. Your only savior, phone.

"Yah Im so--" you cut him off. "Go away" he  took the blanket off but you pulled it up again. "Y/n~ let's make the most out of the week." Your world stopped, he'll leave in a week?! You took the blanket off amd looked at him.

"You can't just leave me like that right? I know you won't leave" You cried like a lost kid as he pulled you into his chest and carresed your hair.

He started humming to a song that made you stop crying. "It's okay I will come back , and you won't loose a friend "


A/n: I can't think of a chapter...hmm whats next?

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